All Chapters of Billionaire Love Story Children Series : Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
489 Chapters
Chapter 19
Scarlette Thompson"Ms. Cesborn, I really- I mean I don't think I can't wear this. It's too revealing." I said to her and she shook her head."To be a seductress needs this dress and red lipstick." She took out her red lipstick and gave it to me."No, Ms. Cesborn. It's yours." I rejected it politely and suddenly someone knocked on the door. She gestured to her bodyguard to let whoever stands behind that door. Suddenly there's 6 people walking in with a lot of big bags. I looked confused."Ms. Cesborn." The beautiful jet black haired woman greeted Joan."Cut her hair a little bit and curl it loosely. Don't give her the nails.. give her a sexy look makeup." Joan said to her."Ms. Cesborn, I think Kevin w
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Chapter 20
Matthew Lemiere"Stop shaking!" I said and she closed her eyes."I'm sorry, Mr. Lemiere.""Again!" I said and she sighed deeply.It's not her who was shaking but I did."Sir.. I can't do this." She said and I turned to her and looked straight to her eyes. Shit!"Take 3 steps back." I said and she took 3 steps back.No.. this is not happening again. No.. not happening. I turned my body around and looked out the window. I took a really deep breath."Cancel it." I told her."Oh.. yes.." She squealed and I tried to get myself together. I closed my eyes.
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Chapter 21
Scarlette ThompsonI closed the door of my office and walked to the lift. Today has been a really tiring day. I need to sleep and just.. rest. After arriving at the lobby, I walked out from the lift and walked out from the building."Are you avoiding me?" I jumped and turned my head to the side to see Kevin."Hey Kevin." I tried to smile even though I knew it came out so fake."Hey Scarlette.. I see you didn't reply my messages or calls or everything." He said and he looked at me seriously."I was busy.. I'm sorry.""Have dinner with me then." He said."I'm sorry, I already promised my grandmother that I will come home and have dinner with her. How about lu
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Chapter 22
Matthew Lemiere"I don't think it's necessary for me to stay here." Scarlette said and I turned my body to her."Kevin almost hurt you if Crystal wasn't there." I hissed coldly at her and she sighed."My grandmother is alone.""Someone's watching her.""Then I can be safe with her." Scarlette said smiling sweetly and I sighed."First room at the right.""Okay fine.. Thank you, Mr. Lemiere. You may go." She said and walked towards the room. Little did she know.. I'm staying here instead of going home.I walked towards my bedroom and took a shower. I sighed and can't believe I do this for one girl but I have a fee
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Chapter 23
Matthew LemiereI fell down from my sofa to the floor.. I groaned in pain and opened my eyes. I looked at Scarlette in disbelief. She shoved me away from the sofa and now her sleeping pose is just like a grasshopper. I hissed when I felt my head hurt because of the alcohol that I drank last night.I got up and walked to the kitchen to make something because I'm damn hungry. I opened my fridge and suddenly Scarlette screamed. I jumped and turned to her."Where am I? Oh my god.." I turned my head and saw her jumping out from the sofa and looked around panicky. When her eyes landed on me.. her eyes widened."Mr. Lemiere?" She asked me in disbelief."Last night was fun.." My evil head decided to tease her, her eyes widened more. She looked at her body
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Chapter 24
Scarlette ThompsonI tiptoed out from the room and looked to the left and to the right. There's no Matthew ass to the hole Lemiere. I walked slowly outside holding my alcohol bottle tightly. Johnny texted me earlier to come to his place."Where do you think you're going?" I jumped and sighed."Going outside.. to-" My eyes widen to see Matthew soaking wet. He was working out and his sweats are everywhere. Oh my gosh.. I can't breath."To what?" He raised his eyebrows."To get fresh air.." I said and looked down to the ground. Suddenly he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the balcony."Take your fresh air here." He said."But I.. You.. I need to go."
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Chapter 25
Scarlette Thompson"Is it real?" Matthew asked Nathan."I don't know.. because it looks real but it looks fake at the same time.""Babe.. You did this before." Joan said to him and linked her arm to him."But.. it's.. you know..""What?" Joan asked."So do you say that.. he's alive?" I asked and they all turned to me."Still don't know.""I'm sorry to ask but.. did you say that you did this before?" I asked and Nathaniel nodded."We will find out about that soon." Nathan said."I hope so.."
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Chapter 26
Scarlette Thompson"Bye grandma! I'm late!" I said as I rushed running to the door."There's mail for you!" She ran to me bringing me the mail and I put it into my bag. I kissed her cheek and ran out from my apartment. I literally took a taxi straight to the office. I went up to my office and looked at my watch. Thank God.. I still have 3 minutes left."Hey.. can you give me the draft?" Tina said and I nodded. I took everything out from my bag and looked for the draft. I gave the file to her and started to work again.I started to make a sketch when suddenly Erica bursted into our office."Meeting.. now." She said and I rushed to take my file to presentate. Tina walked out first and I followed her. Oh shoot! I forgot to bring my USB. I ran back to
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Chapter 27
Scarlette ThompsonI ran to the nearest bakery to buy some bread because I'm so damn hungry and I have a lot of work. I ran back to the building and bumped into Matthew."Sorry sorry sorry, Mr. Lemiere." He raised his eyebrows looking at the bread that I'm holding."You haven't eaten?" He asked and I smiled weakly."Have lunch with me then." He stated and I shook my head right away."I'm full." I said and planned to walk away but he caught my arm. He took my plastic bag of bread. He took one and ate it."Come on." He dragged me by my arm and people were looking at me."Mr. Lemiere.. people ar-""Let them talk, i
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Chapter 28
Scarlette ThompsonI looked at my design and felt bored. I'm done with my work and submitted it. The thing is that.. Matthew is currently away. Don't ask if I miss him or not..I turned my hand to see my watch and it's almost my time to go home too. Suddenly I remembered that Erica told me that Matthew asked me to take a file. I decided to do that now since I'm done with everything.I got up from my seat and walked out of my office."Where are you going?""To take Mr. Lemiere's file." I raised the post that she gave me and she nodded."I'm going home too afterwards."I went down to the lobby and decided to grab a burger on my way there. Suddenly Johnny call
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