All Chapters of Loving Rex Angelo: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
157 Chapters
Inside Rex’s mansion…“Cherry, I want you to eat slowly, there is always more if you are still hungry.” Rex cautions her for the fifth time during breakfast, her eating disorder and habits are getting worse daily and slightly irritating.“But I am hungry.” She complained like a stubborn child.“It doesn’t mean you should kill yourself while eating, just take it slowly, spoon after spoon. I had prepared what you wanted earlier this morning but you refused to eat it, how do I know you won’t vomit this food you are stuffing without mercy? like you did last night?.” He accidentally rose his voice at her.“I won’t I promise.” She forgets the nagging and concentrate on eating.After the previous night incidence and Cherry nearly vomiting her guts out, Rex was very unsettled with the way she was eating right now. Cherry had woken him up very early in the morning around one, demanding to eat two medium-size twisted, roasted mackerel fish and liquid custard. At first, Rex thought it was her ho
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Against her mother’s instructions and warnings, Kayla snuck out to meet with Rex in his company, she didn’t want Ivy’s help and believes one day her dear brother will accept her for who she is but deep inside she was terrified to meet Rex. Yes, she has heard incredible things about him from her parents but it didn’t really play out in her favor when he found out about her.“You can do this Kayla, just go in and talk to him, he’s your brother, he won’t hate you.” She encourages herself then look at her reflection in the mirror.Kayla then unlocks the car and open the door slightly, when her foot is about to touch the pavement she froze thinking what she is doing is a terrible idea but her stubborn side says otherwise and she gets out of the vehicle. ‘there is no turning back now’She stares at the building in awe wondering how many floors it has. After ogling the beauty of the skyscraper she shook her fears away and crossed to the other side of the road, walking straight into the buil
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A few days later…At the mansion…Rex already accepted his fate with Cherry and her unpredictable mood swings which feels like an electric plug sparking in his head. He had most of his work moved into the mansion so he can be with Cherry in the last stage of her pregnancy. Cherry is nearing the ninth month of her pregnancy and he is not willing to miss anything. According to Kelly any time from now Cherry might give birth but no one is very certain when it will be with the contact on and off contractions wearing her out.“Ric?.” He spoke through the phone.“Bro! It’s a good thing you called me today.” Ric exclaim elated.“What do you mean? Did something happen?.” Rex lean forward from the chair worried something happened to his friend his family.“No, I just missed hearing your voice.” He says.“Don’t be creepy Ric.” Rex cringes.“Ha ha ha ha… I was just joking dude, so what’s up? How is your girl?” Ric asked curiously.“My girl?” Rex asked confused.“Come on, don’t act like you are i
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In the mansion…Around five in the morning Cherry woke up to a strong contraction wracking below her belly, it wracked her back, belly, going all the way to her head and spreading to other parts. The discomfort from the pain caused her to throw the covers away and smack Rex accidentally in the face where he laid.“Ow…” Rex mumbles and turn away from her, hugging his pillow and sinking deeper into his sleep.“Reeeeeex!…” Cherry screamed in agony pulling on his shirt desperately.“Uhhhh…” Rex drawled out tiredly, unbothered by the noise. His mind isn’t very prepared for anything neither did it want to wake up from the slumber but Cherry’s strong grip ripping his shirt was enough to smack the sleep off his eyes.“Rex! Help me!.” She begs and he jolts from his sleep staring about confused.“What? What’s going on? I thought I was dreaming.” He said while staring giddily at Cherry and scratching his jaw.“The contractions- the’re- the’re back- hooo… it’s worse!.” She manage to let out as sh
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A week after Kayla’s visit to Rex’s office, Kayla's bedroom…Because her encounter with Rex had failed and she is not able to express herself freely, Kayla had a minor depression which made her lock herself inside her room for a whole day without communicating with anyone. Its past a week and she still chose to stay indoors to cry her heart out for not listening to her mother and because Rex insulted her, but then her eyes found the cream paper-like card sticking out from one of her books.Kayla frowns when she thinks about the paper, she left her bed to get the paper from the book, it was no paper but a complimentary card, just like the one Ivy gave her. Kayla confirmed the source of the card by checking the back for the phone number but she sees an address of a place at the bottom.‘how come I didn’t notice this before?’ she ask herself and turn the card around but it split in half making the other part slip to the ground confusing Kayla even more.She bends to take it and read Ivy’
