All Chapters of Billionaire Love Story Children Series : Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
489 Chapters
Chapter 27
Joan Cesborn"Yes Joan beautiful , lean more" The photographer said and this was my last outfit of the day. I posed a lot and just focus to the camera"That's a wrap! Thankyou" He wrapped everything up and I'm done. I walked to the changing room and changed into my comfortable clothes. I thanked all the crew and staff today and walked out from the setI smiled widely when I saw Nate leaning to his car looking at me. I ran to him and crashed him with a hug."How's your flight?" I asked"Good , I miss you" He gave me a peck on the lips"Miss you too , looking so good today" I looked at him and he dressed really nice today after a long flight. He usually wear comfortable clothes but today he's wearing a w
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Nathaniel Bryant"Honey I'm hom-" I froze to see the kitchen like this because it's a definition of disaster"Joan?" I put my back on the chair and walked inside the kitchen more. I chuckled secretly to see Joan sleeping with her head on her arms. Her face was covered with flour here and there , can't help but admire her cute sleeping side.I turned my head to the oven and saw brownies and cupcakes inside there. It's still 15 minutes more. I walked to her closer and put her bangs to her ear. I kissed her cheek and her eyes slowly opened."You home?" She asked and I smiled nodding"Why are you baking?" I asked and she sat up straight looking at the oven"Dad's birthday" She answered and walked to the ov
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BLSC #12: Billionaire's Trouble - Chapter 1
Scarlette Thompson"Yes.." I ran towards the customer and started to take their order and ran back to give the order."Scarlette.. Clean up table 8.""Yes." I ran to table 8 and quickly cleaned the table up. I ran back to wash the dishes. I keep working as a waitress and dishwashing girl for 6 hours and I need to go to work at a clothes shop.My mind went back to reality when a sound of plate dropped on the floor. My eyes widened and I looked down. Oh shit! Not again.."Scarlette!" Oh shoot shoot.. I kneeled down to get all the glass pieces that scattered on the floor. Shit!"Scarlette.. not again." I looked up to see Kevin, he kneeled down and helped me."
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Chapter 2
Matthew Lemiere"What took you so long? What is that stain?" My mom asked."Sorry.. I came out from the meeting late and a girl bumped me with her taco." I said as I sat down beside my sister. I ruffled her hair and smiled widely at her."Don't touch me!" She smacked my hand away."How's the meeting?" My dad asked."Nicholas.. No talking about business when we're eating." My mom said."Chloe.. I'm jus-" My mom shut my dad's mouth with her index finger."Let's order.""Yes! I'm hungry.." Dylan said"Why didn't you all order first?" I asked.
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Chapter 3
Scarlette Thompson"Bye Kevin!" I waved at him and he waved at me back. I walked towards my next workplace again and can't help but feel hungry because I've been working for straight 6 hours without eating anything.I need sugar..I walked into a milkshake shop and bought a chocolate milkshake. I started to drink it and it felt so good. I felt my body was charged up.I walked towards the next workplace and started to work again. I worked there for 5 hours and then walked back home. Suddenly my phone rang.. but it's an unknown number."Hello.""Hello.. Is this Ms. Scarlette Thompson?""Yes.""I'm Erica from the T
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Chapter 4
Scarlette ThompsonThere's a lot of people on the 20th floor and I got number 43. I sat down and took out my phone to find out who Lemiere and The 7 Gold Lifes is.Google.. and The 7 Gold LifesWho is The 7 Gold Lifes?The 7 Gold Life consists of 7 people : Aaron Samuel, Sky Locason, Alexander North, Maximillion Cesantio, Luke Hastington, Sebastian Cesborn, Nicholas Lemiere.They are currently on the top of the chain to rule the business market in America. They got clothing, mineral materials, oil, machines, transportation, gold, iron, export and import and a lot more. They're a part of the Gold and Elite peoples in America along with the other Samuel, Portwalt, Grey and others.
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Chapter 5
Scarlette Thompson"You good?" Kevin asked me."Nah.. Just a little bit tired." I smiled.We just finished our work and again.. I caused trouble but not that big which is relieving."Wanna eat something together?" He asked and I shook my head. I don't have that much money left so I can't just eat outside whenever and wherever I want."Come on.. it's on me." He took my wrist and we walked together side by side."Kevin.. You've already paid me a lot of times." I said."Shut it.. I don't want to talk about things like that." Suddenly my phone rang and I took it out from my picket at a great speed."Hello."
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Chapter 6
Matthew Lemiere"You okay?" Dylan asked and I nodded. I sipped my alcohol and leaned back to the sofa."You shouldn't be drinking.. tomorrow is Cailey's wedding day.""I know.. Don't remind me." I sighed."Still can't believe the fact that Zac got her instead of you?""Good thing that he's our cousin or not.. I already took her away again.""You had that moment but you always miss it." Dylan said and I sighed."Don't remind me..""You still can't let her go?" He asked and I turned to him."I don't have a choice.. at least she's happy."
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Chapter 7
Matthew LemiereI walked into Zac's waiting room and saw him walking around the room nervous."You okay?" I asked."Yeah.. Just nervous about the vow." He said."Don't be.. You'll do good.""Gosh.. I can't believe that I'm getting married today.""Why? You want to back off?" I asked."That will never be in my dictionary. I love her so much dude.. She's my life now and I just can't believe that I'm getting married to this wonderful girl." He said smiling widely."Don't hurt her." I said even though my heart is hurting."I won't." He said and I nodded. I felt my breath
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Chapter 8
Scarlette Thompson"Meeting room.. now!" Erica said and I got up at a speed of light and walked out from my office along with Tina. We walked to the meeting room and I'm nervous as hell. I pulled out my pony tail making my hair fall down to cover my face.I entered the meeting room along with Tina, Eddy, Eden and Olive. We all sat down in a straight line waiting for Matthew or maybe someone else to come.Suddenly the door bursted open revealing Nicholas Lemiere along with his son Matthew Lemiere who is my boss. We all got up from our seat and bowed our head a little."Good morning.""Morning." We all said."Please sit down." Nicholas said. He and Matthew sat right across us more like Matthew is sitting
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