All Chapters of Graycorts : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
191 Chapters
Bk 4, Ch 12: Kamron
“Well,” I said as I gathered up my shit after another planning session with Whitney, “it looks like we’re ready to build. I’ll figure out when I’m available for you to come over to my apartment to work.” Whitney sighed, and began to pack her things as well. She hasn’t been as bad as she was when we first started, but it was clear she hadn’t given up on winning me over. I’ve gone from friendly to barely tolerant of her during the few months I’ve known her. That says something since I had considered her a friend until the day she kissed me. “What if I’m not available during those times?” “Then we’ll split the components and build them separately,” I told her without looking at her. “We can figure out a time to put our separate co
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Bk 4, Ch 13: Jimmy
“So, Valentine's Day is coming up,” I hinted to Elli while we snuggled on her couch at her apartment. Every day I spent with her, I fell deeper in love. We still haven’t taken our relationship past kissing, and some mild make-outs, but I could wait until she’s ready. Elli hummed. “Is it?” “Yup,” I answered. “I was curious to know if you have any expectations?” “Trying to get into my pants, Jimmy?” she grinned at me. I kissed her head. “Always, but only if you’re ready.” She shook her head. “I’m not ready, yet. We’ve been dating less than a month.&rdqu
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Bk 4, Ch 14: Sarina
“What are you doing tonight?” Bethany asked me when she caught me doing my hair before my date with Lachlan.  “Doubling with Jimmy and his girlfriend,” I answered. “What does my idiot cousin have planned for you?” Bethany grinned, and checked her purse. “We’re having dinner at L'assiette Exquise, then going for a run to a secret waterfall he knows about.” I grabbed another strand of hair in my curling iron. “We might see you at the restaurant. I’m pretty sure that’s where Jimmy made reservations.” “He’s going all out for a double date?” Bethany asked, confused.  
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Bk 4, Ch 15: Rose
“Morning, Bitch,” Matty greeted me when he sat down next to me in the only class we shared. I ignored him, but he was in a good mood. “It’s been a few weeks since your friends’ little protest, and I’m still here.” “Spoken like a true idiot,” I mumbled. He stretched his legs out, and sighed. “I thought that you’d be disappointed your protest didn’t pan out.” “Who says it didn’t?” I asked. “When shit hits the fan, it takes time to clean up.” I spared a glance at the moron. “Were you expecting men in black to arrest you immediately?” “Isn’t that what you angry bitches wanted?” he ask
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Bk 4, Ch 16: Kimia
“I think I need to read some actual books,” Rose commented during our girls’ night.  Heather laughed. “Are you tired of waiting for authors to update?” Rose shook her head, no. “That’s fine. I don’t mind waiting too long, and most of the authors I follow update regularly. I need to do a palate cleanser. I keep getting hooked into these dramas where the female protagonist gets abused by her family.” “I thought that’s what they all were,” I said sarcastically. I was getting grumpy. I haven’t shifted in months because of the baby, and she’s been getting active at night. It’s really uncomfortable to try to sleep when someone is doing a samba in your uterus.  
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Bk 4, Ch 17: Nate
March came quickly, and with it midterms. Spring break was looking more and more appealing as each day wore on, and my Kimi-cup was getting bigger, cuter, and grumpier. Actually, as the state investigation continued, more wolves were getting grumpy at not being able to shift, run to class, and shift back. I’m not going to lie, it was nice when I got caught talking with people and realized I only had a few minutes to get across campus. When the last day of midterms for us came around, Kimi, Kam, Rose, and I practically raced to the Cock-Blocker van to drive to the airport. Jimmy was staying behind in hopes of seducing his virgin girlfriend. When we got off the plane, and out of the secure area, Ma pushed past me, and enveloped Kimi in a massive hug. “My sweet future daughter-in-law!” she squealed. 
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Bk 4, Ch 18: Christine
My sister and I were both excited and nervous to go back to Boston. We hadn’t been there since a few weeks after our mother had died. That was over a year and a half ago. We stayed with our Uncle Micky and Aunt Lulu for a while, but then our Uncle Donny got out of jail, and, well, he has a nasty temper on a good day. So, Chastity and I decided to live with our Aunt Mary in Aspen Falls, where we became friends with Mina Graycort and Mallory Braedon. The only thing missing from our move was our cousin, Nate. He was the closest thing Chastity and I had to a big brother. He’d left for that fancy wolf college with his girlfriend, then knocked her up. It was very cool of him to invite us on his baby-moon, and it would give Chastity and I a chance to see our old friends. Aunt Lulu met us at the airport when we landed, and drove
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Bk 4, Ch 19: Jimmy
“Thanks for paying for all of us, Ray,” Elli said as we got off the plane in Mexico. “I’ve never been out of the country before.”   Ray, who was walking with his arm around his fiance, looked back at us. “No problem. It’s my last spring break before I graduate, so I thought we’d do it up in style.”   I chanced a look at Saoirse. She and I had chipped in for ourselves, Rachel, Elli, and Lachlan. We were happy enough to let Ray take the credit. The three of us had found an awesome beach house to rent for the week, and we were planning on spending the whole time relaxing on the beach, taking in the local night scene, and just having fun.   The house was a two hour cab ride away, and it was beautiful. The pictures didn’t do it justice. It was three stories, white with balconies,
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Bk 4, Ch 20: Sarina
Mexico is beautiful! The beaches are white, the ocean an amazing shade of blue, and the house we rented is to die for! I might have to persuade my brother to go in with me to buy it. It’d be nice to have a place to soak up some sun and relax.  The downside is that there isn’t really anywhere to shift when you’re feeling like shit. I asked Rose about the shifter myths in Mexico, and, except the one about the chupacabra, she didn’t really know any. I still didn’t want to be mistaken for the goat eating cryptid, so shifting was out.  Thank goodness I had Lachlan in misery with me. Being around couples for the whole week would grate on my nerves, but knowing he was going through a similar hell helped. I hadn’t asked him if he’d told Elli his feelings for her, and I wouldn’t be sur
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Bk 4, Ch 21: Kamron
“Do you regret not going with Kimi or Rina on their spring break vacations?” Rose asked two days into the break. We were lying in my bed, and I was exhausted and curled around her. “Humm,” I pretended to think. “Do I regret not going to a tropical beach in another country with our siblings, or not going with Kimi to a big city with lots of distractions?” “Yeah,” she said as she wiggled her ass closer to me. She almost got me going again, but she had worn me out not that long ago. “I know you only came home because I was homesick.” I smirked. “No, I don’t regret coming home. I’m happy wherever you are.” She rolled around to face me, a
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