All Chapters of Punished by His Love: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
2823 Chapters
Chapter 151
“Well, Mr Ford has already been properly bandaged, and should be fine now. I don’t think I need to be here anymore. Please thank Mr Ford for me, I am truly grateful to him. I will never forget the debt I owe him for saving my life. Right, Mr Yates, if you ever have time in the future, could you please help me ask Mr Ford if he would be willing to allow me to visit Aunt Grace’s grave?”Kingston didn’t know how to respond.“Aunt Grace will forever be family to me, which is also why I was adamant to forfeit the money agreed on the contract. I won’t define our relationship with money,” Sabrina said.“I will certainly ask that on your behalf.” Kingston answered. “Miss Scott, the young master’s wound was just bandaged, would you mind just taking care of him for just a little longer?”Sabrina smiled, “Mr Ford is in the middle of a phone call now… with his fiance, Selene.”“But he doesn’t love Selene!” Kingston suddenly cried, his voice full of resolve. Sabrina didn’t know what to make
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Chapter 152
“Sab… Sabrina.” Nigel didn’t know where to start. He looked bashful, much unlike his usual self.Standing in front of Sabrina, with his face unshaven and expression haggard, Nigel looked like he had met death.In contrast, Sabrina’s expression was relaxed. “Mr Conor, you should just speak up if you have anything to say.”“Sabrina, I’m sorry,” Nigel managed to say.“You already told me that a week ago. I accept your apology,” Sabrina replied with a kind smile.“I hope you can forgive me.”“I’ve already forgiven you,” admitted Sabrina.“Do you… still love me then?” Nigel asked carefully.When she heard this, Sabrina lowered her head and fell silent. After a while, she raised it again to face Nigel. “I can’t lie to you, Mr Conor, I… have never loved you.”Nigel was taken aback.“I’ve never truly loved you.” she confessed, while trying to maintain her composure. “Ever since I was sent away at twelve, I learnt how to gauge the temperaments of others. In the eight years that I spen
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Chapter 153
“Can you find it in your heart to forgive me this one time? I swear that I will love you properly. I will treat the child in your belly like my own. Please, would you give me another chance, Sabrina?”Sabrina shook her head lightly as she responded, “Mr Conor, I don’t love you. I will never give a second chance to someone who wouldn’t even treat me like a person. Right... You came at a good time actually. I was just about to go look for you.”As she said that, Sabrina headed back into her room to get an old envelope, which had Nigel’s name on it.Nigel could feel that the words had been written decisively, without room for carelessness or hesitation. Looking at his own name on the envelope, all Nigel could think about was Sabrina’s conviction.If a person’s handwriting really did reflect their feelings, this was proof that it was true. It was actually the first time that Nigel had seen Sabrina’s handwriting, which he thought looked beautiful.It wasn’t delicate at all. Rather, i
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Chapter 154
After Nigel and Zayn finally left, Sabrina headed to the bank to get an account to deposit the money in. After that, she went to the train station to purchase a ticket. Unfortunately, she was told that there were no trains heading to Sabrina’s hometown at the moment.The salesperson said that she would have to wait at least 3 days for the next train.Alternatively, there was a bus service that connected her hometown and South City, but the journey would take an entire day. In addition to the five or six hundred dollar fee, the main issue was how bumpy the ride would be.It was too dangerous. She couldn’t risk her baby’s safety by travelling on that bus. After hesitating for a moment, she told the salesperson, “Give me a ticket for three days later.”Once she got the ticket, Sabrina decided to go for a stroll. It had been over two months since she left prison, but she never had the chance to walk around idly.She had neither the money, nor the time.For the entire morning, she
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Chapter 155
“Farewell, mother,” uttered Sabrina as she left the cemetery reluctantly. It was already four or five in the afternoon when she reached her residence. Instead of preparing a meal, Sabrina decided to get something to eat before going back to spare herself the effort.Just as she sat down at the food stall, two women started to stare at her.“It’s her, it’s definitely her! The background of the video was right here in this area. It’s her, there’s no doubt about it.”“I think it’s her too! Just look at her, acting all quiet and polite with an honest look on her face. I wouldn’t be able to tell that she was that good at seducing men.”“I heard that both men were famous scions of rich families in South City, one of them is even the grandson of the Ford Group head.”“The other one’s family might have fallen off a bit, but they’re still nothing like us commoners. Their family assets are worth at least hundreds of millions!”Sabrina was by no means deaf.The two women were clearly tal
