All Chapters of TRENT: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
302 Chapters
<< 47 >> The Wrong Bride
"No!" Everyone gasps when Sophie rejects Trent's proposal.  I crack up in laughter and so does Kyle. Trent frowns and is about to stand when Sophie pecks him and says, "Yes!" I feel so embarrassed for laughing so loudly at him. Trent smirks at Kyle and I then turns to his girlfriend. He puts the ring on her finger, making her floss her ugly fingers to everyone around the table. Especially to me.  "Trent," says Sophie. "You are the best man I have ever met in my entire life. All my life, I have dreamed of this day. You going down and proposing to me. Asking me to be with you forever. And y
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<< 48 >> A Hot Mess
TRENT'S POV 18 months ago,I have a date with Becca tonight.  Our relationship has been rocky the past few months since Sophie came back. But I am ying to make things work with Becca no matter what. I can't lose her. I can't imagine ever losing her. Not now. Not ever.  Becca has been having trust issues lately because Sophie and I hang out a lot ever since she came back. But she has to understand. I have known Sophie all my life and she will forever hold a place in my heart no matter what. I'm the reason she went through abortion at such a tender age. Yes, I know it was all my dad's doing but I should have done something about it. I should have protected her against my dad.  
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<< 49 >> Fishy
 BACK TO BECCABruna just left me and Tyrone alone. She didn't want to leave in fear that he might harm me but I assured her I'm okay and if he dared hurt me, she had the right to kill him.  Tyrone is still looking around at every corner in my house. I wonder what's going on in his head. Perhaps he's looking for a weapon or something to kill me in my own house. Strangely, he didn't come with his bodyguards.  Tyrone looks at me, not smirking, no frosty grin on his face, just a genuinely beautiful smile. Reminds me of Trent.  "Nice house."  I sigh and look him straight in the eye.&nb
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<< 50 >> Haunted
"Good morning England!"  I start the show with a big, fake smile. "Today I'm joined by the... The very beautiful and talented actress, Sophie Saffron who has a new movie, HAUNTED, is out in theatres next week." I plaster a smile as I turn to her. "Hello, Sophie." "Hi, Becca Sterling." "Nice to have you."  She grins. "Thanks for having me."  "So tell us more about 'Haunted' The movie."  
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<< 51 >> Doc In Tatts
Trent is trembling with an unconscious body in his hands... Sophie Saffron. She's unconscious, her head on Trent's shoulders and foam coming out of her mouth. Oh my God! What the hell happened to her? "Please can I borrow your car? I need to rush Sophie to the hospital."  I don't hesitate or say a word. I rush back to the house and grab my car keys leaving Pepper confused.  "I will drive you."  We climb into the car, Trent and I are seated at the front with Sophie, unconscious lying in the back. "What's wrong with her?" I as
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<< 52 >> Good For Him
Do you remember me saying I'll mind my business and stay out of the Trent-Sophie-Tyrone Triangle?  Yeah, that's exactly what I did last night.  After taking my car keys from Sophie's room, I went back home after wishing Trent a goodnight. He said the police have already arrested Tyrone. I hope he rots in jail forever for trying to kill someone innocent. And to even send someone to finish her off in the hospital. Tyrone is sick! He's so obsessed with Trent's career that he would go to any limits. Even to take someone's life. It's sad... Sad.  But as I said before, I'll step back and watch the whole scenario play out.  Something I was glad about seeing is how much Trent loves and cares for Sophie.
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<<53>> Break Up
Elliott opens the door for me and stretches his hand out to me. I reach for his hand and step out in black sandal heels like a lady.  I'm blown away by the glass-walled hotel which is glowing in the dark. Like glowing. I walk in the white one shoulder silky dress that Kyle bought me and send it as a package. Believe me, it's GORGEOUS! I've not felt this beautiful in a long long time. I love the rhythm of my heels as I walk on the pathway of the hotel, my head held up high. Sadly, there is no single person I spot who can take the time to adore my beauty. Wait, that's strange? Why isn't there a single person in the compound?  I shrug that off as I continue to walk. My heart stops as I climb the stairs. 
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<<54>> Someone's Husband
Never in a million years could I have thought that I would be attending Trent's wedding as the best maid. If you would have asked, I would have said I would be the bride, but the best maid of his dead girlfriend? No. Strangely, her parents are not here for her big day. I know for a fact they don't support this marriage if they even know about it at all. I still feel that Sophie is putting herself in danger. Who knows what Tyrone will do to her. He might be in jail but that doesn't mean he's gone forever.  The green open area Sophie picked as the venue is beautiful. The pink and white flowers are nicely decorated and arranged in golden stands. Yea, the theme for the wedding is pink and white. I find it strange that Sophie picked pink as the theme yet she said some days ago how much she hates the colour.  
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<<55>> The Woman For Me
Luckily, Trent hides in one of the toilets before his wife widely opens the door.  Sophie smiles at me after she hangs up on the phone. Strange enough, she pulls me in a warm hug and places her head on my shoulder. "Thanks for everything Becca," she says softly. "You don't know how much that means to me."  "It's nothing..."  Sophie looks at me. "It means everything to me, Becca."  "Don't mention it..."  Sophie gets into one of the toilets and I want to flee. But I just can't until Sophie leaves without noticing Trent was h
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<<56>> The Culprit
The police are inside trying to find anything that may lead them to the identity of the burglar. They asked me to clarify if anything is missing. Surprisingly, nothing is missing. This is not a case of theft or robbery. But why? Why break into my house without stealing anything. What's the motive? I go to my bedroom to check if there's anything stolen. Just opening the door, I'm shocked. The painting Trent gave me as a gift has been destroyed, the remains scattered on the floor. I left my bed neat but the cold monster threw the duvet and sheets on the floor and tore some of my pillows into pieces. I look around my messy bedroom and all I can see is RAGE. All this must have been done by a person full of rage. So much rage. I turn to go to the living room to talk to the police when something catches my eye.  Red paint smeared acro
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