All Chapters of Billionaire Love Story Children Series : Chapter 341 - Chapter 350
489 Chapters
Chapter 9
Scarlette Thompson"Deadline in 4 hours.. Deadline in 4 hours." I said to myself again and again. I can't believe that I slept yesterday. I will get fired if I don't finish this and Mr. Annoying will get angry and maybe throw things at me."Scarlette.. Office." Eden opened the door and gestured to me to go out. My eyes widened but I got up from my seat. I walked out and saw Mr. Preffin standing."Scarlette.. I need this file." He pointed at the paper and I nodded. I ran back to my office and tried to find my USB. God dang it.. where is it? I took my bag and poured everything to the table."Scarlette.. I want your new design now.. Go to my office!" Oh shit! That's Mr. Annoying.."Be right there.." I said but was still looking for my USB. Where is i
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Chapter 10
Matthew Lemiere"Why are you still here?" My dad asked."And why are you still here? I bet mom already called you a thousand times asking when will you come home." I said and he chuckled."I have to finish this buddy.." He pointed at his pile of paper and I nodded."Why are you still here?" He asked again and I sighed."I want all the designs today but this clumsy girl decided to make me come home late." I said and sat down in front of him."Tina?""No.. Scarlette..""Right." He said as he swam back into his pool of work."You know mom wi-"
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Chapter 11
Scarlette Thompson"He's gone." Tina said as she walked into the meeting room."Good." I said and she looked at me like I was growing 4 heads."What?" I asked her disbelief."He's a one hot guy.. and he's gone to Italy for 2 weeks.""I mean he's there to find T I L E partnership." I said."Eden went there with him.. I'm jealous." I ignored her because I'm not interested. I'm here for work and it will be impossible to think my boss a.k.a Matthew will want to date an ordinary girl like us. He's on the top of the chain.My phone suddenly rang.. My eyes widen.. speaking of the devil.. it's Matthew Lemiere."Hello."
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Chapter 12
Scarlette Thompson"I don't want to talk to you!" I hissed as I pushed Kevin's grip away from my hands."Scarlette.. I said don't touch it!" Matthew bursted angrily and I ignored him and still trying to take care the scattered vase on the floor. Kevin pulled me up making me stand up and pulled me away."Kevin!" I hissed."We need to talk." He said and dragged me into a room."I don't want to talk to you!""Scarlette please.. Let me explain." He begged and I shook my head. I walked out from the room again and bumped into Matthew along the way. I said sorry and walked to the scattered vase.When I kneeled down to take care of it, someone grabbed my wrist and
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Chapter 13
Matthew Lemiere"I want you to find out more about Kevin Kard and his family. Especially about Mrs. Beckervil and her relation with Scarlette Thompson." I said to my private investigator."Yes sir. Anything else?""Everything about Scarlette Thompson.""Roger that, sir.""Good.. Send it to me soon." I said and ended the call. I zipped up my running jacket and got ready to run. I put on my earphone and walked out from my hotel room. It's 10 p.m but I can't sleep so I decided to go for a run and a stroll around the city.I walked down to the lobby and walked out from the hotel when suddenly I remembered something. I called my private investigator again."Jame
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Chapter 14
Matthew Lemiere"Don't give me that face." I said to Morris, Daniel and Archer as soon as I walked into the base. I walked into the meeting room and they followed me. There's 3 files in the table and I looked at them."Explain.." Daniel said."Something off with Kard.""What is it? Last time we checked.. He-""Who's Scarlette Thompson? You're a new girl?" Morris opened one of the files and there's a picture of her there."I never thought this is your type." Archer said and I sighed. I took all of the files and read them one by one. I sat down and gestured to them to sit down."Explain Matthew." Morris said but I gestured to him to wait. I put one file on th
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Chapter 15
Scarlette Thompson"Hey..""Hey Scarlette, I'm at the lobby.""Lobby?" My eyes widen"Kevin.. I-""Let's have lunch together okay?""Lunch?" I turned to see the clock and yes it's 12.30 already."Yeah.. I'll be waiting at the lobby." He said."Okay.. just give me 5 minutes." I said and he ended the call. I got up from my seat and took my bag. I walked out from my office to the lift. I pressed the button."Where are you going?" I jumped a little and turned to see Matthew Lemiere."For lunch, sir."
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Chapter 16
Matthew Lemiere"Last month someone killed 5 of my men, they were kidnapped and they're all been asked where my clan is." I said to Scarlette."One of them is Mrs. Beckervil's son." I added and Scarlette closed her mouth with her hands."This guy.. and this guy are the one who killed my men and if you see their criminal record.. This.. relates to this." I showed her the picture of her parents along with other people."Kevin's mom came from a wealthy family when his dad did not. Their family didn't approve of them but they got married secretly. His dad has a law firm.. where your dad works." I explained and Scarlette looked at the screen secretly."Do you think.. your dad will go to that place along with your mom and got into a mass shooting?"
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Chapter 17
Scarlette Thompson"Scarlette and Olive, come to my office." Matthew said and I nodded. He left first and I turned my head to Olive."I'm nervous.""Me too.." Olive here is really a nice girl.. I like Olive more than Tina. Tina is a flirty kind of type.We both walked to Matthew's office ready to presentate our newest design for the hoodie. Me and Olive worked together yesterday until 3 a.m to make this design and we both quite like it. We made 6 different designs for this and I hope he likes it because we keep the design simple but edgy."Presentate.." He said and there's Brandon Lemiere inside his office too. I gulped nervously and couldn't help but be so nervous.Olive started the presentation first
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Chapter 18
Matthew Lemiere"Come with me." I said to Scarlette and gestured to her to follow me. We walked towards the lift and I slid my Gold Card to go to the S floor."Sir.. I mean.. Mr. Lemiere, I don't think I can do this." She said in a really nervous tone."You know that I'm clumsy and I can't hide my true feelings. I hate him and I can't pretend to like him or something like that." She added and we both walked out from the lift after arriving at the S floor."Hello, Mr. Winslot." I smiled."Hello, Mr. Lemiere." He said and let me in but stopped Scarlette to check if there's something attached to her or something like that. After she's clear.. She walked towards me."If you want to know why he killed your
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