All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
300 Chapters
Chapter 181
Emily looked at Hannah ‘She is so dark. Looks like the red Indian slaves.’“A lady-in-waiting married to a Lord?” Emily asked.“I am not a lady-in-waiting; do you think a lady-in-waiting will be dressed as well as I am?” Hannah asked as she slipped the dress over Emily’s head.“I apologize. Didn’t mean to offend you,” Emily said, feeling her cheeks flush red.“We are understaffed right now, so my husband asked me to make sure that you look perfect for your wedding night,” Hannah said, buttoning the dress up.“Is the man I am marrying a good man?” Emily asked nervously.“I don’t know. It depends on who you will be marrying,” Hannah said, pulling the lace sleeves seam to line up perfectly.“What do you mean?” Emily asked, thinking that the dress was way too revealing, a style she has never seen before.“Well, soon you will meet several men, all royal, mostly Kings,” Hannah said.“Where are these royal men from?” Emily wondered.“Mainly Europe. Please take a seat so that I can do your ha
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Chapter 182
Prince Deacon did nothing but watch them drag her away. ‘Will take care of it later,’ thought to himself. Prince Deacon was lycan and he casted mates aside as if it was nothing. He despised his parents but kept it to himself.The royals waited for King Torvald to choose a human princess first.“Princess Claire Edward,” he said and held his hand out to the group of girls, standing together in fear, she won't be his first wife this decade.“Stop being scared, everything you know of vampires, werewolves, hybrids, shifters, and everything in between is true, but you do not fear it,” he compelled them.Princess Claire stepped away from the group and took King Torvald’s hand.“Shall we get married?” he asked with a smile.Not all the royals got a princess, but they knew their turn will come after the higher ranks got their wives.The night of the wedding ceremonies, the royals that did take a wife consummated their marriages.Two maids came in and helped a princess take her dress off. A
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Chapter 183
“I hear you have mated, and you are keeping her?” Queen Lana, his mother with red hair and blue eyes, asked, not approving.“Let him have her until we can find him a royal bride,” his father, King Makens, said.Prince Deacon wanted to give them a piece of his mind, but decided it can wait for another day. Prince Deacon signaled a lady-in-waiting to come over. “Take some food to princess Emily. She is in my room. Afterward, get her cleaned up and dressed for the day.”“Princess? I thought she is not a princess?” one of his brothers pointed out again.“As I said, I would have not mated with her if she did not have some sort of royal heritage,” Prince Deacon said, slamming his fist down on the table, making everyone jump a little.King Makens gave him a look of warning. ‘When will he learn to control his anger? This new girl better tame him, or I will get rid of her myself,’ King Makens thought with a stern warning on his face.After an uncomfortable breakfast that was nothing new, Prince
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Chapter 184
“I assure you, my little stubborn wife-to-be, that in six months’ time you won’t even want to leave my bed,” Prince Deacon said, full of himself, padding her hand that was on his arm. “That is no way to speak to a lady!” Emily exclaimed. She wanted to let go of his arm, but he held her hand firmly, preventing her from leaving his arm. “I will make a queen out of you, if you let me,” Prince Deacon said as they continued their walk through the garden. “Don’t you first have to be a King to be able to make your wife a queen?” Emiliy asked, mockingly. “Soon enough,” Prince Deacon said in a casual tone. “Soon enough? What is that supposed to mean?” Emily asked. “Mother, father, meet Emily. Emily, the King, and Queen of the lycans and the Supernatural world for that matter,” Prince Deacon introduced Emily to his parents that were walking in the opposite direction. “Please to meet you,” Emily said with a small courtesy. The King and Queen continued their walk without saying anything ba
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Chapter 185
“You obviously have not seen him naked,” Kina said, smiling, thinking about Prince Deacon’s torso. “Are you ladies always so forward?” Emily asked, blushing. “The gentlemen here might call us ladies but trust me, once Prince Deacon is done with you, you will never want to be a lady ever again,” Sariyah chuckled, flipping her hand fan open, winding herself as she was getting hot just thinking about what Prince Deacon did to her. “Excuse me,” Emily said, and stood up, feeling she heard enough. “Sit down, dear,” Jayda said. “I feel a bit flushed. My skin is not used to the sun on this side of the world,” Emily said before walking away, the ladies giggling at her. “Guess we should follow her,” Kina said, standing up. The others followed her lead. The ladies caught up with Emily. As they walk back towards the castle, the ladies would give little bows accompanied by sweet smiles whenever a gentleman walked past them. Emily felt uncomfortable being associated with such women, as she w
