All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
300 Chapters
Chapter 151
Wynn walked into the lycan throne room and saw a few royals standing around. All Deacon’s brothers were there and Ondrink, whom he almost didn’t recognize.“Ondrink, I would have not known it is you if I did not know you many years ago,” Wynn greeted, looking at a young Ondrink that looked as young as everyone else.“Wynn,” Ondrink shook his hand. Ondrink’s hair was long, no longer grey but dark, and his native appearance appealing.“What happened to you?” Wynn questioned as the last time he saw Ondrink he was growing old to leave this life.“Prehistoric vampires,” Ondrink said.“I am confused,” Wynn said, looking at Deacon that was just as surprised as him.“Now that Wynn has arrived,” Ondrink said and looked over at Jessica, disappointed that they did not fate to one another again, “we shall begin.”Ondrink put his warbonnet, which was made out of snow-owl feathers, onto his head.“Let me geuss, you were hoping that Jessica and Wynn fate again?” Deacon chuckled. “Well, Wynn is fated
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Chapter 152
On their way out of the castle, Wynn explained to Deacon what transpired between Ami and himself and why they were unmated.“So, what now?” Deacon questioned.“Between Ami and me? Nothing. She is carrying Eero’s kid,” Wynn said.“And your feelings for her?” Deacon wondered.“Well, I have always had a soft spot for both of them, especially Ami. I should have rejected the moment we fated instead of jumping into bed with her. Our relationship will never be the same,” Wynn said, regretting his decisions.“There is something you should know,” Deacon said, remembering the contents of Lauturi’s letter.“What?” Wynn questioned.“Not here. The walls have ears,” Deacon said, and led Wynn out of the castle.They walked for a bit before Deacon explained. “A vampire can become a day walker by robbing a hunter or the offspring of a hunter; half-bloods included, of their heart and putting it where their own heart used to be.”“That is how Paris became a day walker?” Wynn questioned, not believing th
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Chapter 153
Paris looked at Ann and felt he was taking her for a fool. “What?” Ann asked. “You took him to the beach where we made love, Ann.” Paris said. “I did not,” Ann denied it. Paris sighed and shook his head. He walked towards the door to leave, but Ann grabbed him and forced a kiss on him. “What are you doing?” Paris questioned, holding her at arm’s length. “Drink my blood and you will see that I love you! It has always been only you!” Ann cried. “Then you shouldn’t have been so quick to belief Michael,” Paris said and sped off before Ann could get out another word. Paris wanted Ann so badly. He wanted to kiss her again and again, but he didn’t want to get hurt again and felt she was not honest with him. *** When Jessica left the dorm room to give Paris and Ann some space, Wynn picked her up and sped her over to the higher council against her will. “The two of you stay here until you kiss and makeup!” Wynn compelled them after quickly removing their shaman necklaces, leaving the
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Chapter 154
“You seem in a good mood,” Ami remarked when her mother, Queen Amirah, checked up on her.“I am,” Queen Amirah said with a smile and wondered if Ami could smell Wynn on her. ‘Hopefully not. I did shower,’ she thought and pulled up a chair.‘Perhaps she does not know that Eero is on his way,’ Ami thought and wondered where Eero was.‘Any news on Eero? You said he was on his way, hours ago,’ Ami mind linked Wynn, fearing that Eero will show up while her mother was around.‘He is at the council. Probably sleeping his drunk ass off,’ Wynn said.“Mom, I would like to take a bath,” Ami asked her mom to help her to the bathroom.After a bath, Queen Amirah helped Ami to blow out her hair and lend her an arm for support as they walked to the living room.“Someone had sex in here,” Ami remarked when she sat down on the sofa that Wynn and her mother had sex on.“You know how it goes. Supernatural has no respect,” Queen Amirah choked and walked over to the large windows to open a few.“Have Wynn
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Chapter 155
“Stella is dead,” Ami informed Eero after a long embrace, wondering how he would feel about it.“I know. I killed her,” Eero said, shocking Ami to the core.“You killed her?” Ami questioned, the blood draining from her face. Ami was shocked at how he said it as if Stella’s life did not matter, as if he would do it again.“I thought she killed you. I was mad with rage,” Eero explained himself, realizing that maybe he should not sound so cocky about killing Stella.“Marry me,” Eero asked, cupping her face before sinking to one knee. “Let’s bring this baby into the world, married.”“You know I am pregnant?” Ami asked, looking down at him.“Yes. Wynn told me,” Eero smiled up at her, anxiously waiting for a ‘yes’ from her.“Of course,” Ami said. Looking at Eero, she knew she loved him more than anyone in the world and did not understand her own heart at that moment.“I need time to think,” Ami said and stepped away from him.Eero stood up from the floor and grabbed her, pulling her in for
