All Chapters of TRENT: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
302 Chapters
<<57>> Crazy, Stupid Inlove
Kyle made my heart drop from time to time through the whole drive. He's a maniac driver and I kept holding on to my chest now and then. Kyle didn't seem bothered and he even laughed at me, claiming I'm overreacting.  "We are here!" His black BMW comes to a halt.  Like the gentleman he is, he opens the door for me and carries the suitcase I packed in the boot.  The white-painted house is big in an old fashioned way. The large yard is blooming with red and white flowers, which reminds me of Bruna's house. Kyle takes my hand in his as we step onto the front porch with a rocking chair placed near the front door.  I take in a deep breath, trying to combat the nerves that are ricocheting through my who
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<<58>> Demons
We are all seated at the huge rectangular table for lunch. We are having tuna sandwiches and potato leek soup for lunch. Kyle is seated at the very end looking like the king. I am seated opposite Eleanor, who is busy taking the meal. Ellie vanished to the kitchen after setting the table and serving us lunch.  Everyone is silent, it's just the clinking of metallic spoons on porcelain plates.  It's still shocking what I just saw Kyle done a few minutes ago. I've never seen that side of him before. And here he is, acting as nothing happened. He is digging into the food, looking unbothered after what he did. The drama he caused. He is so calm yet a while ago, he was erupting.  "Rebecca, stop toying around
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<<59>> Skull With Horns
Kyle's eyes blaze with fury and for a moment there, I think he's going to pour out his anger on me. His eyes instil fear in me but luckily, he turns his glare to the stream.  He takes a deep breath and continues.  "That night, Eleanor and the bishop tied me up to a wooden chair with sisal ropes in the basement. Grandma was ordered to thrash me with a whip severely as the devil himself spoke in tongues, claiming to chase the demon."  Ouch! That sounds very painful. And it's so evil to do that to someone. His grandma did that to him? Just how sick is his family? Thank God I was raised by angels.  "How old were you then? "I ask softly.  
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<<60>> Those Before Him
Eleanor suffered a heart attack. Kyle and I got home in time and we rushed her to the nearby hospital along with Ellie. Kyle is so anxious and extremely restless as we wait outside for the doctors to tell us if Eleanor is fine. I hope she is. I can't imagine the kind of hurt her death would bring Kyle. He's so worried and he keeps pacing around the corridors.  I stop his pace when I hold his hand and squeeze it affectionately.  "She'll be okay Kyle, don't worry..."  He sits on the bench, fidgeting his feet with his face in his hands. He does not say a word to me. Who am I fooling? He can't stop worrying about Eleanor. She's all he is thinking about now. How can he not worry?  
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<<61>> Gigantic Heart
"But?" I ask seductively. Kyle walks over to the closet and opens it. "But you need some dry clothes."  I take off my bra and panty and hurl the lingerie at him. I show him the middle finger and step boldly into the shower.  I have a nice hot shower, running my hands through my bouncy curly hair as the water from the shower trickles down to every part of my body.  I know he's staring at me. Admiring me. Wanting me. And he can continue starving himself from this finger-licking meat. He can go to hell for all I care.  I step out of the shower and dry my whole body and hair in front of him
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<<62>> Bad Boys On Bikes
Raheem Sterling broke into my house and now he's dead? The police must be thinking I am behind the murder. That's why they are here. Oh, God! "Who killed him?" I ask nervously. The detective looks surprised I asked that.  "No one killed him," he says. "He committed suicide." What! Why the hell would he commit suicide? "What!" Kyle gasps. "Yeah. We found him dead on his couch. He shot himself directly in the head."  That's sad. What could have made him kill himself? And t
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<<63>> Bye Bitch!
Trent's mom? I thought it would be anyone in the world but her.  Not Tori. "You got the wrong door," I say flatly. "Trent is next door."  I never really liked her because I knew she never really liked me or gave a damn about me. "It's not Trent I'm here to see, Becca. I'm here to tell you something important," she swallows. "Please let me in."  I fold my hands across my chest. "If you have anything to say, say it here."  Tori looks nervous, her nails in her mouth. She looks like she's on drugs or something.
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<<64>> The One
I scowl at him and sneer. I don't know why I feel this extreme anger towards him. "We have nothing to talk about." "I saw my mom at your door last night. What were you two talking about?"  I scoff. "If you went to see your dad in jail you'd know exactly what we were talking about."  Trent gawks at me. "Dad is not in jail. He was released last night from jail."  I knew Tyrone would find a way one way or another to get out of jail. I'm surprised it took him this long.  "I want h
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<<65>> The Project
I don't know how I would have coped with her death if Kyle was not with me every step of the way.  There were days I didn't feel like getting up. There were days I wanted to die. There were days I wanted everyone to die as a sacrifice for Grammy to come back to me.  I remember the night after her gloomy funeral, I woke up next to Kyle and I started laughing. I laughed so hard and told him just how terrible Grammy was at jokes. I insisted she was alive, sleeping soundly in the next room. When Kyle reminded me she was dead, I slapped his cheek and hopped out of bed. I sauntered to the kitchen and made two cups of coffee. Mine and Grammy's. I knocked on her room and when she didn't answer, I just pushed the door open. I put the two cups of coffee on the side table and sat on her empty bed. It broke my heart when I saw her bed cold,
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<<66>> Sad Sad Story
"Trent? Is that... Is that you?" "Yes." Trent whispers.  "What's wrong?"  "I think there's someone in my house.The lights just went off."  Trent is speaking in a very low tone.  "And your wife? Where is she?" I ask as my heart pounds harder with each passing second, my feet trembling.  "Becca stop it!" Trent hisses. "Come here!"  Trent hangs up.  Before I fly to Trent's place, I decide to call the police first. They'll take time before they come
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