All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
300 Chapters
Chapter 161
‘Think Juno, think,’ Juno thought and returned to his memories, searching for any clue on how to get out of this situation.JUNO’S FLASHBACKBy the time they arrived at the castle, the day walkers were already asleep.“It is important. I am sure they won't mind being woken up,” Prince Juno said.“Trust me, you don’t wake them up for anything,” Shysie said, coming out of nowhere, wondering what was so urgent, suspecting it had something to do with Princess Jovita.‘Well, they don’t seem to recognize me, so perhaps it is something else,’ Shysie thought to herself.“Perhaps the Vampire King could be of help?” Shysie suggested.“That might actually be a good idea, as it is your kind. We are seeking help against,” Prince Juno started to explain.“My kind?” Shysie interrupted, knowing what he was about to say, but played dumb.“A nest of vampires and hybrids has abducted Princess Jovita and a few other lycans. Most likely Prince Mano as well,” Prince Juno explained.“What? How do you know t
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Chapter 162
Torvald led Jovita out of the room, and it got her thinking. ‘How stupid we were back then to think he was the one that saved me.’FLASHBACKPrincess Jovita put her head side to side, filled with fear, hearing the voice of the enchantress. She does not remember anything that had happened to her and how she got to where she was. She does not understand why she can’t find her voice and was too scared to open her eyes.“Princess Jovita, I am King Torvald, and you are saved now,” King Torvald untied her after the enchantress left.King Torvald picked her naked body up and felt her wrapping her hands around his neck. He speeds back to the castle and arrived before daybreak.“It was overwhelming, but I managed to save her. I will have to hunt down the vampires another time. She is in a poor state,” King Torvald said when he walked into the vampire throne room where Princess Jovita’s family was waiting, never leaving to get sleep.“Jovita!” Princess Jenny exclaimed, crying and snuggling her
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Chapter 163
Jovita wondered how the rest of her life would be on the arm of Torvald and reminded herself that he was not a monster all the time.FLASHBACKOnce the door was shut, King Torvald pressed his lips onto Princess Jovita’s. Princess Jovita felt appalled and wanted it at the same time.“I can smell you; you are ready to receive my child, my little wolf,” King Torvald said, gathering the nightdress, and pulling it to her waistline.Princess Jovita wanted to push him off her but at the same time, she wanted him. ‘Why do I feel I love this man but at the same time I hate him?’Conflicted, she wrapped her arms around him and allowed him to touch her body. King Torvald kissed her and gently explored her body, unlike the violent way he treated her at the compound. He stopped for a moment and sped over to his bedroom door and locked it.On his way back to his bed, he took his clothes off. “I will make love to you, my little wolf,” he said, smiling, knowing she does not remember what he did to he
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Chapter 164
“Get out of my house!” the man shouted the moment he was released from the compelling sending both Torvald and Shysie flung out of the house through the front door that they came in.“What have you done?” Torvald spat at Shysie when they hit an invisible wall.Ondrink could not believe the timing. “Just in time.”“I got you, you bastard,” Deacon laughed, even though he was filled with anger.“I didn’t do anything. It must be something the shamans did,” Shysie defended herself, wanting her bread and butter on both sides.“Let Shysie go. She has nothing to do with my actions,” Torvald said, wanting Shysie free, knowing she will be his only hope of escaping again.“I know, since she is working with us,” Deacon said. “Shysie, you are free to leave.”Relieved, Shysie stepped out of the spell wall but not before winking at Torvald, that went unnoticed by everyone around.“Ondrink, go inside and wipe the family’s mind clean,” Deacon ordered. “Shysie, you go clean up any traces of the superna
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Chapter 165
JUNO’S FLASHBACK CONTINUEDPrince Juno, confused as to how a werewolf that has been fated, loved another made his way over to King Torvald’s room to confront him but on his way there he was shaken to the core when his mind was filled with the lovemaking moans of his fated mate. He has been suffering the heartache of Princess Jovita betrayal every time she was with Torvald.Prince Juno could feel the anger boil in him and went into a sprint. He does not knock and kicked the door in. “How dare you?!”King Torvald raised his head, looking at Prince Juno, his manhood deep inside Princess Jovita. “It is what she wants.”“She is my fated mate!” Prince Juno shouted.“I am not one to deny a princess satisfaction,” King Torvald said, continuing what he was busy with.Prince Juno shifted into his wolf form and charged.King Torvald was about to grab Prince Juno thinking he was charging for him, but his grasp was empty. King Torvald’s eyes fell on Prince Juno, whose teeth were sunk into Princess