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Chapter 156
“Lycan or Vampire?” Jessica asked one Friday evening to Ann that was nose deep into her books.“Neither,” Ann said and continued to study.“Would you like to date a lycan or vampire?” Jessica tried again. “I have noticed a few attractive single men at the council.”“I heard that there are different species, so why only lycan or vampire?” Ann chuckled, raising her eyes from her books.“Ok. What species?” Jessica questioned.“Vampire,” Ann chuckled, “then I can stay young,” she added.“Ok, great. I know this just guy, but he is a hybrid,” Jessica said and walked over to Ann. “Come, we are going on a double date.”“Just because I chose does not mean I am interested in dating. I want to finish my studies without love, thank you very much,” Ann said and dropped her eyes back to her books.“Come on. It will be fun,” Jessica said and grabbed the book that Ann was busy with.“When was the last time you opened a book?” Ann questioned and took one of her other books and filled it open.“Every d
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Chapter 157
Everyone was gathered in the lycan throne room discussing a plan of action to find Jessica.“What I don’t understand is why would Torvald release Jessica only to abduct her months later?” Wynn raised his opinion.“It does not make sense, I agree,” Deacon said.‘Jovita,’ hear Jessica’s mind link and looked at Deacon, who felt Jessica’s fear a split second before it went away again.“Why is she mind linking you and not me?” Deacon questioned.“It is a trap,” Juno said, having heard Jessica’s plead for help through Jovita.“What does Torvald hope to achieve?” Deacon questioned, frustrated.***“What is your plan? Why did you compel me to abduct Jessica the moment I have her alone?” Michael spat.“It took you long enough,” Torvald said. “You may go and tell them that if they want Jessica, they have to send only her parents.”“What do you want with her parents?” Michael questioned, making his way out of the room that was part of a bigger mansion where Torvald has been hiding, using the hum
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“Please be safe,” Soroya cried, saying goodbye to Ondrink.“You have nothing to fear. We are seventeen shamans and nine Shamikas. He does not stand a chance,” Ondrink assured her with a kiss. After agreeing to a plan, Deacon and most of the higher council went ahead to surround the location where Torvald was holding Jessica captive. Jovita cried in silence on their way to where Torvald wanted them to meet him, her mind raising with bad memories.FLASHBACKThe door opened and a tall, strong-looking man without hair walked out with an unconscious woman over his shoulders. “You can take her in.”“Go inside then,” the maid said, and Princess Jovita fearfully obeyed.“Come, hop on to the bed,” King Torvald said, padding his hand on the bed, licking his lips, catching the scent of the wolf, enticing him.Princess Jovita jumped onto the bed against her will and before she even had a chance to be scared, the King sunk his teeth into her neck.‘How is this even possible? Vampires cannot drink
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They walked up the stairs to the front door of the mansion, the door already open, Michael leading the way. In the living room, the family of the mansion was having dinner as if nothing was wrong, clearly compelled."Brother, you may leave and tell Deacon to take the higher council and leave or no one will make it out alive,” Torvald said, making it clear that he knew that Deacon and the higher council were around.“The two of you don’t bother trying to mind link anyone,” Torvald chuckled. “Follow me, Jovita. Juno, you enjoy a meal with my lovely host.”Juno tried to ignore his request but was not able to. He put his hand on his chest and realized his shaman necklace was already off.“Looking for this?” Torvald chuckled, holding up two shaman necklaces.Juno took a seat at the table and watched Jovita take Torvald’s hand. Torvald kissed her hand, his eyes on hers. “I have been waiting a long, long time to have you again,” he said, sending cold shivers down her spine.Torvald led Jovit
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‘Jovita, my darling. Can you shift and attack him? Is Jessica, ok?’ Juno tried to mind link Jovita but got no response. It reminded him of about a century ago, when they were in the same situation. JUNO’S FLASHBACK CONTINUE Prince Juno went silent for a moment. “Princess Jovita?” She forced her eyes open and looked around her, hoping that he will see what she was seeing, bruised woman and wolves. She looked at the buildings and the entrance of the compound, the mountains, that were barely visible with only the moonlight that brought light to the dark earth, trying to see as much as possible. Jovita heard the voice in her head and wondered who it was. ‘Is that Prince Mano?’ “I don’t think I am getting through,” Juno said to them, but then he gasped for air. “This is bad.” “What do you see?” Ondrink asked. “Nothing. I have not already seen myself,” Princess Jenny said, tears flowing down her face. “Shh, something is happening,” Prince Juno tried to focus. Princess Jenny also lin
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