All Chapters of FINALLY FOUND YOU: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
243 Chapters
Chapter 121
  Augustus was about to step out of his office, when again Giovanna came into his office uninvited.  “Here.” She handed Augustus the divorce papers. “Go and ask her to sign it immediately.”  Augustus just nodded and walked past her just then Giovanna turned and said, “You’re not going to sleep in your apartment, you will go back to villa at night.” Augustus didn’t stop and walked to the elevator.  Giovanna gritted her teeth in anger. “If he dares sleep with her, I will make him pay for it.” She murmured in low voice.  …  At the apartment  Lisa had prepared 4 dishes and one huge chocolate cake for Augustus, she was dressed up nicely as she was waiting for him to come home for dinner. She was nervous too because she didn’t know how Augustus is going to react?  Lisa, Maria and Simon. All three were sitting at the dining table and waiting for Augustus. Lisa wa
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Chapter 122
  Next Day, Augustus was sitting in his office when Giovanna came in with a furious expression on her face.  “I told you to go back to villa, why you didn’t go back there? And why you’re phone is switched off?” She asked through gritted teeth.  But however Augustus was as calm as water. Looking at his calmness, Giovanna’s anger raised more.  “I stayed at hotel here last night as villa is very far. I was tired to drive so long.” Augustus calmly said after a while.  Hearing this, Giovanna immediately suggested. “So stay with me then.”  Augustus finally looked at her and raised his eye brow. Just as he was going to refuse her she immediately added, ‘ I have bought one house, we can live there for time being besides, I’ll let you watch your mother on my phone. See for yourself.’  By saying this, Giovanna took out her mobile phone put some password on it and then showed
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Chapter 123
  It was a fifteen minutes’ drive from the apartment to Giovanna’s villa. Lisa’s feelings were complicated at the moment. She did not know what to expect?  She never wanted to find Augustus at Giovanna’s place but she is doing this for their daughter not for herself. No matter what, kids should not get affected by these things at all.  She braced herself and took a deep breath when Lester parked the car in front of the villa. Lisa got out and walked to the door with heavy steps.  She pressed the door bell and a servant opened the door. “Yes, Miss who are you looking for?” the servant asked politely.  “I am here for Au….” Lisa was going to say Augustus but soon she changed her words and said firmly, “I am looking for my husband, Augustus.”  The servant was stunned for a moment and then she stood aside to let Lisa in. Lisa walked inside, it was very quiet at the moment seems like
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Chapter 124
  Lester couldn’t help but admired her. “Madam so it means, you knew it from the beginning that Giovanna is controlling him?”  “Yes” Lisa nodded.  Lester was shocked but at the same moment he sighed in relief. Then he praised her. “Well you really deserve to be Boss’s side. You really are good Madam.”  “No matter how much good I am, Augustus didn’t trust me at all and tolerating this by his own.” There was a hint of disappointment in her tone when she said those words.  Seeing her disappointed face, Lester immediately added. “Madam, he loves you a lot that is why he doesn’t want you to suffer.”  He tried to comfort Lisa but however Lisa remained silent.  “Lester, drop me home first I am a bit tired.” She said after a while. She then closed her eyes and leaned on the seat.  Even if Augustus tells her the truth or not in both ways she
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Chapter 125
IN THE APARTMENT  Maria was sitting on the single bed and her eyes were red from crying. The atmosphere in the room was much tensed. Lisa was standing beside the bed trying to comfort her and Simon was holding a bowl of strawberry mousse as it’s her favorite dessert.  “Maria, daddy is busy he called me before your function starts.” Lisa tried to comfort her but Maria shook her head.  “No… He does not want me anymore.” She pouted sadly and again started crying.  Seeing her crying, Lisa’s heart tightened and she hurriedly said. “Who said he does not wants you? Even if he did not attend the function me and Simon were there to support you my princess.” Lisa touched her head gently.  But however, Maria was probably very much hurt and she did not even listen to her mother’s words.  “He abandoned my mother and now he abandoned me too. Nobody wants me..” This time she cri
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Chapter 126
…  After Giovanna left, Augustus took a taxi and went to his apartment. He deliberately not takes his car as he knew Giovanna would be stalking him with her men.  When he entered the home, Ms. Davis was slightly shocked to see him and he expected that after all it as a while he was at home last time. And then he saw, three people chatting happily in the room.  He felt warm by looking at three of them and all his worries vanished in an instant.  He played with Maria and Simon for a while and then checked their home work too. After putting them both on the bed he finally went to his bedroom to take a shower.  He tried his best to not peek at Lisa in the kitchen and walked straight to the room.  He was taking shower lost in his own thoughts just then the bathroom door was opened from outside and Lisa stepped in.  Augustus looked at her confused, Lisa smiled warily and said, “I am also here for shower.”  
