All Chapters of Graycorts : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
191 Chapters
Bk 3, Ch 47: Rayan
Summoned because Kimi was attacked. Again. Only this time it was my cousin who attacked her. Fucking idiot. He wants to play? I’ll play. I left right after Rose told us she and Kimi had been put into a cell just for reporting Matty. Fuck. If that’s the treatment for people reporting the bastard, no wonder people are refusing to speak up. It took all of twenty minutes to get to my uncle’s house near the center of town. Uncle Faridoon and his family have a huge house. Aunt Selina had it painted baby blue, and I know from my father that their guest room is in the turret. I pounded on the front door, and a woman answered. “Can I help you?” she asked. “Are you the maid?” I asked her instead of answering. 
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Bk 3, Ch 48: Sarina
“Hey, everyone,” I said to the rest of the girls of GLE the day after Matty assaulted Kimi, and she was detained illegally, “thanks for coming to this emergency meeting. I want to introduce a friend of mine and Kimi’s, Saoirse Jones. She works for the IT help desk, and she’s offered to help  with this next project.” Kimi stood up, and addressed the girls. “Yesterday, Matty Graycort physically threatened me. I went to the police, and they put me in a cell for filing a ‘false report.’ So, we’re going to start an online support group for the victims of Matteo Greycort. We’ll share our stories, and experiences with the cops here. If the police won’t investigate, then we’ll have reporters investigate.”“So, y
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Bk 3, Ch 49: Nate
“He’ll notice red wolves tailing him,” Jimmy said, staring at our target from our table in the Student Union. I shrugged. “He’d probably smell us anyway.” Saoirse snorted. “Of course he’d smell us. You two reek. When was the last time you showered, Jimmy?” Jimmy tried to subtly sniff himself, and I smirked. “Do I really smell that bad?” he asked. Matty had gotten his coffee from the cafe, and moved to a couch to drink it and do something on his computer. How was I going to get this fucker alone in an area with out cameras? I needed to make it clear that nobody messes with my Kimia. I did the same thing in high school when a fucker messed with her by a
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Bk 3, Ch 50: Jimmy
I hate fuckers who take advantage of women. I saw enough of that shit working Micky’s bar, and helped Saoirse kick those asshole out. Then when the shit hit the fan with Kimi, Nate had Saoirse and I help him take care of the bastard and bitch who hurt his girl.  I know that I give the wrong impression at times. I love chasing girls, and it was hella fun when Saoirse was single. She and I would make it a competition, and the winner would be the one the girl chose. Sometimes we’d both lose, and sometimes we’d both win. Either way, the girls I chase would either choose me, or I’d respect their wishes and bow out. “Hey, Rina,” I said when I came home and saw her sitting on my apartment’s couch. “What brings your sexy body to my humble abode?” 
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Bk 3, Ch 51: Kamron
After that first week back from Thanksgiving, we had to put efforts to get justice for Matty’s victims on hold. Finals were coming up, and when you have majors in the sciences, you need to study. So, that’s where I was the week before tests started, and Rose was next to me on our bed.  I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I’d be distracted and unable to concentrate on my notes. Sadly, I’ve spent so much time studying with her in school that I was used to my goddess comfortably reading her textbooks and notes while nibbling on her highlighter. I kissed her neck, and said, “Babe, do you have an extra highlighter?” “Hum?” she said, distracted. “Oh, yeah. In my backpack.” 
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Bk 3, Ch 52: Rose
I should have told Kam about the pregnancy test, and the miscarriage. I just didn’t want to disappoint him. He’s the perfect guy for me, and losing the baby, even though I hadn’t really had a chance to bond with it, was devastating. Knowing I may have caused it by shifting to get Kimi out of the holding cell, well, that was just shit icing on the bloody cake. I knew Kam was disappointed when he found out what happened, but he was so sweet the morning after. We’d made plans to meet for lunch at the student union, and I was a little nervous. Would he still be annoyed? Still shocked? Will he resent me later?  I’d decided I wanted to meet him a little early, so I walked the path I figured he’d take to the student union from his class. I rounded a corner, and found one of my worst nightmares. Kam w
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Bk 3, Ch 53: Kimia
My brother is so dead. A large part of me wanted to just blindly agree with Rose that he’s cheating on her, but my common sense and knowledge of my womb buddy tells me there’s more to the story than what Rose saw. I still decided he needed a good smack after I’d dropped Rose back off at campus. I must have looked ferocious when I entered the apartment. Jimmy patted the backs of my brother and boyfriend, then escaped as fast as he could. That left me with my two favorite guys looking at me with apprehension. I dealt with my boyfriend first. “Nate, you’re safe.” “Oh, thank God,” he sighed relieved. He stood up and gave me a kiss before leaving the room. “So,”
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Bk 3, Ch 54: Nate
Kam was a zombie for two days after Rose refused to come home. When he wasn’t staring into space, he was either morose or angry. Add in studying for finals, and I was ready to deck him when he was home. If he wasn’t studying or moping, he was out as a wolf to work out his emotions. After he left for class, slamming the door, I turned to my Kimi. “We need Rose back here, or I’m going to kill your brother.” She sighed. “I know, but I promised I wouldn’t interfere. She’s almost as bad as he is.” “I get why she’s hurting, but shouldn’t she have burned off her anger by now?” I asked. I’d never seen Rose this angry at someone before. Kimi
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Bk 3, Ch 55: Rose
 I burst into Kimi’s room and slammed the door behind me. “Your boyfriend is an ass,” I fumed at her. She was sitting cross legged on her bed with her computer and a notebook in front of her. “What else is new?” she said without looking up. “Welcome home.” “I hope he enjoys the couch tonight,” I continued to rage. I started pacing in front of her door. She still didn’t look up. “Why would he sleep on the couch? I’m not mad at him.” “Well, I’m not sharing a bed with him,” I declared. “I would hope not,” she said and wrote something in her
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Bk 3, Ch 56: Sarina
Finals week was finally over, and Christmas was coming up. I was so happy to be done with a semester! There were a few last minute things that had to be taken care of before my siblings, our friends, and I went home for the break. Planning our protest in January was one such thing. “Do you really think enough people will show?” Yelena asked nervously at our planning session the Saturday after finals. I nodded. “I really do. Saoirse has everything set up to advertise on the website.” I consulted my to-do list for the event. “We’ll need a date, posters, and maybe a station for people to make their own signs.” “All doable,” Andrea said, and noted it in the sorority planner. “What day does everyone think will work?&rdqu
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