All Chapters of TRENT: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
302 Chapters
Chapter 3
"No! At the corner!" Ren pushes the new black cozy couch to the corner as I ordered. It looks perfect in that position.It's still so exciting to watch my friends and family help me move in. Even more exciting to watch them help me decorate my new apartment.All this just feels so surreal. A new place. A new town. A new life.Mom is busy hanging a painting on the wall. A beautiful painting that she has given me as a souvenir. A painting of "a couple watching the sunset". I have worshipped it ever since I was a kid and now I get to keep it. I get to be seeing it hanging every morning...I can't thank Mom enough for the painting.Amira couldn't make it today because she felt sickly in the morning. Mom thinks she might be pregnant because Amira has been complaining about morning sickness lately. I don't know if that's true but, isn't it too soon in the
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Chapter 4
I knock on the damn door!No response.I knock the second time.Still, no response.I knock harder the third time.Still, nobody opens the door.The speaker is still booming inside and I don't think whoever is capable of hearing the banging on the door.That damned speaker is the only reason I am standing here.I tried to ignore the noise but it kept ringing in my head till I couldn't stand it anymore.I'm about to bang the door one last time when the door flies open. My nostrils are slapped by the strong stench of marijuana and cheap cigarettes.A guy with beautiful blue eyes and long dark hair tied in a ponytail leans on the door.He looks down at me with a cocky grin stuck on his face. The speaker might be annoying but this guy is hot! Attractive! I bet he's been
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Chapter 5
The boss throws the receptionist a cold look and mutters, "Do your damn job, Zoe! I didn't hire you to chatter cheerfully on calls!"The boss blatantly ignores me and walks away, his hand shoved in his pants. I am a little relieved he didn't talk to me. Maybe he didn't even notice me...I still can't believe he's the freaking boss!I stare at him as he steps into the elevator. Studying him. Scanning him.He's looking down as the doors shut. He's probably deep in thought. His head tilts up and in that instant, our eyes meet. His eyes are dangerously dark... Beautifully dark...My heart leaps a little and I quickly look away.I turn to the receptionist who is staring at me with a little sarcastic smirk."Sorry, you don't stand a chance sweets...""Chance? What... What do you mean?""I saw the way you were looking at Mr. Grumps there..."I quirk an eyebrow. "Mr. Grumps?"She giggles. "Y
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Chapter 6
George????  George is among the people I prayed to the universe never to meet again... But it seems the universe had different plans...  It's not that I hate him. Believe me I don't. Infact, I still got love for him. But he hates me. Fuck! He hates me. You can see it all over his face that he hates me. He doesn't even hide it. He hates the way I breathe. The way I walk. The way I talk. The way I look... He just hates everything about me... All because of that one afternoon in school that changed everything three years ago... He was in his last year on campus then and I was a freshman... I hurt him... I hurt him so bad he couldn't forgive me... Well, At Least that's wha
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Chapter 7
"I'm returning the shoes!" Zara freaks out. "What! Are you crazy?" She falls on the swivel chair where Madeline sits like she's the queen of this throne. Madeline would kill Zara if she found her sitting on her throne like that.  I shake my head. "Why did he buy me the shoes? I mean, he's my boss and I just met him today!" "So what?" She screams. "That's CJ! He's the fucking boss of this company!" "Why did he buy me the shoes though?" I ask. It's still puzzling why he bought me the shoes on my first day at work.
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Chapter 8
My face is flushed. I am deeply embarrassed after I step out of CJ's office. Fuck! He must be thinking the worst of me right now. But, if he wasn't the one that sent the shoes, then, who did? Whoever it was, they wanted to embarrass me so bad. And they succeeded. It's so fucking embarrassing.  The elevator dings and when the doors open, George steps in.  Shit!  He has this weird smirk on his face that makes him look stupid. I don't talk to him.I blatantly ignore him.  But... He has his eyes fixed on me then he says, "Give me the sho
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Chapter 9
Zara is freaking out at the elevator and screaming at me. It's funny how she's the one freaking out more than I am. I mean, I'm the one that just got fired, not her. And she's not taking any of it.  Zara glares at the two female interns standing beside us when she notices them staring at us. "Can y'all just mind your fucking business and block your fucking ears and stop staring at me like I'm some monkey!" I chuckle when she says that and the interns immediately stop staring at her. So apparently, Madeline fired me because she found out that I threw the pieces of the letter she sent CJ in the office trash can. So she thinks that I'm the one that tore the letter into pieces. She has no idea that CJ did that and
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Chapter 10
"You'll come to pick the car tomorrow," says the mechanic. He's a rotund man with a shiny bald head, who is probably in his early forties. I thought he would be done fixing my car and I would drive myself to work tomorrow.  Ugh! I might take a cab or just do what I do normally, walk. "I've come to pick my car," someone says behind me. "Can I?"  That voice is so familiar. I look back to see my cute neighbour, with his hair hanging on his shoulder. He looks so much sober than he did the first day we met. He looks like a different version of himself.  
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Chapter 11
CJ is staring blankly at me. I can't quite read the expression on his face. I just got here and I still don't know why the hell I'm here. On my right are two young women with ridiculous makeup and ugly-drawn eyebrows glaring at me. What the hell is going on? George hasn't wept that smirk off his face. CJ clears his throat. "What's this I'm hearing Terra?" "What?" I ask in confusion.  CJ looks at the women who are still glaring at me. "You told us CJ is already obsessed with y
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Chapter 12
I walk past Zara. She's busy on her computer and she can't seem to notice me. I hope she doesn't because I'm not in the mood to talk right now. I just want to get into CJ's office and get this over and done with.  "Hey, you!"  I stop on the spot and spin to look at her. I force a smile.  She squints her eyes at me. "What are you up to? You little naughty thing?"  I let out a nervous laugh. "Nothing..."  "And why didn't you say hi?" She asks suspiciously.  I clear my throat and look up at her. 
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