All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
300 Chapters
Chapter 201
“Will you join me for dinner? I promise you don’t have to cook it,” Prince Deacon said, smiling. “Princess Freda is a lovely option for you, my lord, and she is right in many ways,” Emily started, even though she wanted to throw herself at this handsome lord’s feet and beg him to run away with her. “What do you mean?” Prince Deacon asked. “For starters, I am spoken for by lord Eliot and I am damaged goods,” Emily said, her cheeks turning blush. “Damaged goods?” Prince Deacon asked, wanting to laugh but keeping his serious face so as to not offend her. “You see, not even a week ago I was sold to be married to a lord from America, but for some reason, he brought me back with no explanation,” Emily explained. “Lucky me then,” Prince Deacon said with a smile, finding it hard to hold his laughter in. “What will people think? Surely you don’t want to stain your name with a girl like me. I have no titles and I am not even sure that I am still a virgin,” Emily said. “How so?” Lord Deac
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Chapter 202
‘She must be on to us, which means she might have shifted,’ Wynn thought to himself. “Princess Freda, can I invite you in for a drink?” Wynn asked, showing his hand towards Prince Deacon’s mansion. ‘Why? What are you up to?’ Prince Deacon mind linked Wynn. ‘I think she is on to us,’ Wynn mind linked. ‘Are you sure?’ Prince Deacon mind linked back. ‘Well, we are about to find out,’ Wynn mind linked, waiting for a response from Princess Freda. “I should not. What would it look like? a lady of my status, alone in your house?” Princess Fredas declined. “You won’t be alone. Our cook is inside,” Wynn said. “I will come with,” Emily offered. “Actually, I was hoping to talk to Princess Freda alone,” Wynn said, cutting Emily off. “Oh, I see,” Emily said, walking away, towards her own mansion to get ready for dinner. “Um, well,” Princess Freda said, unsure. “It will only take a moment. It is about werewolves,” Wynn dared to say with Emily out of earshot, thinking that Princess Freda
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Chapter 203
“Tell me, what are you going to do once you manage to win Emily’s heart over?” Wynn asked. “I am going to marry her,” Prince Deacon said. “After that? Are you just going to stay here forever? Let her grow old?” Wynn asked. “I am going to grow old with her,” Prince Deacon said. “And then what?” Wynn asked. “Then I will do what all old people do; die. I just hope that I will go before her as I cannot bear to be without her,” Prince Deacon said, staring in front of him. “You cannot be serious? The council will catch up with you before long,” Wynn said, half laughing. “Once I marry Emily, I am moving away from here. No one will ever find us,” Prince Deacon said, very sure of himself. “I don’t see you hiding from the council forever, but don’t let me be the one to ruin your hopes and dreams,” Wynn said as he made his way up the stairs to get ready for dinner. “Need help to get dressed?” Benjamin asked. “Yes, sure, why not,” Wynn agreed. “I hate seeing her on another man’s arm,” P
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Chapter 204
They both walk over to Lord Eliot with their drinks in their hands. “Lord Eliot, do you really love Lady Emily?” Prince Deacon said. “I will learn to love her. I am just out of time, and I would like to at least attempt to leave an heir, in case I die in the war,” Lord Eliot explained. “If another man is in love with Emily, would you step aside?” Wynn asked. “I am sure that there is no other man that would want a title-less woman and she knows that. Miss Emily knows she has nothing to offer but her beauty and one cannot even be sure that she is still a virgin,” Lord Eliot said. “If you ever speak ill of Miss Emily ever again, I will end your life!” Prince Deacon shouted, about to grab him, but Wynn jumped in and held him back. “Go for a run!” Wynn compelled Prince Deacon, not sure if Prince Deacon was wearing his shaman necklace or not, but either way, he hoped that Prince Deacon will go before he kills Lord Eliot. “I thought you gentlemen wanted to celebrate my engagement?! It
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Chapter 205
“Sorry for keeping you up so late,” Princess Freda apologized.“No need, I was enjoying my book while waiting,” the lady-in-waiting, Olivia said. Olivia has been Princess Freda’s lady-in-waiting for the past five years, ever since she turned twenty and finished a course in hairdressing, and learned how to sew. Olivia had a fair complexion like most British citizens, with big blue eyes and blond hair, always kept in a low net in her neck.“I did not know you know how to read,” Princess Freda said, standing in front of her vanity mirror so that Olivia could undress her.“It is something we get taught when training to be a lady’s maid,” Olivia said, undressing Princess Freda.After being dressed in her nightgown, Princess Freda sat at her vanity table so that Oliva could brush out her hair.“Do you think Miss Emily is prettier than me?” Princess Freda puts Olivia on the spot.“You are a princess. She is nothing more than the daughter of a butler. One would think now that they have become
