All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
300 Chapters
Chapter 111
“Party time,” Jessica said and walked towards the bedroom door.“You guys go ahead. I will meet you there,” Ann said.“Ok,” Jessica said, knowing Ann was most likely meeting up with Paris first.“We can wait,” Katelina said.“But the party won't,” Jessica said and pulled Katelina out of the room.“Um, ok,” Katelina said and allowed Jessica to pull her out of the room.Ann smiled at herself in the mirror. ‘Tonight is the night,’ she told herself and left.Ann got to the indoor pool and was left disappointed when she found it filled with students. “You got to be kidding me,” Ann said out loud and scanned for Paris.Paris sneaked up behind Ann. “Hello beautiful,” he whispered in her ear, his cold breath hitting her skin.“How was your first class?” Ann asked, and wrapped her arms around Paris’s neck.“Interesting,” Paris said before lowering his cold lips to hers. Paris was so old that there was nothing he didn’t know.“I was hoping to spend some alone time with you tonight,” Ann said, p
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Chapter 112
Ann smiled sweetly at Paris and slipped out of her dress and ran deeper into the water. Paris stripped and joined her. With the moonlight shining on her face, Paris stroked his fingers through her hair and brought his fingers back over her shoulder, up her neck, over her chin, resting them on her lips. He replaced his fingers with his lips and kissed her softly, dropping his hands to her body, pulling her closer. “I love you, Ann Willow,” Paris said in between kisses.Ann wrapped her arms around him. “Make love to me.”Paris wrapped his arms around her rear end and lifted her up. Ann wrapped her legs around him and felt that he was already hard for her.Ann had butterflies when Paris entered her.“Are you ok?” Paris asked when he was fully inside of her.“I am,” Ann said and kissed him.Paris thrusted slowly. Even though he knew she was not a virgin anymore, he also knew because he made love to her six months ago and because she only had sex that once he knew she will experience it as
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Chapter 113
Michael was studying Ann’s eyes which seemed miles away. ‘I wonder what she has been up to with Paris? Did they sleep together?’ Michael wondered and considered drinking her blood. ‘I will just compel her to forget that I drank her blood afterward,’ Michael thought and wondered how he will get her alone. ‘I just have to know what I am up against,’ Michael thought. ‘Maybe I should compel her to not like Paris? Did the shaman say anything about compelling her or not?’ Michael thought.“You seem miles away,” Michael jerked Ann out of her daydreaming.“Just thinking about today and the first day of a new chapter,” Ann said, smiling and taking a sip of her coffee.“Exiting, isn’t it?” Michael made small talk.“Tell me. How did two freshmen get into a secret society before varsity even started?” Ann caught him off guard with her question.“Well, you know,” Michael stumbled over his words.“I don’t,” Ann said, frowning.“I guess we both know the right people,” Michael chuckled uncomfortably.
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Chapter 114
Because the dungeons were near the Vampire wing, Paris had easy access to it, and didn’t have to worry about light coming through windows.Today marked six months since the vampire turning ceremony where his nest leader was used as the sacrifice. The person responsible for the wrongful execution of his nest leader still had not been punished and most likely will never pay for what he had done. The Were-Owl hybrid prince, Andre, set up his nest leader to get his wife, Hannah. The cruelest part of the whole thing was that Andre had her drink from her own husband, the love of her life, to death, to turn into a vampire.“What are you doing here?” Andre snorted when he saw Paris, along with some other people that came to check up on their loved ones that turned vampires six months ago.“Tell me, how are you going to explain to all of them that the people they came to check on are dead?” Paris snorted.“What is he talking about?” the first person questioned.“I will leave you to it then,” P
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Chapter 115
Michael met Paris outside of the dungeons. “Hand over your necklace,” Michael said, holding out his hand.Paris jerked his shaman necklace off and tossed it at Michael. Michael was not going to steep so low as to pick the necklace up. “See yourself to a cell,” Michael compelled him.Paris turned around and walked to the open cell. Michael followed him and locked the cell.“She will never love you, not the way she loves me,” Paris said, after Michael.“With you out of the way, she is free to love me,” Michael chuckled.“Brother,” Torvald stopped Michael, reminding him that he has to keep his end of the deal.“I didn’t find any of your wives,” Michael said, truthfully, and left.Paris looked at Torvald and wished he could end him.“We all do what we have to,” Torvald said, and sat in his usual spot on the floor.***Ann drove Paris's car over to where he left her that morning. She stood around in the dark, wondering where Paris was.“Ann. What are you doing back here?” Michael played du
