All Chapters of LADYS GUY PRINCE DOUGLAS: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
664 Chapters
Chapter 181
Chapter 181 At the main entrance, we were asked to give way to the incoming car. That car had a lot of people in it both ladies and gentlemen. We looked at them and we went away. In the car, Prof said it was Mayfair who told him what had happened to me. He said that the martial arts competition comes off this evening. They wanted to know if I have a sound mind and if I was feeling well physically to compete for the school. I remained silent for some time to read from the minds of prof and his lecturers. I told them that I was ready to die for the school. Really, Prof asked and I responded yes. That is good of you for your mentality. They drove me to New town and I alighted in front of Dr. Derek’s residence and they continue to the central university campus. Rosaline was already in the house waiting for me. She couldn't hide her excitement when she saw me. I rushed to have my bath and had some fruits to enjoy to my satisfaction. I l
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Chapter 182
Chapter 182 I entered into the disposition, quickly my mind was opened up and I caught the plan. I saw that I could fly directly to the top of the mountain if I am too close to the mountain and then climb in a vertical position. But the more serious thing was that the woods around the mountain was too thick and it would be difficult to pass through. I checked my time and I had used about forty-eight minutes. I summoned the woods to give way to me. Just as I said that I could see that I could pass through the woods. I didn’t delay I drew nearer to the mountain and flew in a vertical position towards the top of the mountain. I felt tired but there was no way I had to rest. My speed was reduced but I had to try. I closed my eyes and moved as I raised my hand to pay the way. I felt weak and tired when I opened my eyes I was at the top of the mountain. The land on the mountain could take me about three days to search for the horse. I gl
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Chapter 183
Chapter 183  I saw that Rosaline has been called by the leadership of my school to ask her about my whereabouts. I heard Rosaline saying that she hadn’t heard from me again. I heard her clearly because of my background as a chanter. Indeed it was not something they could take it kindly because when they took me from the Karami Barracks I was brought to Dr. Derek's residence and the daughter of Dr. Derek who is closer to say that she hasn't heard from me was not easy to comprehend.  The beautiful twenty ladies saw Rosaline and they were asking and signaling to ask her about my whereabouts.   The mc for the program was about to be introduced. I heard there was an announcement
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Chapter 184
  Chapter 184    The various universities that have registered to part take in this unique maiden event are  The Institute of Professionals  The Academicals  Kings University  Queens University  School of Science and technology  North Park University  The School of Medic
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Chapter 185
Chapter 185  It is now the time to introduce the one hundred and fifteen contestants from the campuses of the twenty-three universities in the Indo continent. As I said all the contestants with their enchanted beast can fly and land on the battle platform. It is not an abomination that a contestant might not have gotten his enchanted beast now. But if you have yours nothing stops you from bringing it to the battlefield. They all add color to this unique program. So give is the opportunity to see the type of goldy beast you have.   Now introducing five contestants from the institute of professionals. With applauds, they landed at the battle stage with the flag of their school flying high across the stadium. F
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Chapter 186
  Chapter 186  All the ladies are in the same style of dress and designed in the same way. Oh my God, these ladies are really beautiful. They all carry the flag of Central university. This is too beautiful; indeed, Central university has brightened the environment with beautiful ladies you can’t avoid looking at them for the second time. Look at their curvy shapes and their hair. I never know that Central University has beautiful ladies like that.     Here come the contestants of Central University they are all flying in the air on their black horses. How come that all the four contestants ride on the same black horse. What
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Chapter 187
  Chapter 187  Ladies and gentlemen with the hand of applauds shall we welcome the vice-chancellor of the central university Professor  Martin Leeward as he brings his address and the reason why we have gathered here this day. There was a standing ovation. A few minutes later the stadium was as calm as ever. All the students invited guests,s and all those gathered wanted to hear much about this interesting competition.    My speaker, honorable members of Parliament, fellow chancellors, the leadership of various universities, lectures, students, invited personalities from various sects in the continent, students, ladies, and gentlemen present.
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Chapter 188
  Chapter 188  I eat to my satisfaction and find someplace to rest. Though I have had enough rest yet I continue to rest because it was not my turn. I could hear the yell from the stance. The roar continues for some time so I turned on my phone to watch what was happening. I couldn’t hide my excitement because the fight was continuing.    I saw that it was the turn of Central university versus the University of Health and Allied sciences. I prepared myself and then joined my colleagues. One of them asked My Prince are you awake? Yes, I responded. I encouraged them to fight hard so that we can leave a good legacy for our scho
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Chapter 189
Chapter 189  The next person lost miserably, he couldn’t make any single attack. The opponent beat him hard so he was bleeding through his nose.  The atmosphere wasn’t good for central university because they had lost all their contestants in the second round.    It was my turn. When I went into the battlefield my opponent from king’s university said he was going to finish me in time because all my group members had lost. Right at the beginning of the whistle, he wanted to finish me indeed. He attacked me more than seven times. He jumped into the air and I also rolled into the air. We crashed with our hands and he landed on the floor.
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Chapter 190
Chapter 190  We were called to appear on the battlefield. Just as the guy from Royal university appeared he just said you are too handsome to fight you can go and enjoy yourself with your ladies. Because they are seriously waiting for you.  Because this is the battle for the survival of the fittest. You are fit to be with ladies but not like me he said. I looked at him and didn’t alter a word. I remained calm and had my plan in my head. I scanned him to see that he was a conjurer.    The whistle was blown and I decided to go for the killer because he was talking nonsense. I was mad and there was no time to wait for him to continue his nonsense.  I rolled in the air and sustained in the air my opponent d
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