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Chapter 206
One of Emily’s younger brothers opened the door. “Good day my lord.” “Good day, young man. I was wondering if I may see Miss Emily?” Prince Deacon played along with the formalities, entertaining the young boy. “My lord, I am afraid Miss Emily has nothing to wear,” the boy chuckled. “Perhaps you can send her these? One of them should fit?” Prince Deacon said, showing the dresses. “Just a moment, my Lord,” the young boy said and walked off into the living room and returned with one of his sisters. “She will take the dresses to Miss Emily,” the young boy said. “Thank you. Please let her know to come down as soon as she is dressed,” Prince Deacon said, after handing over the dresses to Emily’s younger sister. Emily's younger sister knocked on her bedroom door. “I have some dresses for you.” “I don’t want any of Princess Freda’s dresses!” Emily shouted for her sister to go away. “It is not from her. The fancy lord across the street brought them over,” her sister said back through t
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Chapter 207
“I cannot believe that there is a war going on. It is so peaceful and normal here,” Prince Deacon said. “Will you volunteer?” Emily wondered. “Do you want me to?” Prince Deacon asked, willing to do whatever she wanted him to. “Well,” Emily was about to say no, that she does not believe in war, but got interrupted. “Here we are,” the driver said after bringing the car to a halt in front of Emily’s house. After paying the driver, Prince Deacon walked Emily to her front door. “Thank you for a lovely picnic.” “No, thank you,” Emily said, smiling from ear to ear. “I would kiss you, but I know it is not the proper way here,” Prince Deacon said, before stepping away from her. “See you for afternoon tea,” Emily said before walking into her house and shutting the door, leaning against it. ‘Is this what it feels like to be in love?’ she wondered. Prince Deacon walked over to his own residence before Princess Freda noticed him, but when he got into his house, he heard her in the living r
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Chapter 208
Emily helped her father get everything in order for their trip, not aware that they were not coming back. That evening, Prince Deacon arranged a romantic dinner by candlelight while Wynn had dinner with the princesses. Deserey, with the help of hired help from a chef Prince Deacon hired presented them with a six-course meal. Smoked salmon with prawns, horseradish cream & lime vinaigrette to start accompanied with a glass of sparkling dry white wine that had a brutt sweetness to it. Their Celery soup was paired with a glass of un-oaked white wine and their fried appetizers that consisted of devils eggs and country ham were served with a full-body white wine. "I was expecting lobster salad," Emily joked when she was presented with a Salmon, pickled beetroot, and fennel salad followed by a glass of orange wine. Prince Deacon chuckled. "I did not think Orange wine will taste this good." Prince Duncan could not believe himself for having walked this earth for so long and never tried
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Chapter 209
Prince Duncan stared after the cabs until he could no longer see them. “Cheer up, chap, it is only a week,” Wynn said. “Being away from one’s fated mate, let alone claimed mate for just a day, can be torture. Imagine a week,” Prince Deacon said, walking over to his own mansion. “I was thinking of taking Princess Freda on a little trip. A duchess a few towns from here is having a few balls and Princess Bently said there will be some suiters there for her. Who knows, perhaps she will even find her fated mate,” Wynn said. “She is royalty, so most likely she won’t find a mate at a duchess ball,” Prince Deacon said, rolling his eyes. “There will be a few royal offspring, just like her,” Wynn said. “Don’t you think if her mate was around that she would have found him by now? Surely she has met all the royalties England has to offer?” Prince Deacon pointed out. “There will be a couple of foreigners as well. They are trying to get other countries to join the war effort; an alliance with
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Chapter 210
“If Emily had her memory, she could tell you all about it,” Prince Deacon said, letting Benjamin help him with his coat. “No way! Really? She does not seem like the kind of lady that will put out without a ring on her finger,” Wynn said in disbelief. “You are right, but there are different ways to make a woman scream, as you know. Besides, she had a compelling over her; she has to obey me,” Prince Deacon said, making Deserey gasp with disgust. “To have such a power,” Benjamin said, wondering what it will take to become a vampire. “Don’t you get any funny ideas,” Deserey wared Benjaman while taking away the coffee tray. Wynn moved over swiftly before compelling Deserey. “You will obey Benjamin for the next twenty-four hours.” “Go on, try it,” Prince Deacon laughed. “Um, well,” Benjamin stuttered. “Oh, I forgot, he is going with you,” Wynn laughed. “Let him take a cab tomorrow. Enjoy your twenty-four hours,” Prince Deacon said with a wink. “Feel free to demand her to get a roma
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