All Chapters of Loving Rex Angelo: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
157 Chapters
Sitting on the round dining table in the kitchen and on the second floor where three people with different perspective, thoughts and much dislike for the third party with them. Two among them resist the urge to leave knowing something foul was going to come out from the third’s person’s mouth and neither of them has decided to speak.“You know I don’t want to be here so stop glaring.” Ink spoke out when he could not tolerate the intense glares from Cherry.“Who said I wanted to be here?!” She snap at them.“Here we go again…” Peter mumbled under his breath.“And who are you mumbling at?” Cherry directed her question at peter and he immediately look at her thinking of a smart reply.“I wasn’t insulting you but I don’t also want to engage in a verbal argument.” He tells her.“You will after you made me believe you were my boss.”“How is that my fault? You chose to believe I was your boss. It’s not like you saw me around after that day, except for the time we were in Honolulu.”“Of all n
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Early the next morning…Rex took Cherry into the standard infirmary early in the morning. This happened after Jerry called that the nurse he requested for was coming in the morning. Cherry takes whatever opportunity was available to rest in the best way possible as sleep cannot be be accomplished with the occasional cramps and contractions. Rex already filled the bed with many soft pillows days before, for her satisfaction and comfort, so he lays Cherry on them asking her if they were comfortable enough before leaving her in the care of her new nurse.“Where are you going now?” She ask tiredly.“Some work need my attention in the security room, don’t worry about anything just get some rest and push this button in case you need me.”He tells her and kissed her hair.“Is something wrong?”“Nothing is wrong baby. I promise, I’ll take care of everything just also promise me you will take care of yourself while I go out. You are very near till your delivery date, I don’t want you or our ba
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Jason already found broken piece of evidence connecting Susanna to the unidentified people currently in investigation. After proper process and thorough verification Jason was confident to report his new discovery to Rex so they can be extra cautious until their true identities are revealed. He was driving from work when he thought to pay Rex a visit.“Hello! Mr Angelo-” Jason greets over the phone.“Good day to you Jason, I hope you have called me for a good purpose.” Rex answered grumpy as usual.“Yes, but we need to meet in person.”“Is it urgent?” Rex asked.“Very vital, sir. It is about Susanna.”“Alright! But right now I can’t leave the mansion because I have to stay close to Cherry. I will send you the address of the mansion, and make sure not to create an aggregation on your way.” Rex warned sternly.“Yes sir.” Jason answers in the best way possible.“When you get to the gates you will need to verify your identity and some others, then the security will let you in.”“Okay sir,
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Back at the trailer (Susanna’s hideout)November 25th, five days to thanksgiving…Susanna was prepared and ready to begin executing her plans. All the arrangements have been made, the mansion has been infiltrated and most importantly for her mission to succeed she planted certain explosives in different secluded parts of the mansion walls and two inside the mansion, ready to be detonated so Cherry never escapes a single blast. Susanna is so ruthless with her plans that she never considered if every worker in the mansion dies for her selfish cause.“Hey baby, how have you been? Are you ready to do what you have bee thought all these years? This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, the moment we’ve been waiting for. It is the day we take back what has been stolen from us. I promise that Cherry Gilles will see the end of the world by tomorrow.” She caresses her weapons like a mother would caress her child’s hair. She says crazy talks to her weapons, preparing them for next day.After s
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Kayla’s parent house…Though her visit to Rex’s office didn’t go as planned Kayla found little relief she was able to deliver most of the message to him but she hopes he listens and does what is necessary because no one knows when Susanna will strike.Kayla stared out in the distance, looking at all the little lights from small homes far away. She sees the beauty in everything around her but her heart is burdened with a lot of things she wished will just get out.“Kayla? Kayla my dear, where are you?” Hannah called from inside the guestroom hoping to find her there. She has been searching for Kayla all over the house since dinner was over, but after spotting her standing in the balcony, staring out in the distance she decides to join her.“Mind if I join you?” Hannah ask softly. Kayla took a glance at her mother and turned back to continue staring ahead.“Yes.” She said quietly.“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Hannah breathes out.“And cold.” Kayla adds without any emotions.“I know, why d
