All Chapters of Graycorts : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
191 Chapters
Bk 3, Ch 57: Jimmy
Without Saoirse and Rachel, our trip to Aspen Falls was done in one van, all seven of us switching out driving, and one night in two hotel rooms. I shared a room with Ray and Rina. She didn’t find it amusing when I suggested we cuddle again.  I have to admit that waking up knowing she was in my arms was pretty, well, unexpected. I had respected her decision to avoid guys that may want more than casual sex from her. I had a bad feeling that I’d be one of those guys. I’ve been attracted to her since I first laid eyes on her. She’s been running from me just as long. I’m also just not a cuddler. I know it’s not very wolf-like to dislike cuddling, but I am not usually a fan. I’d humor the few actual girlfriends I’d had over the years, as well as the good fuck, but when I wake up, I&rsqu
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Bk 3, Ch 58: Rayan
My mother greeted us at the door the minute we got home. “Here’s the rules for the next two weeks,” she started.  “Do we need rules?” Rina asked with a smirk. Mom grinned. “Not you, dear. Unless you plan on sneaking out to meet a vampire, again.” Rina paled a little, but rose to the occasion. “Don’t worry, I broke that off.” She quickly ran up the stairs to put her shit in her room. “I’m going to go for a run,” she announced.  “Now, for the rest of you sex addicts,” Mom turned back to the three of us left. “I don’t want you three sneaking out and jumping into bed with your other halves. Tonight, every one
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Bk 3, Ch 59: Nate
“Ma,” I called as I entered her house, “I’m home for the holidays!” She came running out of the kitchen, and started to pelt my face with kisses. “Oh,” she squealed, “I missed you so much!” I laughed and hugged her back. “I missed you too, Ma. Where are the girls?” “Since Saoirse is with Rachel’s family,” Ma started to walk back to the kitchen, “lovely girl, by the way, the girls are staying with Jimmy and Nancy.” That surprised me. “So, I’m here with you, then.” “And I’m expecting Kimia to be sleeping in your room tomorrow,” s
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Bk 3, Ch 60: Sarina
The run in the snow was definitely needed if my mother was going to lay down rules about sex in the house. Ugh. I miss sex. I sort of want a boyfriend, but I just can’t do the emotional attachment that comes with them. Even the last two guys I slept with started to get clingy and wanted more than I was able to give them. Part of me is pissed at myself for actually asking Jimmy to sleep with me a few weeks ago. I was surprised when he told me that he’s actually sort of looking for something deeper than just sex. Then I woke up on his chest with his hand on my breast, so of course he didn’t let me live it down. Jerk. Still, I had a minor revenge by attacking him on my run. I may or may not have thoroughly enjoyed knocking him into a snow drift. The sound he made when I knocked into him was hilarious!&nb
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Bk 3, Ch 61: Kamron
“Suck it, loser!” Rose shouted as she killed another monster. We were at the nickel arcade on a date, and I was getting creamed by my beautiful girlfriend. “I would so kick your ass if we were at home,” I grumbled.  She laughed. “Only because you can cheat there.” I blasted a monster. “Like you don’t?” “Rose? Kam?” a voice called from behind us. I was distracted and lost my last life. “Shit!” I swore before turning around. “Oh, hey, Amanda!” “I didn’t expect to see you two here,” she sai
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Bk 3, Ch 62: Rose
“So, my beautiful fiance, when should we tell our families?” Kam asked as I laid on his chest in the back seat of his parents car. Car sex is definately not comfortable.   I didn’t even bother opening my eyes. “When we get caught.”   He chuckled at that, and kissed my forehead. “Do you actually think your parents are going to let you sleep alone?”   I sighed. “No. They’ve already turned my room into a home gym, and they’re using Sue’s room for storage. The three of us have to sleep in Mal’s room, and she thinks it’s hilarious.”   Kam moved me off of him, and helped me straighten my clothes before he pulled his pants back up. “So, that leaves my room. Are you okay shifting and flying to me, my love?” &
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Bk 3, Ch 63: Kimia
“Why are you still home?” Kam asked me when he came inside with Rose I was lounging on the couch watching a movie, and just generally being lazy. “I’ll be at Nate’s during the evenings, and here during the day. I came home to see my family, after all. How was the arcade?” “Oh!” Rose exclaimed. “I forgot we went there today.” she started giggling, and covered her mouth with her left hand. I glanced at them, and saw the solitaire on her ring finger. “Holy fuck. You horny bastards, you got engaged.” Rose excitedly sat next to me, and wiggled her fingers. “It’s a temporary ring. Kam is going to look for the real one later.”
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Bk 3, Ch 64: Susan
I giggled at Ray when he pushed me against the door to a hotel. “You know, I feel like a ten dollar hooker whenever we hook up here,” I said between hot and heavy kisses.  He hummed into my mouth, then said, “I think I have ten dollars. If I give it to you, can I do whatever I want to you?” “Baby,” I said in my most sultry voice, “you can do whatever you want with me for free.” He grinned, and ground his pelvis into mine to emphasize his erection. “Really,” he said before opening the door to our room. I spun around to enter, and he smacked my ass. Hard. Fuck! It was a turn on! Before I knew it, I was naked and writhing in pleasure on the bed. Ray has that effect on me, and he is one hell of a lover.
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Bk 3, Ch 65: Rayan
“Those little shits!” Sue swore next to me. She’d been texting Rina about our engagement so she wouldn’t get sworn at when we told the family. Let’s just say Rina didn’t take it well when she found out Sue and I had been dating for years. “Who?” I asked right before pulling into my parents’ driveway. She sorted. “Your brother and my sister decided to get engaged today. Probably so they can have sex at your parents’ house.” I started to laugh. “How much do you want to bet Kam forgot to talk to your dad?” Sue started to laugh. “Do you really think he’s that stupid?” 
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Bk 4, Ch 1: Kimia
“What the hell do you two have in your mattress?” Kam complained as he and Jimmy moved Saoirse and Rachel’s mattress to their new apartment on the floor beneath ours. “Gold bars?”   Saoirse chuckled when they passed her. “I wish,” she said. “We just keep our rock collection there.”   She and Rachel had packed up most of their things before we had returned to school from winter break, but they’d waited until we’d come back before really starting to move. They wanted the extra hands, and the literal “man power” of the guys to help move the furniture. I knew they weren’t going far, but they’d both become like sisters to me over the last few months.    I was helping Nate dismantle their bed. “When did you two start collecting rocks?” he asked with a smirk. &n
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