All Chapters of FINALLY FOUND YOU: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
243 Chapters
Chapter 131
   (Hello everyone. Thank you so much for your love because of some technical issues I did not get all of your comments and can’t update my chapters.  My story is not done soon the status of story will change from Done. Don’t worry everyone and again thanks a lot for your love and comments. I really appreciate it.  My sincere apology to everyone who read my story. Will fix this issue as soon as we can)  ...  Next day, Lisa woke up from a headache. She opened her eyes and saw the white ceiling and realized that she is in the hospital.  She moved uncomfortably and touched something. She tried to sit up and then saw a figure resting his head on the hospital bed while touching her hand.  Her head felt very heavy and she again laid down her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.  Soon, the man moved when he felt Lisa’s movement. “You’re up?”  Cristian
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Chapter 132
   Lisa finished the whole bowl of soup as she was feeling hungry.  Augustus than brought a wet towel from the bathroom and wiped Lisa’s hands and face. Lisa completely melted by his care but soon she remained her posture and didn’t react.  She couldn’t figure out what Augustus really wanted to do. He demanded for divorce again and again, completely ignored her and yet now he is taking care of her like she is the most precious to him.  She was craving for his touch and his warmth but he never cared for her at all.  When Augustus felt her staring at his face, he couldn’t help but felt guilty. It was because of him she had been in this situation, he thought he should explain her clearly that it wasn’t him.  He stood near the bed and finally spoke, “Lisa no matter what I won’t scoop too low just for the divorce. If you are not willing to sign I can head to the court in
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Chapter 133
   After Cristian left the ward, Lisa had nothing to do so she simply closed her eyes and fell asleep.  At lunch time, as Lisa was waiting for Cristian to come back with some news, the door of the ward opened and Sasha stepped in.  Lisa felt a bit disappointed but still she smiled happily at Sasha.  Sasha walked in with a basket of fruits in her hand. Seeing Lisa smiling at her she put the basket at the corner table. She smiled back at her and then complained.  "Look at you Lisa.. you're a mother of two kids and still you are afraid of cats hmmm... How childish is this?"  Sasha sat on the chair and started peeling an orange for her.  "Afraid of cats?" Lisa was confused by her words.  Seeing her lost in thoughts, Sasha handed her a piece of  an orange and explained, "Its okay, Its okay no need to be ashamed. Cristian had told me everything it wasn't your fault actually."  "What d
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Chapter 134
   Soon Lisa's eyes started getting wet and she whined in Cristian's embrace while shaking her head in defeat.  Seeing Lisa being so emotional, Cristian's heart tightened and he held Lisa tightly in his arms. "I promise I won't let the culprit go Lisa. I will make sure to get them punished by law."  The more Cristian comforted her, the more Lisa felt sad. She wanted to hear these words from Augustus not Cristian. She wanted Augustus to protect her not Cristian...!!  Why she always got the bad luck? Why Augustus couldn't see her suffering? Why God is being unfair to her? Why?  Lisa kept crying and sobbing for a long time. After she calmed down, she apologized to Cristian. "I am sorry I just got emotional."  Cristian looked down at her and then his wet shirt, "Well its worth it." He smiled sweetly and then handed Lisa tissue box.  "Clean your running nose, you look so ugly yuckk..." Cristian joked.  Lisa took tissue
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Chapter 135
Standing in front of the tall building, Lisa had complicated feelings in her heart.  She stared at the busy street filled with people walking in and out of the hotel. She took a deep breath and then crossed the road and finally entered the building.  The building was filled with people's noise and every staff member looked busy. Lisa quickly made her way to the VIP elevator without meeting anyone's eyes.  She quickly put the password and went straight to the 10th floor. The whole floor was quiet, Lisa walked straight to the office. When the secretary saw Lisa coming over, she bowed her head respectfully.  Lisa nodded at her, as she was going to open the door and informed the person inside the office Lisa shook her head and gestured her to be seated where she was.  The secretary obeyed her and didn't move from her place.  Lisa reached the office door and then finally opened it with a heavy heart. She has to do this.  She took a
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Chapter 136
