All Chapters of Billionaire Love Story Children Series : Chapter 371 - Chapter 380
489 Chapters
Chapter 40
Scarlette Thompson"Grandmother.. I'm ho-" I stopped when I saw Matthew and my grandmother sitting in my really small apartment eating together without my grandmother killing him. I dropped my groceries to the ground and looked at the weird scene in shock."Hey Clumlette." Matthew smiled at me and I raised my eyebrows."Come here and eat! We ate first because we're hungry." My grandmother gestured to me to join fast."Here I am.. thinking that you hate him.""He kept seeing me for a month trying to persuade me that he's good for you." My jaw fell and Matthew walked to me. He took my hand and pulled me to the dining room."Matthew, you know that my house is so-"
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Chapter 41
Scarlette Thompson"Hello, Mr. Lemiere. Ready to go?" I asked and he kissed my cheek."Don't call me that.""Brandon let me out early, thank him later on.""Like I will." He chuckled."You're mean." I hissed and he put his arm around mine."Let's go.. and you're staying with me tonight.""Excuse me.. since when I agreed with you?" I said."You said it this morning.""I didn't say anything.""Want me to find the CCTV footage?" He smirked and I chuckled."Fine." I said and he sm
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Chapter 42
Matthew Lemiere"He's so sexy..""Gosh.. Those beards.""Ohh.. that body.""Oh my gosh.. Abs abs abs.""I love you." That's what Scarlette says through the whole movie. I never even look at the screen, my eyes were set on her all the time.I realized that I just act like a love sick puppy. I mocked my friends for this and now.. I'm experiencing it by myself. After the movie was done, we walked out from the theater hand in hand."I love it.. how about you?" She asked as we walked back to the car."I didn't watch it." I said honestly and she stopped walking."What? You
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Chapter 43
Scarlette ThompsonMatthew is freaking acting like a jerk, it's been a week since ignoring me. What's his problem? It's quite good to know that he's in freaking Miami now. I put all my stuff into my bag ready to go home because I'm done with my work.Suddenly the door bursts open revealing Crystal Lemiere. She smiled evily at me and I raised my eyebrows."Since my brother's not here.. wanna have fun?" She asked."That.. uhmm.""Don't have a dress? Make up? Hair? Don't worry. Let's go. He won't know since he's in Miami for tomorrow and I know these days.. that jerkface has been a jerk for you these days.. right?" She asked and I nodded weakly."Good now.. turn off your phone and let's have fun. He won't
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Chapter 44
Scarlette Thompson"It's a success.. again." Eddy said and I smiled. Today is another launching party for T I L E. We produced a lot of things now and it's crazy and young people loved it."Hey baby." Matthew kissed my cheek and I turned to him."Hey.. looking good." I said and at the same time he opened his suit and put it on me."Matthew!""It's backless." He said simply and I pouted. He put his arm around me and kissed the side of my head."Matthew! Long time no see.." When his friend came, I slipped away and threw his suit back to him. He caught quickly and I cursed under my breath. He put the suit back to me."James.. This is Scarlette, my girlfriend.
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Matthew Lemiere"Why are you looking at the clock all the time? You should pay attention beca-""I miss my wife.. is that a crime?" I cut Brandon and he chuckled hearing me say that."Dude.. she just went to Miami for 2 days and you..""Wait till your turn." I cut him again and glared at him."You know.. you're the boss and you can go out now.""The old man.." I pointed at my dad and he laughed silently."Just go.. but you owe me one." He smirked and I looked at him suspiciously."Go.." He said and I nodded. I got up and left the meeting room. I bet dad will try to call but sorry dad.. Scarlette is my number one
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BLSC #13: Fall For Dylan Lemiere - Chapter 1
Lauren Hastington"Don't even think about scolding me or commenting!" I pointed at my finger at my brother and he sighed. He sat in front of me and held my hand."You okay?" Marco asked and I shook my head."I'm going to kill Blane!""No!" I held his hand and he sat beside me. He put his arm around me and I cried again."There there.. you can date another guy again." I smacked his chest and he chuckled."I'm kidding.." He said and I cried in his arms."What's wrong?" I heard Christian asked."See I told you tha-" Marco threw a pillow to Christian."You okay?"
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Chapter 2
Dylan Lemiere"This will be a bad idea." I sighed as Lauren walked down from the stairs wearing a really short dress that shows a lot of skin."You take care of yourself!" I hissed."No.. you take care of me.." She said as she put her high heels on. I sighed and at the same time Marco got back home."Thank you brother! I will eat that later.. now me and Dylan will go to the club." She said and Marco looked at her disbelief. He loves his sister too much until he doesn't realize that he always been treat like a slave."I'm going with Dylan.""Sorry.. I just broke up. You need to understand.. It's much worse than having my period." She said and she linked her arm to mine.
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Chapter 3
Lauren HastingtonI took off my shirt leaving me in my sport bra and ready to train. Today is a special training day that we need to reach a high score to pass it. All of us attend this training because it's a must. Once a month, we have to get this test."Goodluck." My brother, Christian smirked. I kicked his ass and he hissed."I'm just saying goodluck. Geez Lauren.." I glared at him."Goodluck baby sis." Marco kissed the side of my head and I hugged him."Moron." Christian hissed and yes.. I love them equally but Christian is more of an asshole than Marco. I can say Marco and Dad are the one who are always overprotective but Christian is the secretive protective. Just like when I'm in highschool. There's someone who tried to tease me.. Marco pr
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Chapter 4
Dylan LemiereI took a deep breath of relief when I'm done with my work. I got up from my seat and stretched my body. I took my phone and wallet from the table and walked out from my office.I saw Matthew and my dad still working and I just decided to go home first. When I got into my car, I felt like drinking suddenly. I drove my car to my usual club. I took out my gold card and got out of my car. I walked in and walked into the lift, slid my card and went up.I walked into our private room and guess what.. I found Lauren in a drunken state.. alone and she was crying. She looked up to me and pouted."What did Blane do this time?" I asked as I sat across her. I took a new glass and opened a new bottle of alcohol. I poured into my glass and put some ice in it.
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