All Chapters of FINALLY FOUND YOU: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
243 Chapters
Chapter 141
  After Lisa ended the call, Augustus wasn't disappointed at all in fact there was a huge smile on his face.  At least she is still willing to talk to him and now because of Maria she would stay in contact with him no matter what. He could use Maria as his trump card to see Lisa.  The words she said in the morning were still haunting him and he was on the verge of losing his mind just then her call came giving him again a hope of her not leaving him completely.  "Maybe we are truly destined to be together no matter what we go through." Augustus murmured to himself and soon his phone vibrated showing a message.  Augustus opened the message,  "Dishes are ready to serve."  Augustus's brow twitched at the message, he then walked to his study room and locked the door behind him.  He walked to his desk and bent down and took out a secret cellphone from beneath it. He then made a call, "What's the situation?"  "My people are r
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Chapter 142
 "Come kids, hop in." Sasha shouted as she knew that if she will ask Lisa she would probably refuse so she directly asked the kids to get in.  Maria immediately held Simon's hand and pulled him to the car, no matter how much Simon tried to pretend to ignore her he couldn't refuse her.  He was taller than her and stronger than her, but as she was pushing him instead of stopping her he let her pushed him in the car.  Seeing the three of them had already seated in the car, Lisa had no choice but to walk towards the car in utter disappointment.  Just as she was about to reach for the back door, Sasha said, "it's full, you have to sit on the front."  Lisa frowned, and then walked to the front door, she sat in the passenger seat and put on her seat belt. She didn't greet Augustus neither did she look at him once.  Augustus felt disappointed but still he calmed his emotions and then drove the car away. All the way, Lisa kept staring outside a
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Chapter 143
 As Lisa came out of the room, she saw an unexpected view. Augustus was sitting in the balcony with kids and they all are studying.  She frowned, she thought Augustus would leave. She did not welcome him here so then who? She then stared at Sasha and walked towards her feeling angry.  But before she could complained, Sasha said quickly, "I didn't invite him, he's staying himself."  Lisa rolled her eyes, unsatisfied.  "What?" Sasha shrugged helplessly.  "Ask him to leave." She said, determined.  "Ah....." Sasha hesitated at first but when she saw the suspicious look in Lisa's eyes she nodded her head and walked to the balcony.  "Kids, dinner time. Go and keep your books in the bag and then come over into the kitchen to eat." Sasha clapped her hands and said.  "Okay," both kids than ran to the room with books in their hands.  Augustus sat as usual and saw the community park in which families were gathered.
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Chapter 144
  "You're a kid Simon, you won't understand and who said that I am hurt? Look at me I am so happy with you." Lisa gave her best smile to Simon.  But Simon just sneered and looked away from her. "Mom is not sad Simon, because mom has you." Lisa hugged Simon tightly.  "I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, Mom. I will take care of you." Simon held Lisa's hand and said with determination in his eyes. Lisa felt proud that he cares for her but at the same time she felt afraid also of Simon's serious determination.  It's clear that he had noticed everything that had happened in the last year and somewhere he is holding a grudge against those who have hurt her.  "Let's sleep, Simon."  This night, Lisa held Simon in her arms and stared at his little face, she didn't realize when Simon grew up so much. Maybe she was too busy with her messy life that she didn't see it coming.  Now she has a chance to focus on Simon rather than anything. Whole nig
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Chapter 145
  Lisa turned and saw a beautiful tall blonde woman wearing white collar shirt with pencil skirt and black heels. She looked extremely elegant and energetic.  Lisa looked down at herself in complex. She was wearing a jeans and a loose sweatshirt totally different from the elegant young lady.  Actually with Cristian, she never feels like to become a lady. She was always happy and carefree with him regardless what she wears.  Cristian hugged the woman and then introduced her to Lisa, "Lisa, this is Leila. Leila, Lisa.!  "Hi," both exchanged the greetings and then sat on the table.  "So, is she the one?" Leila asked directly.  "Yes," Cristian nodded.  Leila eyed Lisa up and down and then smiled. "She would be fantastic."  "Yeah, I know." Cristian smiled and looked at Lisa.  While Lisa hit his foot hard with her shoes. Cristian flinched and stared at Lisa. Lisa stared at her like she was complaining. Cristian rolled
