All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
300 Chapters
Chapter 101
“I heard you are going to varsity and that you are moving away with Ann and her family?” Deacon questioned.“Well, Ann and I are going to stay on campus but, yeah, I am moving with them,” Jessica said.“I am sorry for ruining your final year of school and your first year of being a supernatural and all,” Deacon said, reaching out without thinking and taking her hand.“Sorry,” he said and dropped her hand but it was already too late. Him touching her send sparks through both of them.“I will never be the same,” Jessica said, taking his hand, and plaiting her fingers into his. “It hurts when you are with Emily.”“It won't happen again,” Deacon said.“I will never claim you back. I won’t stop you from being with her and I will try to keep my pain to myself,” Jessica said, her eyes on their hands.***‘Oh, my word, look,’ Jovita mind linked Juno, that was right next to her.‘God, please let them just kiss,’ Juno prayed as they held their breath, not realizing that Wynn and Mrs. Wangberg a
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Chapter 102
Ann’s eyes fell on Paris who was dancing with Shysie. Paris felt a tap on his shoulder and looked over his shoulder at Wynn.“I think Ann needs a dance partner,” Wynn said, and held his hand out to Shysie.“You are supposed to be on my side,” Shysie said stubbornly and took his hand.“It is their last night,” Wynn reminded her and spun her away.Paris’s world disappeared around him as his eyes locked on Ann. It felt like his world came to a standstill as he watched her walk over to him. Ann wrapped her arms around his neck. “I choose you.”Paris wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. They kissed for the longest moment.‘Enjoy it, it will be the last time,’ Micheal thought and left the prom.After the song, Ann pulled Paris away. “Come with me.”“Where are we going?” Paris asked.“You will see,” Ann chuckled.“The pool?” Paris questioned when they walked in. Ann shut the doors and locked them.“I love you,” Ann said before kissing him. While kissing him, she pulled his jack
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Chapter 103
Deacon was counting the hours and just after midday he tried to mind link Jessica. ‘Please tell me you didn’t change your mind.’ ‘Jessica?’ he tried again, wondering why he was not getting through. ‘Is Jessica ok?’ Deacon mind linked Jovita. ‘Yes. She is fine. She is sleeping now. The spell was successful,’ Jovita responded. ‘No,’ Deacon responded. ‘Yes,’ Jovita replied, confused. ‘She was going to claim me,’ Deacon mind linked. ‘What?’ Jovita questioned. ‘She mind linked me this morning saying she was ready to claim me this afternoon. I didn’t know the spell was going to be placed this morning,’ Deacon mind linked, tears running down his face. ‘We can fix this. Ondrink said that the spell will break when she falls naturally in love with you,’ Jovita explained. ‘Won't she automatically be in love with me because of the bond?’ Deacon questioned. ‘She will be attracted to you but not necessarily be in love with you, you know that,’ Jovita said. Deacon took a deep breath and s
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Chapter 104
“I can't believe how fast this summer went by,” Ann said when she walked into her dorm room with her best friend, Jessica.“Tell me about it,” Jessica said and dropped her suitcase on one of the beds.Ann took out her vanity bag to look for an elastic to tie her dark long brown hair up.“Pass me one too,” Jessica said, asking Ann for an elastic.In school, the other kids named to them as twinsies because of their similar appearances. Dark long brown hair, slender build. The biggest difference between the two girls was that Ann had hazel green-brown eyes and Jessica had dark brown eyes.“This summer was so hot, I almost miss Alaska,” Ann said as she packed out her things.“The only thing I miss about Alaska is the aurora lights,” Jessica said and pulled a dress from her suitcase.“Are you hooking up with Deacon today?” Ann questioned when she saw Jessica change her clothes.“Yes. I think I love him. Is it too soon?” Jessica asked Ann for advice.“It’s been three months, and he is a gre
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Chapter 105
Deacon pressed Jessica against the wall, preventing her from leaving. “Before the spell you were going to claim me and today you found yourself in love with me. Stop denying your feelings for me,” Deacon said, with his body against hers.“I am not in love with you,” Jessica hissed, looking him dead in the eye.“If you were not in love with me, the spell wouldn’t have unraveled,” Deacon chuckled and forced a kiss onto her lips.“Bitch!” Deacon shouted and let go of her after she bit his lip.Jessica tried to get away but Deacon grabbed her again.“Let go of me or I will scream!” Jessica warned him.“Everything ok here?” Juno’s voice made them both jerked their heads around.Juno was the former Lycan and Supernatural king, now only a prince and Jessica’s biological father even though he looked as young as her, currently pretending not to be her father but merely the boyfriend of her cousin who happened to be her biological mother.“You! I know you are my bloody father!” Jessica spat at
