All Chapters of Graycorts : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
191 Chapters
Bk 3, Ch 37: Kimia
I was sitting in the GLE house with the rest of the sorority. It was the first time I’d been there since Rose and I were drugged, and I was not comfortable being back. However, Sarina told me I needed to be here for this meeting since she was enacting her plan to oust Chelsea.  “I know you don’t want to be here, or tell everyone what happened in high school, but they need to hear it,” Rina said as she squeezed my hand. “They need to know why you didn’t come back.” “Do they though?” I whispered. “If my suspicions are correct, then yes, they do,” she answered. Chelsea came into the room followed by her minions. Yelena, I noticed, looked a little di
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Bk 3, Ch 38: Nate
Thanksgiving came around all too soon. Ray left early so he would get a night by himself with Sue, and the rest of us flew out Wednesday morning. With Rachel coming with us, Jimmy and Rina were the odd wolves out, and stuck next to each other on the flights. Rina wasn’t happy about that, but Jimmy was thrilled. Me? I was terrified. It was one thing to tell Ma she was going to be a grandmother when she couldn’t easily kill me. It was another to face her in person after telling her. I’m sure to have some passive aggressive words waiting for me. Kimi’s parents might actually kill me. Then there are the Braedons. Mrs. Braedon scares the shit out of me, and she loves Kimi like a daughter. “Relax,” Kimi placed a hand on my leg as our plane touched down at the airport nearest Aspen Falls. “They&rsqu
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Bk 3, Ch 39: Kamron
“I don’t get why I have to sit in the middle when I’ve done nothing wrong,” Rina complained as she buckled her seatbelt. “You’ve got the skinniest butt, Sis,” Ray stated. Mom glanced at us in the rearview mirror. “Kimi’s pregnant, so she gets shot-gun.” Kimi turned and stuck her tongue out. “All the more reason she should be squished. Her or your tattooed son,” Rina grumbled. “Don’t worry, my darling good child, your time will come,” Mom smirked. “Mom!” Ray and I exclaimed. Kimi just shook her head
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Bk 3, Ch 40: Rose
“My babies!” Mom squealed as Sue and I entered the house before nearly choking us around our necks. “Oof! Mom! It hasn’t been that long,” Sue grumbled.  “I know,” Mom said, “but with only Mallory wandering around, it’s boring.” “Mom exaggerates,” Mal said from the couch. “Glad you two are back, though. Please distract Dad!” “You’re still not supposed to be dating until you’re thirty!” Dad shouted from where he’d disappeared in the kitchen.  I plopped onto the couch next to my little sister. “So, what did you do to piss off dad?&r
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Bk 3, Ch 41: Rayan
Grandfather was coming to Thanksgiving, and we were going to introduce him to everyone. Fan-fucking-tastic. The night before, Sue tapped on my window in the form of an adorable fox. She had amazing reddish fur, and the softest tail I’d ever felt. “You know, I would have let you in the front door,” I told her when I opened my window to my basement room. She took a great deal of pleasure in flicking that tail around me. “Careful, Susan. I’m very tempted to pull it.”  I sat on my bed, and she climbed onto my lap. She put her forepaws on my chest, and began to shift. “What if I wanted you to pull it?” she asked in a sultry voice. I had my best friend, my perfect woman, stradling me naked. I was naked as well, since I expected her visit. 
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Bk 3, Ch 42: Sarina
“There’s something a little wrong about doing Thanksgiving buffet style,” Jimmy complained as he helped me spread table cloths on the tables in the multipurpose room of a church near my house. I smirked at him. “Poor baby. Are your traditions going out the window this year?” “A little. Starting with inedible food not being served,” he grumbled. I laughed at him. “Not a fan of your mother’s cooking?” “Oh, no. I’m a huge fan of her cooking. I just know that it’s an acquired taste,” he grinned. I rolled my eyes at him. “You are such a weirdo.” 
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Bk 3, Ch 43: Kimia
“Fine,” Uncle Faridoon slammed his hand on the table. “If there is evidence against my son, then he will be tried. Our family name will be dragged through the mud, and we will be disrespected among our kind. Is that what you want?” “What I want are children who are responsible for their actions,” Grandfather bellowed. He pointed at me. “Look at Kimia. She was abused, had her virtue forcibly taken, and has rebuilt her life with a boy who is more of a man than Matteo.” “Yeah,” Matteo scoffed, “a boy who knocked her up.” “Like Fari did to your mother, pup,” Uncle Jaspar chuckled and Aunt Blythe smacked his shoulder. Grandfather sighed.
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Bk 3, Ch 44: Kamron
The rest of Thanksgiving break flew by quickly. There was an awkward moment one night when Sue, Rina, Nate, and I all faced each other in various forms on our way to other places. I assumed that Sue and Nate were sneaking into Ray and Kimi’s rooms, because I was on my way to Rose, but I have no idea where Rina was going. She was back in time for breakfast. Once I had gotten into Rose’s bed, and was cuddling her, I sighed. “I’m so glad we’re going back to school tomorrow. I’ve hated sleeping apart from you.” She kissed me and reached for my manhood. “I’ve hated that, too.” After that, we made love and fell asleep. Our parents dropped us all off at the airport Sunday morning so we could all be back in time for school.
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Bk 3, Ch 45: Kimia
“Do you have any pregnancy tests left from when you found out you’re pregnant?” Rose yelled from the bathroom.  I rolled my eyes and grabbed my backpack. “You’re not pregnant, Rose, but they’re in the cupboard under the sink.” “Thanks, and you never know,” she called back.  “What makes you think you’re pregnant?” I asked her. “And hurry up! I don’t want to miss the bus!” She came out a minute later, and was rushing to finish getting ready. “Can you check the stick in another minute or two, please?” “Are you fucking serious?” I can&rsqu
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Bk 3, Ch 46: Rose
How the hell was I going to tell Kamron that I was pregnant? My stop was just after Kimi’s stop, and I was a nervous wreck for lunch. I don’t think I concentrated on anything my professor talked about. I was probably going to have to borrow someone’s notes later.  I was on my way to my next class when my phone buzzed alerting me to a text message. I was afraid to look in case it was Kam. I didn't want to talk to him yet, but I had to see. It was from Kimi in a group text. “911. Come home NOW!” “Shit,” I swore. I raced toward the bus stop, and started to panic internally. “Deetz?” I sent in the group text. There wasn’t an answer. Soon I was on the bus,
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