All Chapters of Graycorts : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
191 Chapters
Bk 4, Ch 2: Sarina
 I grinned when my phone rang a few minutes before I went to bed. Since I found that fun box of toys Jimmy gave me, he’s been annoyingly persistent at calling me every few days. Still, I found that I was enjoying his conversations. So, I accepted the call. “You know I’m trying to get ready for bed, right?” I greeted him. He chuckled. “Is your roommate back?” “Not yet,” I laid on my bed. “Why?” “So you can christen your bedroom with one of your toys,” I could hear the grin in his voice. “Pervert,” I said, but couldn’t help the smile that slipped onto my lip
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Bk 4, Ch 3: Rose
 Nothing is better than a hot coffee on a cold morning. I slid into my werewolf legends class, and sipped from my insulated mug while I waited for the professor to start the class. I looked at some of the students who had chosen to take this class this semester, and noticed most were older than me. Probably seniors.  “Learning about our kind so you can fit in?” Matty slid into the seat next to mine. “Because it won’t work. You smell too different, freak.” I rolled my eyes. “Get lost, asshole.” “No,” he said. “I like this seat.” “Fine. I’ll,” I started, but didn’t get to finish because the professor walked in,
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Bk 4, Ch 4: Jimmy
“Welcome to Starlight Grill, my name is Jimmy, and I will be your waiter this evening,” I said in my introduction as I set the waters down in front of the couple who looked very much like they were on a date. I had to give the guy sope respect for choosing one of the higher end places in town when he obviously looked like a college student. “Can I get anything started for the two of you?” I glanced at the woman, and she was beautiful. She had long, dark brown hair that she had gently curled around her heart shaped porcelain face. Her eyes were almond shaped and hazel, with a hint of shyness. The odd thing was that she was fully human. No hint of werewolf in her. I was brought out of my thoughts by her date who was just an average looking guy with medium brown curly hair, and the body language of a guy who was
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Bk 4, Ch 5: Nate
“Ugh!” Kimi exclaimed when she burst into our room and started to take off layer after layer of tops. It was about halfway through the second week of the semester, and I was trying to get a paper done for one of my business classes. She was very distracting as she kept peeling her shirts off to reveal her luscious breasts and that sweet bump that was our baby. “Bad day?” I asked, my eyes refusing to leave her chest.  She took off another shirt, leaving a long sleeve t-shirt on. She snapped at me to get my attention. “Eyes up here,” she growled, then wiggled her arms into her shirt. I glanced at her eyes, then back at what she was trying to do. It looked like she was attempting to escape from a straight jacket. “Sorry,” I a
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Bk 4, Ch 6: Kamron
“Are you still mad at me for kissing you?” Without looking up, I knew Whitney slid into the seat next to me. I just shook my head. “That kiss nearly caused me to lose my best friend,” I told her. “I know, and I’m sorry,” she whined. “I’m not going to lie and say that I hoped you wouldn’t break up, but you’re nice. I want to stay friends.” “I’m engaged, now,” I told her. “I don’t think my fiance will be okay with you specifically being my friend.” “You used to be nice,” she grumbled. I gave a dry laugh. “Yeah, and being nice nearly co
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Bk 4, Ch 7: Sarina
“Okay, so, we have about a week and a half before our protest,” Yelena said at our planning meeting. “What do we have, and what is left to do?” “The media has been informed of the date,” Katie announced, “and I’ve kept them informed of various developments, like Amy P. having trouble getting the permit to protest in front of the city police station.” “They were really nice until they asked why we were protesting, and I gave the clerk the answer,” Amy P. added. “I had to remind them about our civic rights, and I told them that the media would be informed about any grief.” “What’d the clerk say?” I asked, intrigued. Amy P.
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Bk 4, Ch 8: Jimmy
“What time are they getting here, again?” Rina asked, checking her phone. I chuckled, and eyed the entrance to Streetwise, our group’s favorite restaurant. “We got here a little early. Relax,” I told her. She sighed. “Do you even know the name of my date?” “Nope,” I said absently. “Elli just calls him ‘Buffy.’” “Buffy?” she asked, and I turned to look at her. Rina’s eyebrows were up, and her gray eyes were filled with disbelief. “As in the vampire slayer?” “Yeah,” I said, confused. “I guess he’s blonde, peppy, and a black belt.
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Bk 4, Ch 9: Rose
“Why do you insist on sitting next to me when you hate me, and I hate you?” I asked the asshole when he sat next to me in our Werewolf Studies class. “Someone has to make sure you don’t put your romantic mates and shit into your papers,” Matty said, and he reached over to grab my notes. I grabbed his wrist. “Touch my stuff, and I will break your hand again,” I said through gritted teeth.  “Fine,” he backed off, and proceeded to slink down into his seat to fall asleep.  “Today, we’re going to discuss the Saga of the Volsungs,” the professor started. “Is anybody willing to give the class a summary?” 
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Bk 4, Ch 10: Kimia
“Holy shit,” I swore when my roommates and I saw how many people made it to the protest at the police station. “I knew a lot of people had been abused and ignored, but I had no idea there’d be this many people here!” “This is amazing!” Jimmy grinned. Nate squeezed my hand and scanned the crowd. I did too. There were hundreds of people crowding the sidewalks and the street with signs that had many different sayings on them. Some said, “Justice for Women!” Others wanted the corrupt cops to be arrested.  “I don’t know if I can do this,” I said, looking for any sign of Rina. I knew she’d be the closest to the media and the entrance to the station.  
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Bk 4, Ch 11: Nate
The protest was by most standards a success. The media coverage had captured the attention of the state government, so they were sending auditors and other investigators to Gayl to find out how deep the corruption went. Because of this, the whole town was asked to only shift in the forests surrounding the town, or within their own apartments. It was interesting to see some of these wolves start to go a little stir crazy. Still, Kimi and I had the ultrasound to finally see our little pup and have something to send to our mothers. Kimi was already antsy and excited, which didn’t help since the pamphlets we were given told her to come in with a full bladder. “Ugh,” she whined in the waiting room. “I seriously need the restroom!” I put my arm around
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