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Chapter 106
“Out with you,” Shysie said and pushed Wynn out of the room. “I will be right back,” Jessica said, and left the room to run after Wynn but Shysie followed her. “Wynn, wait up,” Jessica called after him. “How do you know my name?” Wynn asked, confused not wanting to give away to much detail. “I have my memory back,” Jessica explained. “Oh, great. So, you fell in love with Deacon. That is good to know,” Wynn said. “No surprise there,” Shysie said coming from behind, catching up. “What do you think you are doing? Was the whole point of whipping our memory not to separate us from the supernatural world?” Jessica asked, giving Shysie an angry look. “If they really wanted you to be separated from the Supernatural world then they shouldn’t have you study on the door stop of the Higher council,” Shysie chuckled. “You will not be sharing a room with us. Ann does not have her memory back yet,” Ann said. “The way Micheal is carrying on she might never get it back and I heard if anyone t
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Chapter 107
“Why do some libraries always have to be dark and creepy?” Jessica questioned when they walked into the library. “This one does not even have a single window,” Jessica remarked.“It is to protect the books from sunlight,” Ann chuckled.“I take it your boyfriend told you this?” Jessica said when her eyes fell on Paris that was having a heated argument with another girl. Ann doesn’t recognize her, but Jessica’s memories of the girl returned the moment her eyes fell on her. ‘This is not good,’ Jessica thought.Ann wasted no time walking over to Paris, dragging Jessica with her.“Hi,” Ann greeted and gave Paris a stiff kiss with the foreign-looking beauty’s eyes on her.“Meet Soroya. Soroya, meet my, um,” Paris wasn’t sure how he should introduce Ann.“Girlfriend,” Ann said and held out her hand to Soroya.“Ex-wife, but since we never got divorced I suppose, wife,” Soroya smiled sarcastically, taking Ann’s hand.Ann pulled her hand out of Soroya’s and looked confused at Paris.“Just one m
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Chapter 108
Soroya got to the room and knocked.“It is open,” a voice came from the other side.“Hi. Sorry. I must have the wrong room,” Soroya said.“What room are you looking for?” a pretty girl with dark long hair asked, leaving her unpacking and facing Soroya.“Oh, it is you. I am supposed to share a room with Jessica and Ann,” Soroya said.“This is their room, but you are too late,” Katelina said.“But Michael said,” Soroya started but Katelina, one of Michael’s prehistoric wives cut her off.“You are too late, now go find yourself another room,” Katelina chuckled and shut the door in Soroya’s face.Even though Katelina understood that she and her sister-wives were to choose new husbands for themselves she could not help being jealous of Soroya as she noticed that Michael was fond of her.Everyone already knew that Soroya had royal blood running through her veins but besides that, her beauty did outrank them all. They also had to listen every night to their crazy lovemaking, all of them no
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Chapter 109
“You can't tell anyone that you are carrying Eero’s baby.  Michael will demand an abortion.  He might even demand the both of you be executed,” Eljo said, worried.“Um, guys, what is going on? Who is Michael? And who is this girl?” Ann questioned confused.“Crap,” Jessica, Eljo, and Ann’s mother said at the same time.“Just go,” Eero spat, ordering Stella to leave.“You should go with her,” Ami said, looking at Eero coldly.“Ami, please,” Eero walked over to her and took her hands.“Don’t touch me,” Ami pulled her hands from him.“Hello everyone,” Wynn said when he arived.Eljo looked over at Jessica, knowing she must have mind-linked him.“I am looking for Ann Willow,” Wynn said, keeping his distance from the hunters.“Uncle Wynn! Uncle Wynn!” Eero’s young brothers yelled in excitement and rushed out of the house to chase him just like they use to do at the higher council.“Boys, not now,” Eljo called them back into the house.“Whose th
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Chapter 110
Jessica returned and dropped Katelina’s chicken salad on her bedside table.“Here, got you a chicken wrap and a salad,” Jessica said, not realizing Ann was sleeping.“What?” Jessica asked when she saw the two of them looking funny.“Nothing,” Katelina said and canceled her order.“Let me geuss. You thought I am a bitch?” Jessica chuckled and sat on her bed with her own chicken wrap and salad.“Kind off,” Ann admitted with a giggle after waking up from Jessica's loud voice“Thank you. How much do I owe you?” Katelina asked, reaching for her purse again.“Don’t worry about it,” Jessica said and started eating.Ann took a bite of her salad and then put it aside. “I will eat later.”“You haven’t eaten all day,” Jessica said.“I am too sad. I won't be able to eat until I have spoken to Par
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