All Chapters of TRENT: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
302 Chapters
<<77>> Incapable Of Letting You Go
I wake up in a huge white bed, with puffy pillows. I must have had a good night sleep on this cosy warm bed. I stretch and yawn as I sit up.  I don't know why I have a headache. My mind quickly flashes back to the previous night. Kyle drugged me and I passed out...  That's the last thing I remember.  Oh my God! Where am I? Did he kidnap me? No! I look around the room and I see pictures of Kyle as a child all around. It's a wonderfully decorated room with expensive furniture. I see a wedding gown standing near the closed windows. The wedding gown that I fitted in and chose a few months ago. How the hell is it here? And most of all, what is it
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<<78>> Means Of Escape
I lift my hand, ready to stab him. Kyle is quick to catch my hand and snatch the knife. He scowls at me, not believing I would dare hurt him. '`You want to kill me?" He asks calmly and that scares me. Kyle flips and smacks me with his hand. He pushes me to the bed and starts hitting me with all his might. He beats me up ceaselessly without any mercy all this time I am crying hysterically. He's too huge and he's hurting me.  "I love you! I love you! I love you!" Kyle cries as he knocks me down.  I wait and plead for him to stop beating me but he doesn't. I fall dizzy with all the beating I have just received.  
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<<79>> His Biggest Fear
I have stayed here for one whole week now. It has been the seven longest seven days in the history of my life. I will go crazy, I swear. I did as Eleanor told me. I don't talk rudely to Kyle anymore. I treat him how he wants and we even make out sometimes. The mere thought of my tongue disgusts me. The minute he leaves my room, I always head to the washrooms and puke.  I have attempted escaping three times now and that has not worked out well.  But I have a plan.  I smile in awe of my brilliant mind as I stare at my wedding gown. I didn't know it would come in handy at such a time.  I can't wait for the sun to rise and they find me gone.
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<<80>> Two Seconds Of Freedom
It's the day of our wedding. Kyle came to see me last night, all excited about us getting married on his birthday. I just pray everything goes wrong. That stupid help, Ellie, comes to help me dress up in my gown after they force me to have a shower and shampoo my hair. I'm surprised that Ellie is good with make-up. She pats my face with some foundation and draws my eyebrows perfectly. My hair is tied into a tied bun, all this time my hand shackled up on top of the bed.  Kyle comes into the room in his perfect black Louis Vuitton suit and his hair slicked back. He looks so perfect and handsome as he turns to smile at me.  I can't believe that this is the man that murdered his mother and her whole family, hi
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<<81>> Mine Again
Without saying another word, he stands up from the bed and puts on his Calvin Klein boxers and white vest. He sets my hand free by removing the shackle from my wrist. Ugh! Finally, my hand has been set free!  I know what you are thinking. I should take advantage of this opportunity and smack him and run away but no. I can't try anything stupid that might make him turn into a beast.  Kyle pecks me on the cheek and looks at me, his eyes boring into mine. He lifts my chin and smiles. "I'll stop hurting you, I promise." I know he's just bluffing. I'm careful not to say a single word. I am afraid it might irritate him. "Kiss me," he whispers, staring a
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Yes. That's how I like it. My coffee, I mean. Black and extremely hot. Hannah, my house help, is one of the few people who knows that. I am reporting to work in the afternoon, so I just woke up late this morning and found my breakfast already prepared by Hannah. It's my habit to read a newspaper or magazine in the morning.  EX-FOOTBALLER, TALKS ABOUT ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH AND ADVISES PARENTS TO PROVIDE LOVE AND CARE TO THEIR KIDS TO AVOID IT AFFECTING THEM MENTALLY.  Kyle was sentenced to life imprisonment one year ago. Since then, he has been able to educate people on mental health and admitted to going for cou
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GOODBYE TRENT Hey guys, We have come to the end of The "Trent" series. It has been a couple of months since this journey started and I'm glad that you rode with me through the whole of it. I hope you loved and related with the characters. I loved reading your warm and nice comments on this book. Thank you so much for the feedback so far. I really appreciate the comments and the reads and the gems you have given this book. I can't be grateful enough. You guys are just the best! Thanks for getting my book to 10.5k views. I really didn't expect that 😭😭😭 And thanks for subscribing to the book. You really make me so happy. Y'all are the absolute best! 
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* Prologue *
****** New Book Alert ****** TERRA "Yes. I do."The few guests clap as Amira wipes the tears from the edges of her gorgeous green eyes. I tap her back gently, standing behind her.I knew she would get this emotional on her wedding day. Amira has always been the emotional one between us.Darren is standing beside her, holding her arms affectionately, his dark eyes glassy with tears. Bliss is written allover his face as he looks at my sister. I know that Amira loves this man. But it's so evident that he loves her more. He couldn't wait to tie the knot and make her his.He is the only man that makes me believe there is indeed true love."You may kiss the bride."He swoops Amira in his arms, planting a passionate kiss.The guests are in awe of Darren and Am
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Chapter 1
The smell of pancakes.I wake up to the smell of pancakes and a booming speaker.That's Dee and Ren for you when they are in good terms. Today is going to be a happy morning and there won't be heavy, negative energy like the past week when they hated each other.Ren is such an awesome friend. He still showed up at the wedding despite Dee warning him not to. He even bought a present for the bride and groom.I was delighted to see him but it was more than clear that Dee was happier to see him. She even hopped on him and kissed him all around the face the minute she saw him.The wedding was fun.Yesterday was fun.But today is such a boring day.I have a class at midday and I really don't feel like attending it. But I have to.I drag myself from the bed and shamble out of the room, straight to the kitch
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Chapter 2
Amira sits on the green grass.So close to Mom's tombstone.I kneel beside her, placing the flowers gently on top of the stone.I embrace my sister as I stare at the stone, wondering if our mom is watching over us up there. Wondering if she is proud of the women we have become after all these years.I was twelve when my mother died. It's been nine years since the ordeal struck but her death still feels like it happened yesterday. The wounds are still so fresh. The grief still so raw and naked. And every time during her anniversary, it is  an ugly reminder that she is gone forever and we will never see her again. And nothing breaks my heart more.I wish she was here. With us. But because I know that's impossible, I often find myself wishing that I could just forget and move on...Lonah, Mom's best friend, took us in and treated us like her childr
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