All Chapters of TRENT: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
302 Chapters
Chapter 13
I'm crying like a child in the washrooms.  I've locked myself up and I'm sitting on the damn floor and I don't care. I want the fucking ground to open up and swallow me. Nothing would make me happier.  I hear someone banging loudly on the door.  It's Zara.  "Baby Girl! Open up! Please open up! You have to tell me what's going on!"  "Zara, I want to be left alone," I cry even louder.  "Just talk to me!"  "I don't wanna talk!" I scream. "Just go!"&
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Chapter 14
There's a knock on the door. A loud knock. Dee stands up to get the door and I lay there waiting to see the "visitor." I'm in a daze right now and I'm not thinking straight. I just keep talking nonsense and Zara keeps filling up my glass and toasting. This is exactly what I need to run away from my problems. "Hey! Hey! You've not told me who you are!" Dee yells at someone. "Where is she? Is she okay?" I hear a deep voice blurt out. No... That voice... Could it be...? No way! It just can't be! "Terra?" The voice calls gently. 
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Chapter 15
 I burst into the kitchen, feeling sad and angry after what CJ just said on the phone. Ren and Dee quickly break apart when I enter the kitchen. But I'm in no mood to address this "thing" that they have going on. Honestly, it's starting to get a little weird and awkward.  But I can't address that now. I have more important stuff to deal with and I'm feeling all shades of anger burn inside me.  "What's up?" Asks Dee.  I fall on the kitchen island and clasp my chin."It's CJ."  "What about him?" Asks Dee as she toasts the bread on the toaster.  
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Chapter 16
George has been beaten up badly. His cheek is swollen and his mouth is bleeding profusely."Sorry." I take him in and start doing first aid on him, "Sorry for what?" I ask."Sorry for making you lose your job," he mutters.I lack words to say to him. I can't tell him what he did was okay. I mean, that shit broke me."You'll get your job back," he says. " I promise."Okay... That is a bit strange.George shows up at my place, beaten up, promising to help me get my job back? This can't be a coincidence. Somebody must have done this to him.Oh my God! Ren and Dee."Is it Ren and Dee?" I ask in alarm. "Did they do this to you?"George hesitates. "No... No...""Then, who did this to you?""Some robbers...""And, how did you know my place?" I ask suspiciously."I've followed you here before," he replies. "That first day you came to work."I don't believe his theo
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Chapter 17
 I'm freaking out!!!The lights just went off!And I'm stuck in this fucking elevator with my boss!Oh God! Is this how I'm going to die? In an elevator?I'm letting out low moans and I feel hands touch me in the dark and I immediately jerk. My body is trembling and my heart is pounding so hard.CJ tries to hold me again and this time, I scream."Help! Help! Help!""Hey, Calm down," he says gently but with authority. "Calm... Down..."He continues to hold me tightly and I try to relax and breathe calmly in his arms since I am in panic. He holds me as if he's protecting me with his body from something.I feel secure and safe in his arms and I stop panicking and panting.I stay in his arms for a couple of minutes and CJ is running his fingers through my hair gently. This feels so good.
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Chapter 18
I stir some sugar in the cup of coffee, my hands still shaking a bit.I'm still shaken by the nightmare.It's been long since I had a nightmare. One of those nightmares. Those horrible horrible nightmares where I wake up panting and sweating and screaming.I shake off the memory and sip my coffee. I take the sandwich I quickly made and take a bite, looking at the clock on the watch.I still got time to prepare myself for work.^^^^^^^I'm strolling to the parking lot when I bump into Eli.I've been noticing he has been avoiding me since that time we had supper in my house. He's been acting really strange, like he's snobbing me and doesn't want to talk to me.A grin flits across his face as I stand in front of him. He can't run now.A fake grin flits across his face. "Pretta!""Eli!"He starts scratching his head. "Uh... Headed to work?""Yea... Eli, are you avoiding me?" I ask abruptly."G
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Chapter 19
I spilled cocktail allover CJ's white shirt. I start wiping his shirt, crying how sorry I am but he stops me and instead looks at me."Hey. It's fine," he says gently.CJ suddenly steps back and crosses his arms against his chest, observing me."You look... Different."Zara pinches my back and I wince. CJ smiles at the both of us. "Have fun..." he looks at me. "See you around." Then he walks away, fixing his tie. Zara gasps. "Bitch, what have you done to CJ?" Here we go again... ^^^^^^^I'm dancing in George's arms at the huge ballroom.We are dancing to a slow song and from a distance, I spot CJ. He's dancing with that bitch, Madeline. For some strange reason, I feel irked seeing her in his arms. There's no passion whatsoever or emotion as he dances with Madeline. Madeline is lying her head gently on his shoulder, his arms twirled around her wai
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Chapter 20
TYCOON CEDRIC JEAN, CJ, FINALLY COMES OUT AS GAY, INSIDE SOURCE REVEALS. HIS SECRET BOYFRIEND IS YET TO COME OUT. What! This is bullshit! I mean, I don't know his sexuality but this magazine shouldn't be out here blasting him if he's not okay with it. Zoe narrows her eyes at me. "Do you think it's true?" I shake my head. "I don't know..." Zoe leans in closer to me.  "I know all this BS in this magazine is true. I mean, Mr Grumps doesn't have a girlfriend. He snobs girls and doesn't even look twice when they pass by him swinging their asses. I've never hear
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Chapter 21
There's a stretch of weird silence then CJ bursts into hearty laughter. The laugh dies down when he notices he's the only one laughing.  His dark eyes dilate. "You're fucking kidding me, right?" Phoebe rolls her eyes. "It doesn't have to be real. It's just for the cameras and the papers and that's it!"  CJ laughs yet again. "So, I'll have a fake girlfriend is what you're saying?"  "Yeah... Someone you'll be seen around with. Go on public dates with. Walk around the streets with. Hold hands in public with. You know... All that stupid PDA... Just for
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Chapter 22
I toss myself on the couch. Fuck! What did I just do? I said "I'll think about it" to my boss? CJ came directly to my house to ask if I could be his "acting" girlfriend and I told him I'll think about it? Fuck! What's wrong with me? What if this puts my internship at his company in jeopardy? What if he fires me? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! But there's still one thing that puzzles me... Why? Why did he have to choose me? Of all the girls he could have picked, he picked me?I mean, CJ is one handsome, prominent and very successful tycoon. He could get someone much
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