All Chapters of Punished by His Love: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
2823 Chapters
Chapter 171
She wanted to stand up, but her entire body was powerless. Selene noticed that, she smiled and said, “Hey, Sabrina, in the end I’m still your adopted sister. You stayed in my house for eight years, my parents gave you food and clothed you just like their own daughter. I also treated you like my sister. Now I’m telling you the truth, why do you think I’m joking? It’s my wedding today, do you think I’m free to joke around with you?”Sabrina was speechless, she actually knew that Selene was not joking with her.Only, Sabrina could not accept that truth.Selene took out her phone from a bag, showing a recording inside for Sabrina. “Look at this.”Sabrina’s eyes followed voluntarily, and her eyes suddenly widened.The recording was of that night three months ago, at the mountainside manor she went to. The manor was old and decrepit, so Sabrina immediately recognized it. The camera slowly zoomed in, it entered the main door. Then, it arrived at a dimly lit room, Sabrina saw that it was
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Chapter 172
Sabrina asked numbly, “Lincoln tried to favor Benjamin on the surface, but secretly used me to be on Sebastian’s side?”Selene shook her head. “Not exactly, in my father’s eyes, you’re not even qualified to help him curry favor with anyone. You were just a prisoner, a prisoner who needed to complete her sentence. As for my father, he actually mostly wanted to follow Benjamin, since Benjamin was still the true master of the Ford family in the end. He only secretly helped Sebastian to give himself some insurance? Because what if Sebastian turned the tables? He needed a plan that worked on all sides!”She continued, “Normally, Benjamin trusted my father the most. When Benjamin said he wanted to kill Sebastian, he entrusted the matter to my father. My father had planned on finding a prostitute, and killing her after everything. However, my father was very meticulous. Since he wanted to kill the woman, he might as well have looked for a criminal prisoner. After all, she would be sent back
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Chapter 173
Sabrina looked at Selene, stunned. She said nothing, she looked dumbfounded.Selene was very happy, and proceeded to provoke Sabrina even more. “You managed to offend the entire upper circles in the Ford family yesterday and even publicly offended my husband Sebastian. You shattered your phone, and you told everyone you would no longer return to South City, and no longer have any relationship with Sebastian. You swore it yesterday, Sabrina. So, if you look for my husband today, just guess what my husband would think of you. Oh, with my husband’s ruthless temper, I think he would send you flying with a kick. Ah, that would be perfect.”The more Selene thought of it, the more perfect that scheme seemed. No matter how she thought of it, the smartest, most brilliant person in the world was her mother, Jade. The plan had been conceived by Jade this time, even her father knew nothing about it.Jade had told Selene, “If you want to get rid of Sabrina completely, we need an unconventional
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Chapter 174
There was nothing in the box. Sabrina lied to her!Selene forcefully threw the box on the table. The employee walked over and admonished Selene, “Miss, please don’t run amok in our shop!”“I’ll just give you more money!” Selene took out five hundred dollar bills and slammed them onto the table. Then, she grabbed her bag and left.The employee mumbled behind her, “So what if you have money? With your temper, no man will ever marry you.”Selene suddenly turned around, arrogantly looking at the employee. “Destitute girl! You insignificant working girl! Listen here, I’m getting married today. Do you know who my husband is? My husband can easily kill you!”The employee was shocked and trembled at Selene’s words. Selene smiled coldly, “My husband is the most powerful man in South City, Sebastian Ford! Do you know of Sebastian? We’re getting married today! I bet you’re jealous! Every woman in South City should be jealous of me, from today on, I will be Mrs Ford!”With that, Selene barge
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Chapter 175
Sebastian was the man from that night.Sabrina looked toward the sky and laughed like an idiot. “The father of my child is still alive? It’s actually Sebastian? God, how did you know I like him? Are you helping me? Will my child have a father in the future and won’t be shunned by his family and kicked out like his father was? Sebastian will definitely accept me, and accept my child, right?”She looked up as she ran, laughing and crying as she talked to herself. Everyone pointed fingers at Sabrina as she passed.“Look, it’s her, the woman who wants to get into a rich family. You’ve seen it right, she was toying with two men. I think the videos are all gone, they’ve all been deleted.”“She managed to get two rich scions at once. Why is she still staying in the slums?”“Do you think she’s enough to tie up those heirs? Do you think the rich scions are all blind? Their parents are heads of families with billions, if not tens of billions, they wouldn’t be so dumb!”“She’s the one who’s
