All Chapters of Billionaire Love Story Children Series : Chapter 361 - Chapter 370
489 Chapters
Chapter 29
Matthew LemiereI'm currently in Toronto having a deal here along with my dad and my brother. I looked at the presentation bored when suddenly my phone vibrated. I took it out from the inner pocket of my suit and raised my eyebrows. It's an unknown number and it's quite weird for me to receive a call from an unknown number. I picked it up."Hello.""Hello.. who is this?" I asked and suddenly I heard a loud groan and it sounded like.."Scarlette? Why are you calling me with this phone number?""I borrowed my friend's phone and I just wanted to tell you that my gr-" She answered and she groaned in pain. I felt my whole go numb, my heart almost stopped."Scarlette!!!" Suddenly the caller cut the line and
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Chapter 30
Matthew Lemiere"Track Erica's phone! Find where she lives and all the CCTV records near her place." I said to Daniel."Christian! I want you to send the team around Manhattan.""I want you to try and find any web history from Erica's computer and files." I turned to Joel and Aiden."Autumn.. have you got anything?" I asked and she shook her head. Suddenly someone turned my body and punched me."What the fuck!" My eyes widened when my dad punched me hard. Everyone turned to me and looked at my dad in disbelief."I know you're panicking, Matthew. I know that feeling.. but this is the time you should focus more. Put this.." He pointed at my heart.. "to the back first and use your brain first. Every comma
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Chapter 31
Matthew Lemiere"Got anything?""We're tracking the signal again.. It's around the west side of Time Square." Archer answered."Go to the right." Autumn said and I turned to the right."Team Alpha go there!" My dad commanded."Christian.. Cover the back." Sebastian said to Christian."Aiden go prepare for shooting." Max said and sent him the location. I parked my car near there and it's like an old small factory place. I took 2 guns from my car and got out from the car without any protection. I turned my head to the building to see Aiden gave me an 'okay' signal.I put on the invisible earpiece and walked to the place slowly.
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Chapter 32
Matthew Lemiere"Can I speak to Ms. Thompson's family?" The doctor came out from the operation room."I'm her fiance." I said and he turned to me."Well.. She's okay but she's in a coma now. Someone choked her too hard so it was hard for her to breath. I can tell by her neck, there's nail marks. The knife wounds on her stomach have already been treated and it will heal soon. The good thing is there is no damage on her head that affects her brain.. she will be okay as long as she wakes up.. which is we cannot predict when." He said and I sighed in relief."Can I see her now?" I asked."Yes, after the nurses move her to the regular room." He said and I nodded."Thankyou." I said and the doctor smiled. He
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Chapter 33
Matthew Lemiere"Hello.. Erica." I smirked when she saw me as soon as she opened her eyes."Mr. Lemiere." She gasped and her eyes widened. She tried to get up from her seat but too bad we tied her up."Where do you think you're going?" I said in a really cold tone and she closed her eyes."So.. Tell me what did you do to Scarlette? Until.. she's almost dead." I asked and almost choked a little remembering Scarlette's condition."I didn't do it, Mr. Lemiere. You-""Didn't do it? Well.. you literally gave her a false address to lure her in. So tell me.. how much did Philip pay you?""Mr. Lemiere, it's a misunderstanding. You sent me-"
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Chapter 34
Scarlette ThompsonI opened my eyes because of the loud voices. I breathed heavily and stil can't believe that there's someone arguing in the room. My head hurts and I recognized my grandmother's voice."Grandmother.. I'm sick!" They stopped and at last.."Don't even dare to be close to my granddaughter.. you handsome annoying child!" Huh?"Scarlette! You-""Shut it! I hate you!" Uh?"Scarlette! My pumpkin pie.. I'm so glad that you're okay." My grandmother held my hand and suddenly someone bursted the door."Ms. Thompson, we're going to check your body." The doctor said and I nodded. They took off the oxygen cover from my mouth and started to check on me.
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Chapter 35
Matthew Lemiere"Mr. Lemiere? I mean Matthew.." Scarlette looked at me in shock."Why do you always call me that?" I hissed as I closed the door."Because you're my boss. I can't help but to call-""Scarlette.." He's Bosszoning me again. Can this girl get a hint? That a like her? Gosh.. I can't believe I like this girl in the first place."Hmm?" She asked and suddenly she slowly got off the bed. I walked to her in panic."Where are you going?" I asked and she pointed at the toilet."Hold that.." I pointed at her IV."Huh? For what?""I'm your boss right?" I asked and
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Chapter 36
Scarlette Thompson"Granny, Matthew is not bad. He's the one who saved Scarlette." Christian said as I walked back into my room after sending Matthew off."No.. I hate him.""He's the one who went to save Scarlette. He didn't even wear a protection suit, he just went crazy to find her." Marco added. Lauren smiled at me and patted the empty spot beside her on the sofa. I walked slowly and sat down beside her."You're lying.""We will never lie, should I play the CCTV footage?" Christian asked and I raised my eyebrows. Christian took out his iPad and gave it to my grandmother. She looked at the video silently and since I sat across her.. I cannot see anything."He never acted like this before.. it was ne
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Chapter 37
Scarlette Thompson"What are you my dad?" I hissed at him and he looked at me disbelief."I'm not your dad!""Well stop asking me to sleep.. I'm not sleepy!""You have to take a lot of rest, why are you so stubborn?" He hissed coldly and I groaned in pain when I hit my own arm to my IV's pole."See.. you're being clumsy again..""Mr. Lemiere, stop forcing me to sleep. I'm not a baby anymore!""The nurse said that you ne- hey! Stop calling me that!""You won't listen to me, then I won't listen to you.. MISTER LEMIERE.." I emphasized it and smirked at him. He looked at me disbelief and he walked towards the sofa.
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Chapter 39
Scarlette Thomspon"Are you okay now?" Tina asked and I smiled."Yes, I'm good." I said as I sat on my desk. I'm glad to be back working even though my grandmother still gave me a lot of lectures for this but it's good to be back."Well.. Hey miss Thomspon!" The door opened revealing Eddy and Eden. I got up and walked to them but bumped the table in the process. I hissed and Eden and Eddy laughed."Still the clumsy Scarlette?" Eden joked and I chuckled. I hugged him and Eddy. Suddenly someone coughed and I turned to see Brandon. He smiled and waved."Good to have you back, Ms. Thompson.""Thank you, Mr. Lemiere." I smiled and he walked into the office."Bra
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