All Chapters of Punished by His Love: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
2823 Chapters
Chapter 131
‘You don’t even know who the father of the child in your belly is.‘And Sebastian, he should be getting engaged soon and then it won’t be long until he’s married to Selene. ‘Sabrina, you can’t long for him!’That afternoon, Sabrina sat at the cafe alone, staring into empty space, afflicted.The image of Sebastian would not leave her mind.However, what Sabrina did not realize was that , in the booth next to hers, concealed by a large pillar, sat Sebastian with a solemn look on his face.He had seen the smiles she shot Nigel clearly. As if by reflex, Sebastian clenched his fists and then relaxed them repeatedly. At the mere thought of it, he clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles started to turn white.They had planned on officially separating the day after. Yet, even with the divorce looming, Sebastian was preoccupied with observing Nigel and Sabrina as they talked away.For the rest of the afternoon, the two simply sat there, unmoving.It was only when evening c
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Chapter 132
Selene looked at Sabrina arrogantly. “Tomorrow! I! Will be engaged to Sebastian! Look at yourself! You are just a phoney who shamelessly stole my husband for two months! Were you humiliated in public by Kenton? Good, you deserve that! I just hate that you actually injured that old fart, and even had Nigel to protect you!”“Sabrina, you can’t harm my husband anymore, so did you decide to cause Young Master Nigel trouble instead?”Even when faced with such provocation, Sabrina forced herself to calm down and smiled at Selene. “Congratulations on your engagement tomorrow, as the adopted daughter of the Lynn family, I will definitely be there tomorrow to show my support.”“How dare you!”“If you don’t leave right now, I swear that I’ll do it! I’ve already been forced into a corner by all of you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t dare do!” Sabrina glared at Selene intensely. “Tomorrow, at your engagement banquet, I’ll publically announce that the child in my belly is also Sebastian’s. Then you
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Chapter 133
Those who attended were all members of the upper echelons of South City.Among them were figures such as those from the Ford family, like Sebastian’s aunt as well as Nigel. However, Sebastian’s father and stepmother did not attend the ceremony as they were still overseas. Besides them, the Shaw and Smith families were present as well.As they were all families with a lot of prior history, Sebastian was forced to invite them at Old Master Ford’s vehement requests.If it had been up to him, Sebastian would not have invited anyone.In fact, he wouldn’t even have held a banquet, because his marriage with Selene was something personal between the two of them.Sebastian clearly knew that he was only marrying Selene because she had saved him once, as well as for the child in Selene’s belly.He did not love her at all.He would even feel intensely frustrated whenever he looked at the woman.However, to Selene, it was the greatest honor she had known.After the engagement, the entire u
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Chapter 134
“Alright,” Sabrina replied. From the end of the phone call, Sabrina’s voice sounded very gentle. “Where are we going, and where should I wait for you?”Nigel thought about it for a moment. “Wait for me at your company’s entrance.”“ I will.” Sabrina acted very submissively.Nigel ended the call right after their brief conversation.After hanging up, he exchanged a look with Mindy, drawing a smile from her. “Since you’ve shown me my rival, you’re telling me you want to choose me? Isn’t that right?” Mindy asked. Nigel only smiled coldly at this. “I can clearly distinguish between the type of girls for fooling around, and those for marrying and settling down with. If we were to marry, both our grandfathers would surely approve. I for one know my grandfather would be thrilled if that were to happen. After all, my cousin is already engaged, isn’t that right?”Mindy nodded in agreement. “That’s reasonable.”“However, you can’t stop me from playing around a little.” Nigel said, drunke
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Chapter 135
He had not sent her back to the Lynn family home.Did that mean she could finally stay in the same room as Sebastian, and start being a real couple?Hehe!Letting her imagination run wild, Selene happily got into Kingston’s car and left the restaurant.Sebastian, on the other hand, was driving slowly on the main road, without any destination in mind.Meanwhile, Sabrina had already arrived at her company. Just as she was about to call Nigel, he had already called over. “Sabrina, I’m quite busy over here, so I can’t pick you up. Can you get a ride and come over yourself?”Sabrina obediently replied, “Of course I can, Young Master Nigel.”Nigel heard Sabrina’s gentle voice, and slyly asked her, “You’d be so willing to treat me well? Then, would you be willing enough to do anything for me?”Sabrina’s smile seemed to grow even more gentle. “Young Master Nigel, are you suspicious of my sincerity? Let me say it again, I’m willing to do anything for you. I will do anything you ask me t