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Chapter 186
The naked ladies grabbed their dresses and as they leave the room, they put on their dresses, laughing. Princess Claire looked at the sheets that have bloodstains on them. King Torvald walked her to the bed and cupped her small, delicate face between his long, slender fingers before kissing her, his lips barely touching hers. He continued to kiss her gently before undoing her dress, without leaving her lips. Princess Claire felt her dress drop to the floor and realized that she did not even feel King Torvald undoing it. Standing in just her undergarments, King Torvald pulled it up and only released the kiss to pull it over her head. He stepped away to look at her naked body, full breast, small waist, and curvy hips. “Beautiful.” King Torvald pushed her gently to the bed, but Princess Claire made the fatal mistake of objecting. “Please, can you at least arrange for clean sheets?” King Torvald hated nothing more than the mood being ruined. Forcefully, he pinned Princess Claire do
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Chapter 187
“Here we are,” Hannah said, opening the door to a large room with large open windows draped with silk curtains. “Wow,” Emily exclaimed as she looked around at the rows and rows of dresses, hats, shoes, hair accessories, and jewelry. “The wardrobes that are in the rooms can fit seven at most,” Hannah said. “How do I choose just seven?” Emily asked, looking at an excessively thrilled dark pink dress. “Your lady-in-waiting will get used to your preference and will just select dresses for you every day,” Hannah said. “I am used to hand-me-downs from my best friend, but I don’t think I want to be wearing a dress that someone else or several other ladies has already worn,” Emily said, looking at the next dress. “Neither should you,” Prince Deacon said, standing in the doorway. “I don’t mean to be pinned up,” Emily said. ‘I did not even know he followed us,’ Emily thought. “I will send for my seamstress. She will whip you up a whole room of dresses in no time,” Prince Deacon said, hol
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Chapter 188
“I hope you will not be tearing up the dress I make,” Cora said as she rolled up her measuring tape. “Of course not,” Prince Deacon said, walking over to the bed where some fabrics lay, taking a piece between his fingers, thinking how beautiful it will look on Emily. “I love this fabric and this tone,” Prince Deacon said, looking over at Cora. “Thistle purple Sheer fabric can add it as an overlay and sleeves,” Cora took the roll of fabric from Prince Deacon’s hands and rolled more off to get a good flow. She placed it over Emily’s arm and on her face. “The color matches her skin tone perfectly.” “Any color and fabric you fancy?” Cora asked Emily. “I love this, it is beautiful, perhaps a couple of nightgowns for Prince Deacon’s pressure?” Emily asked, and looked over at Prince Deacon, making sure he understood her intentions to keep her pretty head on her shoulders. “Perhaps, but we are still six months away from our wedding night, so let’s leave the seduction for then, shall we?”
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Chapter 189
“Please stop,” Emily asked with a firm tone, her face red, feeling like every woman in the dining hall might know what he was doing. “Remove your hand from mine and continue eating,” Prince Deacon ordered her with a naughty smile on his face. Emily does as he said and felt him gathering the skirt of her dress, pulling it up, his hands touching her pantalets and fiddling with his fingers until he felt the open-cut that lead to the open part of her pantalets until his hand touched the skin of her inner thigh. “Please don’t do this, not here,” she pleaded as she felt his hand slip up all the way to her womanhood, touching her pubic hair, regretting it as he now sits with a full erection. Emily could feel the tears build up in her eyes, feeling violated. Prince Deacon watched her face, which was almost as red as the tomatoes on her plate. He was about to seek out her clitoris when he saw the first tear run down her face. He immediately retracted his hand, feeling ashamed of making her
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Chapter 190
“On second thought,” Prince Deacon said and pushed Madie down onto the bed again and kissed her body, working his way down to her womanhood, with his eyes on Emily’s, that was standing in shock, at the bed, her eyes on him. ‘What is he doing? I thought I made my intentions clear,’ Emily thought, wondering why he was insulting her like this. Madie started to moan from the pleasure between her legs, Prince Deacon holding onto her thighs. “Yes, yes!” Madie moaned. Emily did not really understand what was going on, as she was not experienced at all. That night was the first time that she ever saw a man’s private part. After Madie reached her climax, Prince Deacon told her to get dressed. “Help her,” he demanded, a dumfounded Emily. Emily obeyed, violently dressing Madie with her eyes still on Prince Deacon that has put his manhood away but was still shirtless. After Madie left, prince Deacon went to the bathroom. “I am going to brush my teeth.” Emily took the moment to get out of h
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