All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
300 Chapters
Chapter 131
“I will be waiting for him,” Michael said before sending the hybrid off, thinking it was strange that Merch send a man and not a woman since most of his nest consisted of females.“I would like to speak to Soroya,” the hybrid insisted.“Do I need to remind you who I am?” Michael hissed.“You are the guy that thinks he is the vampire king,” the hybrid said, showing no respect.“Get out!” Michael compelled him at the same moment Soroya walked in.“Jaden?” Soroya questioned at the sight of him.“Glad to see you are well,” the hybrid said walking past her unable to stop since he was under Michael’s compelling.“Before you send me away, please hear me out,” Soroya was quick to say to Micheal.“Come, have a seat. How have you been?” Michael asked, making the hybrid look over his shoulder.‘Does not sound like she knows that she is part of a trade-off,’ he thought and sped off.“Lonely without you,” Soroya admitted. “I was actually looking for Paris. Have you seen him?”“He will be here with
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Chapter 132
“A pretty thing like you should have a boyfriend. Where is he at?” Merch questioned, trying to put together the puzzle.“Apparently he had better things to do,” Ann chuckled and pulled her nightgown which was very short, over her shoulders to cover herself from Merch, since she was wearing skimpy pajamas.“Your boyfriend had better things to do than hang out with you?” Merch chuckled and sat down on her bed, making Ann pull her legs up to her chin.‘Am I in trouble? Who is this guy?’ Ann asked herself, looking around for anything she could use as a weapon.“Relax, I don’t mean you any harm,” Merch chuckled. “Get dressed. You are coming out with me,” Merch compelled her.“Ok, cool,” Ann said and got up. She does not know why, but she stripped right in front of him. ‘What am I doing?’ Ann thought, unable to stop herself. She blushed under Merch’s eyes. “Sorry, I don’t know what I am thinking,” Ann choked, red in the face, grabbing the first dress she could find.“I am married, so a nake
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Chapter 133
The next morning, Michael thought it odd that Merch and his nest left. He sped over to Soroya’s room and was relieved to find her there, getting ready for the day.“Michael,” Soroya greeted.“Merch left,” he informed her.“That is a relief,” Soroya said, feeling glad.“Sorry for expecting you to go back to him. I know he was not a kind man,” Michael said.“He is ok besides when it comes to his sexual needs,” Soroya said, and thought about how horrible, forceful, and painful sex was with Merch. ‘I could never get used to that,’ she thought.“Enjoy your day,” Michael said, and sped off.Michael sped off a few miles from varsity to pick Ann some flowers before speeding over to Starbucks to get her, her favorite coffee.Michael immediately picked up Merch’s scent when he arrived at the dorm room. ‘Calm down, maybe it is just his scent that clung to Katelina,’ Michael told himself, and knocked.“You? What do you want?” Jessica asked.“Ann, duh,” Michael responded.“I thought she was with y
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Chapter 134
Ann looked at Michael and shook her head. “I don’t want to be a monster.”“Not all vampires are like Merch,” Michael said. “Drinking my blood won't make you a vampire.”Hesitantly, Ann put her mouth to his palm and started to drink. In utter shock, she stopped drinking from Michael as all her memories flooded back. “I have to find Paris!” Ann jumped up and attempted to rush out of Micheal’s room after seeing what Michael did to Paris and what he had her believing was not true.“Ann, please wait,” Michael compelled her.Ann realized that she needed a shaman necklace and knew that Michael will only compel her to forget everything, like he had been doing the past few weeks after drinking from her.“I love you, Michael, but Paris might be in trouble,” Ann said the first thing that popped to her head, thinking since everyone believed the key to getting her memory back was to fall in love with Michael, only it wasn’t. The key to getting her memory back was to drink from a vampire.“No you
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Chapter 135
Deacon felt his chest for his shaman necklace and then remembered that it was the second time Wynn compelled him. “You don’t perhaps have a shaman necklace?” Jessica placed her hand on her chest and found that she was not wearing her necklace. “He is fast,” she sighed and fell down on her bed. “Geuss, we are talking,” Deacon said and sat on Ann’s bed, across from her. “You tried to kill me, so I have nothing to say to you,” Jessica spat and stubbornly turned her back on him. “You had sex with Lestat,” Deacon pointed out. “What about you? How many times did you have sex with Emily?” Jessica hissed. “Besides, you can not hold it against me for being attracted to Lestat. It turns out he is also my fated mate.” “I saw that,” Deacon said. “You mean, you heard that,” Jessica corrected him, not recalling Deacon being in the class when it happened. “No, I drank from Wynn and saw everything that transpired in my absence,” Deacon told her. “I don’t know how it happened, but I am glad t
