All Chapters of Loving Rex Angelo: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
157 Chapters
Ch100: Here comes bad news
At G-Stark enterprise… Rex watched the busy road from the tall windows in his office pondering on a lot of things and also trying to clear his mind from everything that had happened around him in the past few days but all that quiet time got interrupted by a call from Christian asking for an audience in his office which was strange since he was appointed to stay in the hospital at that time. Rex allowed him in any way but without turning away from the window. He needed to know why his trusted bodyguard will leave his position when he could have called. “What is it Christian?” Rex asked coldly. “Sir- I have come with bad news.” Christian spoke tensely. “Bad news about what? You got to tell me that and why you are not in the hospital.” “That’s the reason we came. I know you are going to kill us but we had to let you know… Cherry is missing.” Rex's eyes suddenly widen in horror and he spun around blazing cold eyes full of rage at his bodyguards. His nose flared and his fingers curl
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Ch101: Interrogation
At the gas station (twenty-two hours after the incident)… “Then he came in here to buy some items. Just there, across that aisle…” The teenager explains to Christian. “I wasn’t asking for the items he bought. I wanted to know what kind of cloth he was wearing.” Christian shared his distaste toward the boy blabbing. “A long white coat, it looked like a uniform of some kind belonging to a hospital? A-and a red hat. That’s the only thing I remembered him wearing.” “Did he act strangely?” Christian asked and chews on a candy he picked from one of the jars on the counter. “I don’t understand…” The teenager asks confused. “What’s your name boy?” “Kent…” He replied. “Kent, this is a very important matter and your cooperation is needed. Now, I need you to tell me if you noticed anything strange about this man, did he say something strange or did he do…” Christian tries his best to explain nicely without scaring the boy. Kent looked at Christian with distrusting eyes, he didn’t want to
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Ch102: Compromise
“Susanna?” Ann called. “Susanna?” “What! don’t you know anything about keeping a low profile?” Came Susana’s upset voice from a corner. “I know duh!” Ann responds but frowned at Susanna’s outfit. “You know you are a wanted woman all over New York and you are dressed in a simple tank top and jeans?” Ann expresses in surprise. “You are forgetting I dyed my hair and I am wearing a face cap. I am in proper disguise.” Susanna boast. “You are unbelievable- forget it!- I thought you didn’t make it.” Ann says. “Aww… that’s sweet.” Susanna coo. “What’s Sweet?” Ann frowned. “Your concern, your compassion… it’s all touching but too bad I don’t need any of it, I am too strong to need any comfort.” She rounded the corner and peep down the slightly empty streets. “I never said I cared or… I had any compassion toward you. I just wanted to know if you failed.” Ann folds her arms looking upset. Susanna snaps her head at Ann in a way to show resentment for her words. Susanna isn’t used to not b
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Ch103: A lead
It was already midday when Rex and his team reached the motel. A lot of them were sour and hungry from the travel but Rex wasn’t at all weary, he was determined to find Cherry. They all followed the charcoal dust that lead them to the motel, but they found a crowd of people gathered in the parking lot all in a deep discussion. “Christian, go take a look at what is happening over there.” Rex instructs. “Yes sir.” Christian leaves the car and walks to the crowd, a few moments later he returns to the car on Rex’s side to report what he heard. “A car was stolen last night while the people slept and no one knows who it was.” Christian reports. “It must be James! He must have known the car would be found sooner and decided to hijack another to keep us away.” Rex huffs in annoyance and slams the dashboard. “What do we do sir?” “We hunt! We have done things like this in the past, it’s time we did this again.” “Good idea sir.” Christian praised and turned to leave but Rex called him bac
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Ch104: Captive
James returned hastily to the cabin and searched the whole place cautiously before coming to meet Cherry in the secret room he hid her. She was asleep from exhaustion and hunger, her hair spread out on the bed and soaked in sweat. James stared oddly at her but snapped quickly out his thoughts, he went to open the windows for ventilation and checks the oxygen level remaining in the tank. Without knowledge of what it meant he assumed it was enough. James sat on the stool he brought drawing closer to the bed. His mind was preoccupied with confusing thoughts but not as concerning as the baby bump he seeks to destroy but he wants to do it without endangering Cherry’s life. Cherry sensed someone watching her and she jolts awake startled to see James very close. “What do you want from me?” Cherry asked slowly fearing the crazy man might want to hurt her and the baby. The anxiety building inside her chest caused her breathing to be even and almost shallow, without the mask on she would have