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Chapter 116
“Pfft, you can’t handle a guy like me,” Michael sets the bait, hoping that Ann would see it as a challenge. “Your lost,” Ann said and fiddled in her handbag for her phone to find out where Jessica and Katelina were, refusing to shed another tear over Paris. “I just mean, if you can’t handle Paris, you most definitely won’t be interested in me,” Michael tried again, walking after her. “Who said I can’t handle Paris? More like he couldn’t handle a girl like me,” Ann chuckled sarcastically. “If you say so,” Michael teased. “Ok, fine. Why do you think that I can’t handle a guy like you? Are you into some sort of crazy weird stuff?” Ann questioned. “I, well, I am into polygamy,” Michael said, thinking if she does not like the idea, he will just compel her to forget and try again. ‘How great will it be if I can have her and Soroya?’ Michael thought. ‘And Katelina.’ “Didn’t know that is still a thing,” Ann responded. “So, how many wives do you have?” “Are you actually considering dati
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Chapter 117
“A while and, as you already know, he is a great lover,” Katelina said with a smile.“We didn’t have sex,” Ann blushed.“You are missing out,” Katelina said, and turned off her night light.“I will go check where Jessica is,” Ann said and got out of bed.Ann found Jessica outside the dormers, sitting on the steps.“Why are you so angry?” Ann questioned.“Oh, hey,” Jessica said. “This year is not starting how I imagined. Please tell me you are not considering dating that guy.”“What if I am? I hear he is good in bed. We are here to learn, so why not learn and discover ourselves? Why limit ourselves to just one guy? Or girl,” Ann chuckled.“Any guy but him. He has so many girlfriends,” Jessica snorted.“Word spreads fast, I guess,” Ann laughed.“No, Kat told me about her boyfriend and his many girlfriends. Apparently, that Soroya girl is one of them,” Jessica added.“Really? But earlier she made it sound as if she and Paris are back together,” Ann shared, and felt something was not quit
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Chapter 118
Jessica and Ann walked past Michael to their next class and Jessica thought it was unfair that Michael was compelling Ann to bend her to his will.“I need to run to the bathroom, keep me a seat,” Jessica said just as they walked into class. Michael was hot on their heels, but Jessica forced-walked him away from class.“Sorry, but I have one too many girlfriends and you are not my type,” Michael joked.“Listen here asshole. If you compel Ann one more time, I will have Deacon turn the supernatural world against you,” Jessica spat.“Oh please, as if Deacon will do anything for you. You are not even his woman,” Michael chuckled and walked away.“I just have to smile in his direction again to have him wrapped around my finger,” Jessica threatened.“That is true,” Deacon’s voice made her jump. Deacon walked past Michael on his way to the same class. “She is right. You have no right to compel Ann. If she can’t fall in love with you out of free will, then is it even worth having her love at a
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Chapter 119
“Michael is keeping me alive because he is sentimental,” Torvald chuckled.“You laugh about it when you should be grateful,” Paris said in disbelief.“Grateful? I am locked up,” Torvald spat.“But alive, and as long as you are alive, there is hope to be free again,” Paris said optimistically.“Mr. Optimistic,” Tovald said, standing up and leaning against the bars, facing Paris, his arms through the bars.“What?” Paris questioned with a frown on his face.“Let me drink from you,” Torvald asked.“Why not just compel me because I am not going to let you drink from me,” Paris chuckled.“Because my brother made me promise to obey him in exchange for my life and after that promise, he told me I am not allowed to compel anyone,” Torvald said and sat on his usual spot.“You are shit out of luck,” Paris chuckled.“Tell me about it,” Torvald sighed.“You deserve everything that is happening to you,” Paris chuckled.“And you don’t?” Torvald challenged.“So, because I am in love with a woman, I h
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Chapter 120
After class one day, Ami paid her mother a visit that was staying at the higher council.“Daughter dearest,” Queen Amirah greeted when Ami walked into the Were-owl throne room.“Mother, brother,” Ami greeted them both. She kissed her mother on the cheek and then looked over at her brother Andre, that was sitting in the chair that her father used to sit in. Ami put the thoughts of killing the new Vampire king, Michael, aside as he was to blame for the death of her father and so many other royals.“You live so near, but yet I never see you,” her mother complained.“Varsity life keeps me busy,” Ami said.“And your boyfriends, I suppose?” her mom questioned, even though she already knew about Eero and Stella as she set up the whole thing.“We broke up,” Ami said and sat on a chair next to her mother’s throne.“Really? Why?” her mother questioned, pretending to be concerned.“Mother, please don’t pretend that you feel bad about it. I know, and everyone else knows, that you never liked the
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