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Chapter 136
“Try calling him instead. Katelina said he is gone,” Ann said.“That bitch! She lied all this time!” Ann exclaimed. “Where is she?”Ann stormed out of the bathroom. “You lying whore!”Katelina knew she had no case, and what she did was wrong. She quickly sped around the room, gathering her things before speeding off.“Ann, calm down!” Jessica ran after an angry Ann that stormed off.“Where are you going?” Jessica shouted after her.“To the,” Ann was about to shout the ‘higher council’ but then swallowed her words, taking into account the wondering students.“I will come with you,” Jessica caught up with her.“I can't believe you kept the truth from me as well,” Ann hissed at Jessica.“In my defense, I did just mind link Mr. Ondrink to demand that he come and lift the spell,” Jessica defended herself. “Besides, it is not as if you haven’t kept a similar secret from me,” Jessica reminded Ann that she herself kept the supernatural world from her when she first learned that vampires, hybr
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Chapter 137
Eero came around the corner and saw Ami in the white wedding dress, overhearing her conversation. ‘Ami is getting married?’ Eero questioned and rushed over to the wedding chapel. Eero slipped through a secret door and ended up in the gallery of the chapel.‘Wynn? How did that happen?’ Eero wondered, and disappeared again. ‘I have to stop this wedding,’ he thought and rushed to the entrance of the chapel.***“See you inside,” Queen Amirah said to Ami and went inside at the same time that prince Andre arrived.“Ami,” Eero said from behind her.“Eero!” Ami exclaimed, shocked to see him in such a poor state.Eero took her hand. “Please, let us talk,” Eero pleaded. and grabbed her hand.Hanna was so scared of Eero that she stormed into the chapel, running down the aisle.“What is going on?” Prince Andre asked.“Eero showed up out of the blue,” Hanna said, out of breath.“Shall we begin?” The priest asked.“Just a second,” Prince Andre said and turned to Wynn. “Mind link Ami,” he whispered
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Chapter 138
“Babe, please,” Ami met him halfway back to Wynn’s room. Wynn almost sped past her.“Where the fuck is he?” Wynn spat, furious. “You told him that you have a mate now?” Wynn yelled at her. Wynn could feel her fear.Ami found herself fearing Wynn and flinched at his yelling.“I am sorry,” Wynn said, taking her by her shoulders. “You still have feelings for him?”“I, I don’t,” Ami stutter.“I felt it!” Wynn shouted again, feeling she was lying to him.“Hey! Let her go,” Eero shouted, running towards them.“No, please. The both of you, walk away,” Ami pleaded in a soft voice, but neither one of them listened to her. Ami looked on as Wynn sped over to Eero and was about to punch him when out of nowhere prince Deacon jumped in between them shifting into his wolf form, making Wynn crash into him, sending the both of them sliding across the floor and stopping against Eero.“Get out of my way!” Wynn growled.‘Are you nuts? He could kill you,’ Deacon mind linked Wynn.Eero stepped away from th
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Chapter 139
“Mom?” Ami questioned when she opened the bedroom door and found her mother there.“Where is Wynn?” Queen Amirah questioned, walking into the room.“In the shower,” Ami frowned. “Why?”“You two have to claim each other today,” Queen Amirah urged.“What? Why? What is going on?” Ami questioned. “Please tell me this is not because of Eero?”“It is. I just,..” Queen Amirah word but got interrupted.“Why does everyone think I will just cast Wynn aside the moment Eero steps back into my life?” Ami spat. “Let’s go talk some place else,” Ami said and made her way for the door.“Fine,” Queen Amirah said and followed her.After walking a few steps, they entered the lycan throne room, finding it empty.“Wynn is my fated mate, and I plan to claim him according to our traditions,” Ami said, the first to speak again.“Why wait? Traditions are so old-fashioned,” Queen Amirah said.“Oh really? Since when?” Ami chuckled in disbelief. “Mom, I am sticking with Wynn. Besides, I am pregnant,” Ami said, sm
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Chapter 140
Eero woke up after Queen Amirah dropped him, flying over the castle. Eero immediately knew where he was. Queen Amirah dropped him in the tower that was not visible to the naked eye from outside. Eero stood up and could hardly believe that he didn’t break any bones. Eero walked over to the door and banged on it. “Hey! Anyone out there?!” he shouted, even though he knew that no one will hear him. ‘Does she plan to leave me here to die?’ he thought and walked back to where he fell in. Eero looked up, feeling hopeless. After day three, Eero accepted that Queen Amirah was leaving him for dead. It took him another three days to decide that he had to fight for his life and that no one was coming for him. Eero started with the sheets that were on the bed and tore them into strands before knotting them together, forming a rope. He took both of his shoes and tied them to the edge. Eero knew that unless he had a hook to put to the end of the rope that could hook to the top of the tower, he won
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