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Chapter 156
No sound returned from the other end of the phone call.Sabrina spoke calmly, “Mr Ford, I know what you want to say, and I don’t feel like explaining. Please tell your aunt to control her son better…”“Woman, if you think I can’t do anything to you, you’re gravely mistaken!” The person speaking was not Sebastian.It was the voice of an old person.Sabrina asked, “You are?”“Listen here! If I wanted to kill you, it wouldn’t be any harder than stepping on an ant!” The old voice shouted angrily.Sabrina still could not tell who it was.There seemed to be a scuffle in the background, and when she listened closely, Sabrina could vaguely hear Kingston’s voice. “Old Master, you… how could you do this? You knew the young master was in a meeting and took the opportunity to use his phone and call someone!” Kingston looked at Old Master Henry in disbelief.Sabrina immediately knew whose voice it was.It was Sebastian’s grandfather.What did he want with her?Without a moment’s hesita
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Chapter 157
Sebastian had never expected to find the old master in the middle of his meeting.“Sebastian! Find me that woman, I want to kill her right here!” Henry exclaimed.“That place in the video is her home. Even if Sabrina had some mystical technique to seduce men, your grandson wouldn’t be there if he didn’t fall for it. After all, flies only go for eggs that have already cracked.” Sebastian said to Henry, donning his usual cold expression.His words stunned Henry. After a brief moment, Henry hardened his face and spoke again. “Sebastian! I’m almost eighty years old. I’ve had countless grandchildren, but now, only you and Nigel are left. Seeing the two of you getting involved with that woman, how could I not be worried?“You can choose not to hand her over to me.“However, I’ve lived for over eighty years. I can easily locate anybody I want to in South City. I will be able to find her. And once I do, don’t blame me for being ruthless when I deal with her!“Sebastian, the way that yo
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Chapter 158
Sebastian’s voice was cold. “Why? Nigel and Zayn have already fought here, is it so wrong of me to show up here as well?”Sabrina clearly looked upset.She did not want Sebastian to see her staying in a place like this.Sabrina knew that a lot of women who worked as escorts lived in this area. Most of them came from other countries, or were married with children in their homes.They did not make much, some of them only a few dozen bucks at a time, and only managed to earn a few hundred at night.Compared to even a low level white collar employee in the city, their pay amounted to nothing.Yet, even when they could only make a few hundred a day, these women had no choice but to save it all up for their children at home, for paying their school fees, living expenses and saving up for retirement.As such, these were the best rooms they could afford.Living under such social conditions, these women had no choice but to stay in the slums. On top of staying in this area, which woul
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Chapter 159
Kingston looked back at Sebastian, not understanding what he meant by that.Sebastian repeated with a dark expression on his face, “Go back!”Kingston did not know how to respond.However, after hearing the young master’s sharp tone, he immediately knew where to go. He started the engine, and said to Sebasatian, “Don’t worry, Young Master. Even though Miss Scott stays in such a dangerous area, as long as I’m there, I guarantee that no one will be able to touch her. I’ll go back to Miss Scott’s room right now and stand guard!”Sebastian said nothing, and walked to the elevator alone.Kingston, who drove off, reached Sabrina’s residence quickly.He didn’t want to get too near, and so chose to sit in the car with the engine off. When he looked in the direction of Sabrina’s room, he noticed that the lights were still on.Kingston pinched his nose as a pungent odour started to diffuse into the car. He sighed, muttering to himself, “Do people really stay here? There is trash everywher
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Chapter 160
There were many people sitting around the Ford residence’s impressive hall. Some Sabrina recognized, and others she had never seen before.Sabrina looked at the people around her and noticed that Selene, Old Master Shaw, Mindy, and Nigel’s parents were all present.Besides them, Sabrina struggled to make out who the others were.However, the expressions they had on their faces when looking at Sabrina were full of disdain, like looking at trash that they wanted to get rid of immediately.“You’re here!” Sitting in the middle of it all, Old Master Ford bellowed as he looked at Sabrina.“What is it that you want to say? Please do it quickly!” Sabrina spoke with a frigid tone.“First of all, you need to apologize to everyone here! After that, you will need to write…”“Apologize?” Sabrina interrupted Henry, and asked firmly, “Why should I apologize when I’ve done nothing wrong?! I don’t even know some of the people sitting here at all, why should I apologize?!”Old Master Ford had no
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