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Chapter 136
There were about twenty to thirty men in the room, but Sabrina only recognized Nigel and Zayn.The rest of them either had their hair dyed in colors that were so vivid and bright that it hurt the eyes, had piercings everywhere on their bodies, or were casually smoking cigarettes.Now noticing that someone had entered the room, they stared at Sabrina intently, not unlike a hunter observing his prey.Still, Sabrina struggled to make out a single face she knew out of all of them. In the same room, sitting opposite all the men were three women. These three women were dressed in very revealing and racy clothing. All they had on were single-shoulder tops and extremely short mini-skirts.As Sabrina looked around the room and studied the people in it, she felt like this situation was a lot worse than that time on the cruise.Without hesitation, she turned around to leave. However, when she tried to take the first step, one of the girls called out to her. “Yo, are you another colleague
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Chapter 137
He could not tolerate that!Nigel wanted Sabrina to witness firsthand how cruel he could be that day, as he definitely would not lose out to his cousin in that aspect!He looked at Sabrina with a sinister smile on his face.Sabrina’s voice wavered, but she managed to say, trembling, “I’m sorry, Young Master Nigel, but this kind of business isn’t for me. I’m sorry, I should never have confessed to you, I won’t cause you any more trouble ever again, goodbye!”Having said that, Sabrina turned around to leave.It only took her 2 steps to reach the doors that would take her out of the room, but for some reason, they would not open no matter what she did.Sabrina turned around in both shock and horror, looking at everyone in the room who had evil looks on their faces, clearly ridiculing her.Nigel maintained his cruel smile. “Entering is easy, but leaving will be hard.”“Is that so?” Sabrina's tone and expression suddenly changed, as she looked at Nigel calmly and quickly walked towa
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Chapter 138
Having stepped out of the room now, Sabrina made her way into the elevator, where she collapsed as it descended.The tears that were flowing down her face would not stop. Nigel had been the only remaining sliver of warmth in her life. Even in her wildest imaginations, Sabrina would never have thought that Nigel would treat her like that. When she walked past a rubbish bin, Sabrina threw out the syringe of chicken blood she held just now without stopping, with the same dispirited expression on her face.She felt very nauseous the moment she exited the club, and so vomited at a flower shrub that was hidden in a remote corner.As she cleaned herself up, without meaning to, she overheard someone talking. Sabrina looked over at the direction of the person she heard, and found a man in black clothes that was shrouded in the shadows, talking to someone on the phone. “Director Horst, are you sure that Conor boy is in the room on the top floor?”Sabrina could not make out what was being
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Chapter 139
When Sabrina regained consciousness, she was already in the ambulance heading towards the hospital. Sabrina grabbed the doctor’s hand. “Don’t, don’t give me… Don’t give me anaesthetics.”The doctor was speechless.“I am pregnant, I want to keep my child. I have no more family, this baby will be my only remaining kin. I beg you, don’t… don’t give me any anaesthetics.” Sabrina begged.Zayn didn’t know what to say as well.Finally, the doctor asked, “Will you be able to handle the pain from the operation?”Sabrina said with a strong resolve, “I will!”After the doctor allowed it, Sabrina was pushed into the surgery room.Zayn, who was waiting outside, could hear the heart-wrenching cries of agony that came from inside the room.It was more than an hour before a pale-faced, exhausted Sabrina was pushed out of the surgery room, drenched in sweat.When she exited the room, she saw that Zayn had been waiting for her outside all this time.“Thank you, Mr Smith, but you can go back no
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Chapter 140
“Woman! What is it that you want? Are you trying to suck up to our family now? First, you had a relationship going on with my grandson, Sebastian, and now that you’ve realised you have no future with him, you’re trying to go for my other grandson? You wild woman, listen here, if you try to seduce another one of my family’s men, I’ll make sure that you’ll meet a sorry end!” Henry, who stood at the front of the group, started to berate Sabrina while pointing his finger at her.Sabrina’s face started to turn white, but she did not show a shred of timidity. “I’m sorry, Old Master Ford, but I’ve never tried to seduce your grandson Sebastian before! The same goes for Nigel!“I saved Nigel’s life!”“You? Saved Nigel’s life?” A middle aged woman cried out sharply, “If it wasn’t for you, would Nigel be in danger in the first place? Wasn’t the only reason my Nigel provoked Kenton because of the trouble you caused?“You barbaric woman! You even crippled Kenton’s manhood, is there anything tha
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