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Chapter 127
  Next day, Lisa woke up with pain all over her body. She turned and saw that person beside her has already left but the messy sheets had shown that he had slept with her last night. She smiled feeling depressed.  She then stood up and walked to the bathroom. She frowned while taking every step, it’s the first time she felt so painful because of Augustus’s violent attacks last night.  For a second, she even thought if he was really bored of her now?  But soon she shook her head and striped all the thoughts away. In the bathroom, she got stunned when she saw her body covered in marks when she touched it, it felt like burning hot.  Her eyebrows furrowed. Did she spend last night with a beast? She thought to herself and then washes up herself nicely and went down.  Simon and Maria had already left for school. Ms. Davis brought the breakfast for her and then asked politely, “Is young master is not coming Madam?”  Li
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Chapter 128
  Both kept staring at each other without saying a single word.  Last time they both met when she had brought Augustus to the hospital and Cristian found out about her marriage with him and the next day she clarified it to Cristian and things turned to normal.  But after that unfortunately they both didn’t meet again. Cristian was hesitant and Lisa didn’t dare to make a move as she was afraid that Augustus would get angry.  “Cristian…! My hero you saved me.” Suddenly Sasha’s drunken voice came and both then looked at Sasha.  Sasha pulled Cristian’s neck to kiss him but Cristian pulled himself away. “Its fine Sasha..”  Sasha pouted her face and then unexpectedly she vomited on Cristian’s shoes.  Cristian held her tightly until she was finished. Lisa bent down and cleaned her face embarrassingly.  Cristian frowned and then helped Lisa to put Sasha in her car. Then Cristian
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Chapter 129
She read that message for like hundredth  times and felt like her spirit had been lifted up by it.  No matter how many jokes or teasing Cristian and Sasha would do, Augustus’s only one message is enough to lift her spirit in a moment.  She quickly went into her bedroom and started pampering herself as she wanted to look good in front of Augustus. She took a lot of time to pick her dress and sandals.  At 4’o’ clock she was ready to go and Cristian was already down waiting for her.  As soon as she stepped out of the building, Cristian whose one hand was resting on the car immediately fell down while looking at her.  Lisa was wearing a red colored high neck sweat dress in mid length with brown colored long boots she had also wore a belt on the dress which shows her perfect figure.  She was wearing red lipstick with winged liner which made her face looked extremely attractive. Her hairs were opened down and she looke
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Chapter 130
   Cristian saw Lisa’s retreating back with sad eyes and sighed.  After a long time, he finally took out his phone to call Sasha  to wait for a while as he didn’t know how much time Lisa will take here.  Just as the phone was connecting to another call, he heard another ringtone from the phone. He frowned and looked around, thus soon he saw Lisa’s phone at the side of the seat.  He took it out, it was Augustus calling her. His name was saved as “Husband” Cristian’s eyes dim but he still answered the phone.  “Hello.!”  “Lisa? Where is Lisa? Why did you pick her phone?” Augustus’s voice came totally showing his displeasure.  “She has gone inside. She would reach to you in just two minutes don’t worry.” Cristian replied calmly.  “Two minutes? Where is she going? What are you talking about?” Augu
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