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At the mansion…Rex called a family dinner in the large dining hall and Maria was invited along with all the bodyguards of the mansion were present for the feast. Rex wanted to use the medium to appreciate and honor the deeds of his loyal workers, after a few cheers and many weird acknowledgments from each bodyguard they all sat down on the longest dining table anyone has every seen and began feasting.“Cheers to you Mr Angelo and your generosity to host this party for us.” Kirk lifts his glass to Rex.“It is my pleasure but it is not a party.” Rex replied strangely and Cherry kicks his shin from under the table to caution him. He glanced at her with a questioning look.“Haven’t you learned to be nice?” She whispers to him.“I am nice now and they all know it. If it was back then, they would have been working extra hours to lengthy their loyalty and make them much stronger.” He whispers back to her.“You are a strange kind of boss aren’t you?” She stares at him with worry.“My strange
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November 26th four days to thanksgivingMission one…The next day Susanna sent Bambi to the mansion telling her to act natural and try to get the guards to open the gates while she blows a part of the wall to distract them so she can sneak in without being spotted.Rex dressed and kissed Cherry goodbye before leaving for work but she begs him to stay saying she feels something might happen. It took a while to convince her all was well before she finally let him go. He left the mansion unaware that Susanna was just around waiting until he was away so she can execute her plans.At the gate, Bambi rings the bell after taking a taxi to the mansion and as usual the same voice asked for her name but since she is already registered in the system it only verified her identity and belongs then the gates starts to open. Susanna calculated the timing of the gates opening and pushed the explosive remote blowing up a part of the wall.Her plan to distract them did work as everyone was concerned ab
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“Did you guys hear that?” Peter ask the others. They were still trying to resolves the sound from the first blast when another went off from the other wall.“That was another blast. But the sound doesn’t seem to come from outside, it could be from the inside.” Jason concludes.“Martin! What do you see!” Kirk shouts from below to Martin on top of the wall.Martin goes close to the edge of the outer wall and takes a peek. He frowns but tells them what he sees.“Nothing but ruins and explosion remains. No fire!.”He shouts back.“No, the other wall! The second blast! What do you see!” Kirk asks.Marvin took a closer look but the distance of the walls were too far apart.“I don’t know! But- I see smoke! West of us!” Martin shouts back.“Someone has infiltrated the mansion and set explosives everywhere.” Leroy interprets the situation nervously.“We have to inform Mr Angelo right away and call the police, tell them we need a bomb squad, ambulance and fire brigade now!.” Jason tells Peter.“
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Back at Maria’s apartment, eleven in the morning…Maria was having coffee and cookies in her living room when she decided to turn on the television to watch some movie. She scrolled through some channels until she came across a LIVE news broadcasting channel talking about a fire consuming a mansion. Maria didn’t think much about and scrolled past it but then again curiosity got the best of her and she channeled back to the tv station. She closely listened to the news and watched the footage shown by the police helicopter from above while enjoying her breakfast but then something catches her attention.‘the wall? Are those-’ her thoughts paused and she physically increased the volume. Maria got a little closer to the television and recognized the environment. Her heart sank in her stomach when she recognizes Rex’s massive mansion gates. Before she can have time to react to the loss her hone rang.“Hello?.” She places the phone in her ear.“Maria, are you seeing the news?” Jerry asked
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Inside the bunker.Rex and Cherry were safe from the danger of the poisonous smoke and burning of the fire but they can’t depend on staying in there forever so Rex tries to call Maria using his cellphone but there was no signal in the bunker. He wanted to let them know he was alright and Cherry was safe but the network was very poor and rigid. “Shit!” He cuss when he couldn’t reach anyone.Cherry’s groaning and small screams brought him back to focus, and he scoots down to her level and checked her body for burns or trauma. Her skin was clear and untouched from a single burn which relieved him.“Thank God you are safe.” He pulls her or a hug but she yells in his ear.“I think the baby is coming!”Rex cringes at the loudness but recovers to do the needful, its just both of them to deliver this baby but Cherry is counting on him to help her.“Hold on, let me prepare the bed.” He says and goes to get what is available to aid her delivery, during his search for some repellent bed sheets
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