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Chapter 166
“Where to next?” Ann asked after breakfast, happy that Paris is a day walker.“Alaska for lunch, Russia for dinner and to spend the night,” Paris said.“Alaska?” Ann asked, excited.“If you want,” Paris said.“Absolutely,” Ann said as they walked out of the diner.By lunch they were in Alaska, but not near Barrow. They had lunch, followed by Paris speeding Ann over the Bering Strait to Russia. They spent the night in a cozy little town in a cabin.After spending most of the night making love, Paris sped Ann through Russia, stopping only to have breakfast and lunch. By dinner time they reached their destination.“Wow,” Ann exclaimed. “This room is bigger than the hotel rooms on the Home Channel.”“Yours for as long as you want it,” Paris said and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Ann was standing at the floor-to-ceiling with oversized windows that had thin white curtains pulled aside to showcase the sun setting on the beach that was right on the doorstep.“I wish. The first year
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Chapter 167
“What is your name?” Deacon asked, facing Noah.“Noah,” he answered.“You might not be married, but he is officially the Were-Owl king and since men still outrank females in the supernatural world, you are no longer the head of the were-owls,” Deacon stated bluntly and made his way out of the throne room.“Excuse me?” Queen Amirah exclaimed.“You know the rules,” Deacon said. “So, if you want to keep your throne, I suggest you take Noah here down the aisle and marry him.”After Deacon left, Noah walked over to Queen Amirah. “You will always be the head of the were-owls in my eyes, but it is up to you how soon you want to presume your position.”“You have been a royal for a short second and already you are acting like a bloody king,” Queen Amirah spat and stomped off.“Go after her. We will meet you in the chapel,” his mother said to him.Noah walked after Queen Amirah and knew it was up to him to convince her to get married and claim each other that day before she chooses Wynn over hi
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Chapter 168
“Paris, help me,” Shysie pleaded. “You will be punished for killing a Stella,” Michael hissed, and sped over to rid Paris of any shaman necklace. Michael was careful not to touch Paris, knowing he will give Paris exstra strength if he did. Paris chuckled at the gush of wind that Michael left behind. “I don’t need a shaman necklace. It appears I cannot be compelled.” “Do you know how much danger you are putting all hunters and their half-blood offspring by walking around?” Michael questioned. “I am older than most made vampires. For all they know, I am something like Shysie and Wynn,” Paris stated. “Everyone knows you killed Stella and they want answers. Do you really think they can't put the puzzle together?” Michael spat. “You are putting Ann in danger.” “How will they figure out that they can become day walkers from a half-blood?” Paris got serious. “Truly, what vampire will dare go near a hunter?” Paris challenged. “Talking about Ann. Where is she?” “I am trying to find out,
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Chapter 169
Ann Willow woke up after a long afternoon nap and enjoyed how the sunset splashed colors onto the white walls of her ground-floor hotel room. She has been wasting her days away instead of focusing on her online studies. According to her memories, she left behind her former life. Angry at her parents, but she does not remember why she ran away near the end of her first year of varsity. She didn’t need them since she had a filthy rich boyfriend funding her. Ann was sure not to go on to her social media accounts, fearing that her parents might track her down. She stretched out her tall body, her skin looking tanned against the white bedsheets, her long dark brown hair scattered over her pillow. What Ann didn’t know was that her life was a lie. She has been compelled by a vampire to forget about the supernatural world. Even though he loved her very much, Paris, a century-old vampire just turned day walker, decided to steal her away and left her on an island to keep her safe from the super
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Chapter 170
Ann took Wynn to a restaurant within walking distance from her hotel and they enjoyed each other’s company. Wynn spent most of the dinner listening to Ann speaking about her exceptional boyfriend and got a better understanding of how Paris compelled her.Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months.‘I should leave today before I fall any deeper in love with Ann,’ Wynn told himself every day, and every day he will tell himself, ‘just one more day.’One evening after dinner, they took their usual night swim in the ocean and when Ann wrapped her arms around Wynn in a playful manner, Wynn misunderstood her actions for romantic intentions and landed an unexpected kiss on her lips.Shocked, Ann pulled away from him, followed by a wet slap. “Why the hell would you do that? I have a boyfriend!” Ann said, shocked, and swam away from Wynn, out of the water.“Ann, I am sorry,” Wynn shouted after her and followed her out of the water.Ann ignored him and rushed over to her hotel room. Sh
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