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One evening…Maria and Gerald just ended the second date they were having that week. Gradually as they spend some time with one another Maria is starting to have a soft spot for him but she also like another person which isn’t wrong. Maria sees it as a good thing they weren't in a relationship, it will only complicate things. Gerald offered to take her home but she turned him down saying she brought her own can and can make it on her own. Gerald was a little persistent giving excuses about the time and how late it but Maria stayed by her own decision.They both said their goodbyes and Gerald waited until Maria was in her car before going to his car. Gerald had thought Maria already left when he reaches his car that was parked at the other end of the lot and drove away while Maria on the other hand thought Gerald already left but she was checking her purse for her phone before leaving the lot. She wanted to call Rex and check on Cherry but somehow her phone got lost in her purse.Just
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Another day…Yesterday’s sighting of the stranger posed no threat to Rex or the mansion but he received another message from the security room not quite long about that same figure lurking around the perimeters. Rex ordered them to sound the siren and let out the dogs. As the siren wailed and sound of dogs filled the quiet forest the figure got distressed and ran off from the camera view. Since then Rex has been asking the security team for updates if the stalker came back.“Sir, Ray Angelo is here to meet you.” Garth spoke from the entrance of the discussion room.“Ray? What’s he doing here?” Rex ask himself with a cringy expression.“I am not sure sir.” “You let him in?” He asked.“Yes sir, he is not among the forbidden list you gave me, sir.”Rex looks around a little uneasy with his cousin being in the mansion. He concern was mainly for Cherry, so many times that potty mouth had her confused with him and if Ray manages to stay in the mansion then all hell will break loose someday
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In the morning…“What a fool I was to trust her! I knew it! I suspected she was only using me to get what she want! Oh damn- mom and dad are going to kill me when they find out what I did. Rex especially, he will destroy me if he discovers I had been following him all along and revealed his location to Susanna. He’ll hate me forever…” Kayla wanders uneasily in the living room regretting her decision and the errors she had made.“Kayla, is everything okay?” Hannah asked when she meets her wandering about with worry.Kayla stopped moving, spun around in the direction of her mother and felt dread over take her but she masked it.“No, nothing is wrong.” She answered in a controlled manner.“Are you sure? You look really pale and tensed.” Hannah responds and Kayla’s hand automatically touch her face. “Are you sure you are fine? Are you sick?” Hannah starts to come closer but Kayla was more afraid she might discover the truth about she is hiding.“I’m fine mom, really! Maybe it’s the weathe
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For more than two weeks Susanna have been gathering her supplies and the information needed for the date of the attack. She only intend to attack the mansion when Rex is not present so she can burn everything to the ground with Cherry in it. James is already dead and there is nobody wanting to claim Cherry which means no one will care if she was gone, it made Susanna so sickly pleased knowing no one will miss Cherry after she is dead. To make her plans work she have to carefully study all the activities going on inside and out of the mansion to avoid compromise of the mission. By chance she was able to know when the next supply truck was going to the mansion and checked out the staffs expected to be seen.From the little she already knew, she is expected to meet heavy security on all corners and technology she’s never known. The scouting she made days ago already alerted the security so they must have increased their security level.“I have to find a way to get inside that mansion wit
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Another day…Ne’s change mansion…Just as scheduled, the supplies have arrived and the workers immediately got into unloading everything from the truck into the mansion. In this scene only Marvi was present with the others to deliver the goods. It is a big purchase that required many hands so she tries to buy as much time as she could. Poor Marvi was tasked by Susanna to check what cameras are in the mansion and to check the control room, to see how many guards are in there, where is he nearest exit and how to get inside. Everything that is needed to know to avoid being caught and Susie also threatened to kill her family she she gets caught.Marvi is very nervous to spy on the mansion she worked many years and served loyally, but with her family held hostage by Susanna she had no choice but to do what is necessary for their safety. They had just begun unloading but Marvi is very tensed, a little sound made startles her, and her fellow colleagues stares weirdly.“What are you looking
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