  Lisa was sitting lifelessly on her seat, looking out of the window. It was the month of october, the true starts of the month of fall.  The leaves dance from branch to ground, each a colorful flag without any strings or pole, free to roam. People feel the breeze, rich with the aroma of the earth, the keeper of the seeds, for the springtime to come.  There is calmness, as if all the gold, berry-reds and brown that flutter about is a cozy quilt, bringing everyone the same piece as the night time.  It is the time people once again see how the trees are clad in the many hues of the soil, see how their bark is their fingerprint, speaking to the people of beauty in their silent way.  Lisa watched the beautiful weather feeling no joy with empty eyes. Cristian kept glancing at her from time to time but he didn't dare to speak at the moment.  He was particularly very terrified by Lisa's silent behaviour, he had never seen her so quiet and broke befor
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Chapter 137
  Hearing Ms. Davis's words. Lisa swallowed back her words and turned to look at a tall figure walking towards the living room.  Simon and Maria squealed in excitement while looking at Augustus. They both hugged and greeted Augustus happily.  "Mommy, Daddy is also here. Let's talk now." Maria took Augustus's arm and pulled him to the sofa where Lisa was already sitting.  Lisa shrieked when Augustus sat on the sofa beside her. She tried to be normal in front of kids.  Seeing both staring at each other without saying any words. Maria then urged Lisa, "Mommy......"  "Ohh actually...." Lisa hesitated and looked at Augustus.  "Actually Mommy is tired let her rest for time being ok." Augustus interrupted Lisa's words and looked at Simon and Maria.  Simon and Maria nodded understandingly and then went to their room. Lisa immediately stood up to follow them behind but Augustus held her wrist tightly pinning her at her place.  L
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Chapter 138
  Augustus was walking back and forth fuming in anger. He ran his fingers in his hair multiple times as he was trying to calm himself from the panic Lisa is giving him right now.  Lisa was confused by his actions, she just can't figure it out what Augustus really wants from her? Why he is so secretive? Why he doesn't trust her and keep everything to himself?  "Miss Davis, leave us alone." Just as Lisa was lost in her thoughts. Augustus sharp voice brought her back to the reality.  Miss Davis nodded and immediately left them both, but she still turned and looked at them before leaving as she wanted both of them to reconcile.  "If you don't want compensation from me that's fine, but you won't abandon Maria later, right?" Augustus asked rudely.  Lisa frowned hearing his tone. "I never abandon people like you do Augustus." Lisa sneered.  "Good." Augustus whispered and then walked to grab Lisa's bags.  "I'll send you down." 
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Chapter 139
 Lisa was completely stunned to see Mary as a sales person as far as she knows Mary, she is from a very respectable family.  She married Ted against her parent's wish and the property she inherited from them, she had given it to the Ted.  She had always seen her as a simple housewife, she could never imagine that one day she would be kneeling against someone to pay for few euros.  But why she has become like this? And most importantly where is the Ted? How could he let her do a job like this when he already had taken everything from Lisa that belongs to Tom?  Lisa looked at Mary and then the woman beside her, "I suddenly get to like this pallette, I want to take it." Lisa said to the woman and then looked at Mary.  "How much is it?"  "Its 200 euro." Mary replied.  200 euro? Lisa frowned Mary was begging her to pay just to save 200 euro? Is Ted has left her? But didn't he say that he would never leave Mary and kids?  Lis
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Chapter 140
  Lisa reached back home absentmindedly and hurriedly prepared the lunch for Sasha and Simon.  At 4'o' clock, as expected the door was unlocked from outside and Sasha stepped inside, Simon beside her.  Sasha smiled and then gave Lisa a hint from her eyes to talk to Simon. Before Lisa could understood her hint Simon spoke first.  "Mom, why Aunt Sasha bring me here today?" He asked straightly.  "Umm, Simon for some time this is going to be our house and then we will move to our own house hopefully." Lisa squatted down and held Simon's hand while explaining him calmly.  Simon stared at her mother face for a long time and finally he uttered the word. "Okay."  Lisa was stunned to hear this one word from him, she had expected Simon to ask her multiple questions like he did when last time she shifted to London with him.  Lisa repeated his word. "Okay..?"  But Simon didn't say anything and just nodded his head.  "Okay,
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