All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
300 Chapters
Chapter 211
Prince Deacon, feeling defeated, took a seat under a sun umbrella, watching a group of ladies playing a game of Pall-Mall; a game wherein a ball is millet struck through a high arch of iron, which the person that the person with the fewest blows, or the number agreed on, wins. Prince Deacon noticed Prince Adio talking to a few gentlemen that he seemed to be familiar with. “Excuse me, sir,” a young footman interrupted Prince Deacon’s thoughts. “Lord Deacon, accompanying Princess Freda,” Prince Deacon said. “I am to compile a list of everyone that is spoken for and who will be able to participate in a courting game,” the Footman said. “Princess Freda will defiantly participate, I won’t. Please don’t bother asking her,” Prince Deacon said, taking a glass of sparkling white wine from a tray that was held by another footman. “Noted,” the Footman said, smiling, scribbling on a piece of paper on his tray. The footman was about to walk off when Prince Deacon stopped him. “Tell me, Princ
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Chapter 212
“Good evening Prince Adio,” Prince Deacon greeted him politely. All Prince Adio’s wives were beautiful, one more than the next, but Prince Deacon knew not to compliment their beauty or to even acknowledge them unless he was asked by Prince Adio. Over the next few days and evenings, Prince Deacon could not help getting his hopes up every time Princes Freda met someone new. By the last evening, Prince Deacon did not even bother to join the ball and spent his evening listening to the rain falling outside, wondering if they will be able to travel back home tomorrow. Princess Freda was looking around the dance floor while standing with a few other princesses and Dutchess making small talk, wondering where Prince Deacon was. “Excuse me,” Princess Freda said before walking away to search for Prince Deacon. ‘I suppose I cannot break his bond with Emily and if I hope to still have a friend in him, I guess I have to go tell him the truth about Emily and her family,’ Princess Freda thought to
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Chapter 213
‘Do you know that you are a hybrid?’ Prince Ra mind linked Princess Freda. “Will you be my wife?” Prince Adio asked, his naked body pressed against Princes Freda, ready to enter her and take her virginity. “Yes,” Princess Freda said out loud instead of in her mind, responding to Prince Ra and not his father, Prince Adio. Prince Adio’s wives retracted their hands from her body, pleased that they have concurred another wife for their husband. ‘If you don’t want him to deflower you, you better get out of there as fast as possible,’ Prince Ra mind linked her, hoping that she will come to his room. “I mean, no,” Princess Freda said before pushing Prince Adio off her and speeding off. “Did you know?” Prince Adio asked, frustrated, holding Zuberi by her throat. “No,” she managed to say in a soft and honest voice.her, Prince Adio pulled Zuberi towards him by her throat before kissing her. While kissing her he let go of her throat and pushed her down on the bed, forcefully entering her,
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Chapter 214
“What is going on?” Prince Deacon asked, walking with Benjamin, and making his way through the hallway. “Leaving like a thief in the night?” Prince Ra asked. “My lord, Prince Adio committed suicide,” the English lord informed him. “Then you should show more respect to Prince Ra as he is the new ruler to convince into an alliance,” Lord Deacon said, tapping his hat with a smile before continuing on his way. “I will be becoming for Princess Freda,” Prince Ra said, making Prince Deacon stop and turn around. “Why don’t we both keep our heads on our pretty bodies and call it a night?” Prince Deacon threatened him. “You think because you were friends with my father that we will be friends?” Prince Ra challenged. “If you are anything like your father, then I am not interested in being your friend as I was never his,” Prince Deacon said rudely before turning on his heel to walk away. Prince Ra wanted to tell him that he was one of them, but there were too many human ears around, so he
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Chapter 215
Wynn asked Princess Bently halfway through her climax to marry him. “Are you mad?” Princess Bently gasped. “It was worth the try,” Wynn said, before kissing her. A day later the letter arrived and Wynn mind linked Prince Deacon that it did. ‘Please send Benjamin and Deserey with some clothing and my business suitcase,’ Prince Deacon mind linked him the location. ‘When will you be back?’ Wynn asked. ‘I won’t be back. Make sure you send Emily’s letter back with them,’ Prince Deacon mind linked him. ‘Be sure to send me a wedding invite,’ Wynn mind linked with a grin on his face. ‘By the way, did Princess Freda tell you that she has met her fated mate?’ Prince Deacon mind linked. ‘She did not. She keeps to her room most of the time. That must be why she is so different,’ Wynn mind linked in shock. ‘I think Prince Adio was her fated mate, but it is believed that he committed suicide shortly after she returned,’ Prince Deacon explained what happened. ‘You don’t think she accidenta