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Chapter 146
  "It’s me, mom." Simon held his mother tightly in his arms.  Lisa hugged him tightly and cried like a child. The situation has been reversed where a mother comforted her child, today a child is comforting his mother.  Simon rubbed his mother's back and comforted her, he then took his mother to their room. He cleaned his mother's hands and face and tucked her in the bed while she was still shedding tears.  Simon wiped her tears, and caressed her hairs. "Sleep mom, I am here to protect you." His words were childish but it gave Lisa a kind of security and comfort she closed her eyes and fell asleep.  Simon stared at his mother's pale face, since he has lost his father, he has seen his mother always in bad condition but today he saw her being broken and that was only because of one person, Augustus Carlos.  He somehow knows that Augustus is not a bad person, he had always treated him fairly but his mother? He has always hurt his mother agai
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Chapter 147
 ...  Leila was wearing a beautiful orange color cocktail dress, she looked extremely fresh and young. Lisa felt extremely complex looking at her but she really adored her, and hoped that one day Cristian also adore her.  She will try to find ways to bring them both together, and they will definitely look one perfect couple together.  Lisa met Grace and Sasha and introduced her brother and sister to both of them. There were many people in the cafe and it was ultimately crowded.  Leila clapped her hands to get the attention of everyone.  "Hello everyone, thank you for coming here. Today everything is for free as it is the opening of my first cafe in here, Italy. I named it "Happy Hour" and we tried our best to make your time happy in this cafe. Well, I am not the only one here, there is someone else. Without him, I couldn't be able to open my cafe, my good friend and my partner, Cristian Silas."  Clap...Clap...Clap...  Cristian
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Chapter 148
  His actions ignited the fire that Lisa tried to keep calm since she left him. After struggling in her mind for a few moments, Lisa kissed him back. Augustus paused and then deepened the kiss, he pushed her in the dark and her back hit the table.  Augustus picked her up and put her on the table, he knew every inch of her body even in the dark. He took off her pants and Lisa unbuckled his belt. For a moment, they both had forgotten about their indifferences and were trying to do what they yearn for a long time.  In this dark, no one saw them neither they both need to look at each other. They could just feel the passion for each other, without saying a single word that would hurt their feelings.  Augustus's kisses soon started to go down to her neck, he rubbed her down and she moaned. "Say you still love me, Lisa." He breathed in her neck and stopped his movements.  Lisa was on the verge of strangling him as it already took her a lot of courage to do w
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Chapter 149
  Lisa was eating her food like she was chewing the wax. She peeked at Augustus from the corner of her eyes and saw how calmly he was eating his food, like nothing had happened and also nobody had noticed that he had been eating from his left hand the entire time, neither Giovanna who was sitting beside him.  She chuckled at how foolish everyone seems at the moment.  "Anything funny?" Giovanna asked in displeasure.  Lisa just shook her head and then lowered her head pretending she was eating. Since the beginning till the last moment Augustus kept rubbing Lisa's upper hand with his thumb as he was trying to soothe her heart.  Lisa felt touched by his gesture but at the same time she felt anger too as when she needed him to soothe her he wasn't there and now it doesn't seem to be a good occasion to do that for her.  She just couldn't understand what Augustus really want? He pushed her away from himself and then told her that he still loves her a
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Chapter 150
  …  Taking a shower, Augustus stared at his hand that was scratched by Lisa and then a smile appeared on his thin lips. He closed his eyes and remembered Lisa’s touch on his body, he felt lost in his own thoughts and after a long time he finally came out of his washroom wearing bathrobe.  He put on his pajamas and went to his study. He took out his hidden phone under the desk and called the private number of Monte Carlos.  Last time, they both had decided to rescue his mother, Rheena Carlos. The mercenaries were even successful in rescuing her but Rheena Carlos health seemed to be very bad that she couldn’t even stand and the people from Giovanna’s side kept on coming.  I f they would kept on fighting instead of taking her to the hospital she would have died, seeing that critical condition the leader of mercenaries decided to run away for the time being as Rheena Carlos’s life is more important than to rescuing her.
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