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Ch105: James psycho
{THIS CHAPTER WILL CONTAIN MULTIPLE SCENES FROM THE SAME DAY, DO ENJOY. AND PLEASE ALSO COMMENT YOUR FAVOURITE :)} Early in the morning, inside James's cabin… James couldn’t sleep and spent most of the time staring outside into the distance. He worries about the stranger in the forest and trembles thinking someone already found his hiding spot. He worries the intruder might be on their way with the police to redeem his captive. James battled with his mind of being caught and planned to relocate before the next day. When it was almost dawn he brought Cherry breakfast, she was still asleep, unaware of his plans and wicked thoughts. James woke her lovingly but made sure the chains securing her left wrist was intact to the bed frame. “Wake up my love…” He calls with a stroke on her cheek. Cherry frowns in her sleep but did not open her eyes. “Baby, I got you some breakfast.” He tries again which worked a little. “Let me be…” She mumbled sleepily. “Cherry I want you to eat now becaus
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Ch106: Spotted
{THIS CHAPTER WILL CONTAIN MULTIPLE SCENES FROM THE SAME DAY, DO ENJOY. AND ALSO COMMENT YOUR FAVOURITE PART OF THE STORY} Back in the motel… After the huge argument between Rex and his mother, he storms off to meet his team to prepare for the mission when he hears sirens wailing from a distance. “They made it.” Rex whispers under his breath in relief. “But sir, what about your mother? She insists on stopping you.” Bale asked Rex in a whisper. “Then don’t let her slip past your fingers. I don’t want her slowing me down.” He responded. “Yes sir.” Bale nods and leaves. Rex waited for the ambulances to reach the motel and went to meet them but was shocked to see Maria tagging along. “What are you doing here?” He frowns deeply at Maria. “What are you doing here?.” Maria repeats after him. “Mia, this is no time for jokes-” “Why else would I be here? I came to find Cherry, just like you.” Maria tells him and opens the passenger door, she then spread out her arms for Rex to carry h
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Ch107: Sicko psycho
{THIS CHAPTER WILL CONTAIN MULTIPLE SCENES FROM THE SAME DAY, DO ENJOY. AND PLEASE ALSO COMMENT ON YOUR FAVOURITE} Continuation… “STOP!” James warns them with his gun pointed at the truck Cherry was inside. Rex immediately stopped moving and the others did the same. “Bale…” Rex silently called through the earpiece. “Sir?” Bale responds. “Do you have a clear shot?” A second heartbeat before his reply. “Ready to nail the bastard sir.” Bale replied confidently. “Wait for my call…” He instructs and advances slowly to James. “Don’t come any closer or I’ll shoot the tank! I swear it!” James threatened. “Easy James… easy…” Rex raises his hands up and drops his gun. “I have put down my weapon, I am no threat to you.” Rex tries to convince him. “You don’t fool me Rex Angelo. I know men like you!” James snarls. “And I also know men like you!” Rex responded. “If only you did not have to interfere, Cherry wouldn’t be in this triangle. You caused everything that is happening to her! Y
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C108: Relieved tension
A night after the incidence… Cherry was awoken by the sound of a heartbeat monitor, she tries to understand how she got into a hospital instead of rotting in the dirty cabin with James. And speaking of James, Cherry jerks up with fear gripping her chest, but she was pinned down by someone. “It’s okay Cherry, it’s just us.” Came Rex’s smooth voice. Cherry’s eyes were still wide and searching the whole place for the monster that kidnapped her, not fully settled with the people around her. "Cherry, breathe..." Maria spoke softly beside her. She relaxed knowing Maria was with her, and soon asked. “What am I doing here?” Her eyebrows creased. “You are in a hospital, don't worry, you are safe. Everything is alright, Kelly just want to get an ultrasound of the baby.” Maria jumps in before anyone said something to scare her. “Why? Is something wrong with my baby? Did James do something to my baby?” Cherry fought against Rex’s hands that was placed on her shoulders to keep her down. “No
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Ch109: A new chapter
Inside Maria’s apartment… Maria gladly welcomed Cherry into her big apartment and stepped aside so she can take in the size and beauty. Cherry was astonished to see such a beautiful place, it made her doubt Maria owned it herself. “It’s beautiful-” Cherry commented in astonishment. “Thank you.” “Seriously, I’ve never seen such a big apartment before?” Rex grunts disapprovingly behind them, and they look at him. “What’s so funny mister billionaire?” Maria asked playfully. “Just that… my mansion size can’t be compared to the size of your girly apartment. For sure, Cherry will like it here because it’s girly designed but not suitable for movements.” He waves off Maria apartment as nothing. “Really? If it’s so great like the great owner why shouldn’t it be the first choice for its secondary owner?” She threw back at him. “Are you done because I don’t like it here.” Rex replies. “You don’t because-” She paused to look at Cherry staring at them quietly. “Just leave if you want to.”
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