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‘What are you doing here? How did you find me?’ Prince Deacon opened his mind to mind link his father. Prince Deacon looked over at Wynn, knowing besides Lord Dario, Wynn was the only other person that knew where he was. ‘I had nothing to do with it, I promise,’ Wynn mind linked Prince Deacon. ‘Take Emily and run,’ Lord Deacon mind linked Wynn as they slowly walked towards his parents. ‘No, bring her,’ his mother mind linked. “I should be angry at you, but right now I am scared,” Emily whispered. Prince Deacon could feel her fear and her mind. “I am so sorry, my darling.” “I see you got married again,” Queen Lana said. Wynn looked over at Princess Freda still standing at the front of the church and hoped that they won't catch her scent. “You can hardly consider a supernatural wedding legit,” Prince Deacon said, holding on to Emily, knowing he should run and get her out of there. “It is time for you to come home,” King Makens said. “Why? You don’t need me there. My life is her
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Chapter 217
Wynn tracked Shysie’s scent, thinking that the royals must have come with more vampires and his speculations were right when he found a vampire in a pub, closing in on his next human drink. “I have what you need,” Wynn tricked the vampire to follow him. The vampire knew who Wynn was and followed him, not thinking twice. “What happened here?” the vampire asked, entering the church. “Shysie,” Wynn said coldly. “Your sister did this?” the vampire asked, stepping over the dead bodies. “She left one,” Wynn pointed Emily out, sitting on the floor at the dead bodies of her father and siblings, knowing the vampire was just playing dumb. “You know we cannot kill,” the vampire objected. “I didn’t say kill her, but just drink her half to death,” Wynn said. “Why don’t you do it?” the vampire questioned. “You know I prefer food,” Wynn said, hoping the vampire will go for it. The vampire sped over to Emily but before his teeth touch her skin, Wynn slammed him to the ground, using the buil
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Chapter 218
Princess Freda does not know how long she has been sleeping but was woken up when two women whom she recognized from the night Prince Adio tried to claim her walked into her room. “I am Chione, a wife of Prince Ra,” a beautiful woman, her skin the color of cinnamon, her eyes hickory brown and sharp at the edges, her hair long and light brown, her voice smooth like honey. “I am Sanura, also a wife of Prince Ra,” as beautiful as Choine's her skin light tortilla brown, her hair mocha brown, her eyes golden brown like gemstones, her voice airy.” “I recognize you. Were you not the wives of Prince Adio? I didn’t know the wives get past on to the next in line?” Princess Freda asked, shocked that Prince Ra, her prince, her fated mate, would take his father's wives. “That is correct, but before we belonged to Prince Adio, we belonged to Prince Ra first,” Sanura said, a smile on her face. “I am not sure I understand,” Princess Freda said. “First, let us start getting you ready,” Choine sai
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Chapter 219
Instead of taking Princess Freda to Prince Ra’s room, she took her to her own room. “I see he is not here yet, but make yourself comfortable. I am sure he will be here shortly.” Nura closed the door behind her, locking Princess Freda inside before walking over to Prince Ra’s room. “I regret to inform you that Freda had no interest in coming to your room,” Nura said, walking into Prince Ra’s room, and closing the door. “Then I will go to her,” Prince Ra stood up. “If I can give advice from a woman, let her come on her own terms. It will be much more rewarding,” Nura said, putting palms on his bare chest; Prince Ra wearing only a haram pants and an open dress shirt. Prince Ra swept Nura up and took her to his bed and while he made love to her, he mind links princess Freda so that she could feel his pleasure and hear Nura’s screams filled with pleasure. After half an hour of her mind being r*ped by the screams and sight of Nura, Princess Freda finally managed to block prince Ra out.
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Chapter 220
Princess Freda opened her door and pulled the guard in, overpowering him, sinking her teeth into his neck all while he struggled and screamed for help. After a minute he calmed down, giving in to the intoxication. Princess Freda could feel his pulse slowing down and it brought her back to reality, pulling away from the guard. “What have I done?” “You should let him drink your blood, it will help him recover,” Princess Freda heard a familiar voice and looked up at Zuberi. Princess Freda didn’t hesitate and bite opened her wrist and put it to the guard's mouth, but he was not responding. Zuberi kneeled down next to them and forced Princess Freda’s wrist into the guard's mouth. “Drink,” she compelled him and Princess Freda felt him sucking. “That is enough, stop,” Zuberi compelled the guard again. “Leave us,” Zuberi ordered, and the guard took his place outside the room, blood all over his clothes. “I was so hungry, I didn’t mean to do that,” Princess Freda said, looking at her night
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