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Chapter 176
Marcus was stunned, but he kept his tone calm, “Sabbie, what did you say?” Sabrina replied impatiently, “Young Master Shaw, you’re willing to help me, right? Please help me, okay? My phone was destroyed yesterday, and I can’t contact anyone at all. I need to find Sebastian right now. Tell me, where is he getting married? I have to find him. Please Young Master Shaw, tell me…”“Don’t panic, Sabbie, tell me what happened? Why do you need to look for Sebastian? He’s getting married today. I’ll help you if you need anything, I can help you,” Marcus said patiently.“No one else can help with this. Could you please tell me where Sebastian is marrying Selene?” Sabrina’s tone was incredibly urgent, and she was very loud as well.It was loud enough that Old Master Shaw heard it. The Shaw family had been preparing to attend Sebastian’s wedding. Old Master Shaw had a good relationship with Henry, and the Ford family’s descendants all respected Old Master Saw. Furthermore, Old Master Shaw was
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Chapter 177
Sebastian was her man, the only man in her life and the father of the child in her belly.She would not let anyone steal Sebastian away. Especially the Lynn family and especially Selene.Sabrina’s hatred was boiling like it never had before.On the other end, Old Master Shaw kept going on, but Sabrina still did not hang up. The phone was snatched away by Marcus again, who asked into the phone, “Sabbie, where are you? I’ll pick you up.”Sabrina was crying emotionally. “Young Master Shaw, you have to come get me, you have to. I’m at the end of the alley outside of my rented room, next to a public toilet.”“Alright, I got it!”“You have to come, I’ll be waiting for you!” In an unprecedented situation, Sabrina suddenly felt like she absolutely needed Marcus’s help.After hanging up, Sabrina then carried her two large sacks and hid by an ATM machine in the bank on the other side of the road, closing the door.On the other end, Marcus pulled his grandfather into the study. “Grandpa!
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Chapter 178
“Tell me, why are you looking for Sebastian? What happened?”Marcus was not very familiar with Sabrina, but he felt like Sabrina had some relation to his aunt from the moment he saw her.Marcus could feel it in his bones that Sabrina was his cousin. With that sort of a relationship, even if he only saw her a few times, he could not give up on her. Marcus did not understand how his grandfather could be so muddled. Blood was thicker than water, how could his grandfather not feel it? Everyone felt like Sabrina’s attitude was a problem, even his grandfather. Yet, Marcus did not think so. Part of it was his intuition, another part was because of Zayn.That was why Marcus believed that Sabrina definitely had her reasons to meet Sebastian. He drove quickly, but Sabrina still asked him, “Young Master Shaw, could you drive faster? Please?”Marcus consoled her, “Sabbie, it’s only nine in the morning right now. The wedding is commencing at eleven, Sebastian won’t go away. You can relax.”Sab
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Chapter 179
“Sabrina is the one. No one could imagine how brave she is without seeing it for themselves. In my heart, Sabrina will always be my light. I must bring Sabrina away from all the suffering.” No one could imagine how brave she was without seeing it for themselves.And at that moment, Marcus saw Sabrina’s bravery. In his might, he thought that Sebastian was still not married yet, so he was still considered single. Having another pursuer, another person to confess to him, was not too excessive. Marcus wanted to fulfil Sabrina’s wish, and actually wanted Sabrina to give up at the same time.The car arrived at the wedding venue. It was at a remote hillside villa. The villa was not that large, and was very quiet. It was mainly because Sebastian did not want an exaggerated wedding. First, it was because his mother had just passed away recently, and he did not want to have a big celebration. Secondly, Sebastian did not like Selene and he was only marrying Selene as a show of gratitude, as w
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Chapter 180
Sebastian was speechless. Behind them, Kingston was speechless as well.Even Selene, who had her arms around Sebastian's, was stunned. She wanted Sabrina to come and to make a scene, but when Sabrina actually did so, Selene was afraid. After all, Sebastian’s feelings toward Sabrina were not a negative one. Sabrina did not cry. She was calmly discussing the matter with Sebastian.Sebastian looked at Sabrina, calm and steady, but his tone was so cold it made them shudder, “What did you say? Can you repeat yourself?”Sabrina grabbed Sebastian. “Sebastian, I know why you’re marrying Selene. You don’t love her, right? You’re only marrying her because she used her body to save you, and she has your child. But, Sebastian, that woman was not her. It was me, the woman who saved your life and has your child is me. Weren’t you always asking me who the child in my belly belongs to? I’ll tell you now, the child in my belly is yours, it’s yours. The woman that night was me.”“Quit your bullsh*
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