All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
300 Chapters
Chapter 191
“Don’t stop on my account. Continue, please,” he demanded. Unable to not do as he say, Emily found herself pulling up the sheer dress and placing her fingers back between her legs. ‘Why am I listening to him,’ she wondered, wishing the floor would just open and swallow her. Emily kept her eyes on his and, even though she was rubbing her womanhood, she was unable to bring herself to the point of climax, feeling too embarrassed. Prince Deacon kneeled beside her and swung her legs open, one on either side. Emily tried to close her legs, but he put his hands on her thighs. “Open them, don’t resist me.” He does not mean to demand her as he merely wanted to pleasure her, forgetting the power he held over her. Emily opened her legs obediently and Prince Deacon put his mouth first to her breast, sucking her nipple through the sheer fabric, making Emily gasp in pleasure she did not understand. He slipped his mouth down between her legs and kisses her fingers first. Emily remembered how Ma
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Chapter 192
‘MATE,’ Prince Deacon felt ripping through him. Zara felt it as well and smiled sweetly. “What is that?” Zara asked, pretending not to know. “That, my dear, is the mating bond,” Prince Deacon said, and pulled her aside. Queen Lana stood up. “He has chosen one.” King Makens and Queen Lana walked over to Prince Deacon. “I have mated again, but I am still mated to Emily,” he said, confused, as he knew that you cannot mate with more than one person at the same time. “I wonder how come?” King Makens asked, confused, looking at the girl and then his wife. King Makens saw what his wife has done but does not object. “There must be some deeper meaning to it. I will look into it,” King Makens said. “I suggest the two of you get married tonight and claim each other right away,” Queen Lana said. “You know I cannot claim another mate since I already claimed Emily,” Prince Deacon said, regretting the words, as he knew what his mother will suggest next. “Don’t you worry about her, we will
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Chapter 193
Two days later… Emily woke up as the car came to a halt. With a yawn, she looked out of the window. They were in front of the mansion. Lord Dario got out first and opened the car door for her. Lord Dario walked up to the door, Emily followed him in silence. After knocking with the large dragon-shaped knocker, the door opened and they were greeted by the butler, Armenia’s father. “Father,” Emily flung herself into her father’s arms. “My darling daughter, I did not expect you back so soon,” he said, looking worried at Lord Dario. “Your daughter is untouched and still a virgin,” Lord Dario said, standing in the door. “I will notify the lady of the house, Princess Bently,” the butler said, looking at his daughter, his expression filled with questions. “I am so sorry, father,” Emily started. “I will take my leave,” Lord Dario said before leaving. “What happened?” Emily’s father asked. “I am not sure. All that matters is that I am back,” Emily said, hugging her father again. “I h
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Chapter 194
“What do you think you are doing? Keep silent! This must be hard enough for them with us watching them,” the pack Beta, Oslan, said, forcing Prince Mano out of the room. Prince Mano had ginger red hair that went well with his hot-tempered personality, but his sky-blue eyes revealed more often than not that there was some calm inside of him that helped him keep a level head, but not tonight. “She is my mate!” Prince Mano protested once outside the room with the door shut behind them. Prince Mano mind linked his parents, begging them to stop this. His parents went over right away and were greeted with a pinned-down Prince Mano by the pack beta, Oslan. Oslan’s jet-black hair was always neatly styled, revealing that he was a perfectionist. His azure blue eyes, deep and mysterious as the secrets he kept. Prince Mano was built like a warrior, just like the rest of his brothers, but beta Oslan’s strength was no match for him as all the men in the pack trained hard five times a week. No ex
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Chapter 195
‘I can’t, if I don’t complete the contract, I have with your mother my pack will be executed,’ Zara mind linked him, showing him everything. ‘Oh, is that what I saw earlier? I wasn’t so sure what it meant,’ Prince Mano mind linked her back, turning around and getting onto the bed next to her, wrapping his arms around her wolf. Prince Mano did not allow himself to fall asleep, knowing the trouble they were facing if they were discovered. ‘Thank goodness I had an extra shaman necklace in my room,’ Prince Mano thought to himself, listening to Zara sleeping. ‘What is a shaman necklace?’ Zara mind linked him. ‘I thought you were sleeping. A shaman necklace contains a special ritual muti and together with a special hymn you can break any vampire compelling,’ he mind linked her. ‘How can I sleep with your thoughts so loud in my head?’ Zara mind linked him back. ‘I will have to teach you how to block others out,’ Prince Mano mind linked her, kissing her on her head, her fur soft against
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Chapter 196
“The vampires can only feed off a human every two to three days and even though they only need to feed every three days or so, some of them like to overindulge, to have optimal strength, to match that of the other species, especially the lycan’ strength,” Madie informed as they entered the Sunroom. “I have so much to learn,” Zara said, walking over to the lycan royal table. “Enjoy your breakfast,” Madie said before leaving to join her own friends. ‘You look breathtaking,’ Prince Mano mind linked her privately. “Thank you,” Zara said out loud. “Thank you for what?” Queen Lana asked, dapping her mouth with a napkin. ‘Did I just say that out loud?’ Zara asked herself. ‘You sure did,’ Prince Mano mind linked her with a little chuckle. “For inviting me to sit with you for breakfast,” Zara promptly said to rectify her gaffe. An omega of the pack stood closer and pulled out a chair for Zara before she could herself. “Thank you,” Zara said, sitting down. “At least this one is bette
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Chapter 197
After a few mishaps and stalling the car Prince Deacon was driving smoothly, making their way to Humpington. “If I may ask, why this specific street?” the driver asked, showing Prince Deacon to turn left into the street. “I was told that it will be a good investment,” Prince Deacom lied, not really trusting the driver or anyone for that matter. “Good investment? It is the most expensive street in all of England, besides the King’s castle of course,” the driver shook his head. “Don’t concern yourself too much,” Prince Deacon chuckled. “This is the house,” the driver said. Prince Deacon stopped the car abruptly. “Thank you for driving me and bringing me to my destination, you may leave.” “Are you sure? I can wait. In case you don’t buy a property today,” the driver offered. “No need, thank you,” Prince Deacon said before walking towards the front door, Wynn following. “So have you decided what you are going to introduce me as?” Wynn asked. “My cousin,” Prince Deacon said befor
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Chapter 198
‘Did she come outside again?’ Prince Deacon wondered at the stronger scent, not knowing yet that Emily and her family stay in the next house and did not notice her and her father walking to their house when her father finished work for the day. After the cab drove off with Deserey and Benjamin, Wynn walked out of sight and sped off to go and see if any furniture pieces survived. Prince Deacon stood on the porch of his mansion, enjoying Emily’s lingering scent until he notices Wynn coming back thirty minutes later with a bed. After another few trips, Prince Deacon’s mansion looked more like home. “I need to replenish,” Wynn says, crashing on one of the living room chairs. “Well, I am not stopping you,” Prince Deacon said, taking a seat across from him. “See you before sunrise,” Wynn said before speeding off to find himself a human to drink blood from. Prince Deacon went to the master bedroom and laid down on the bed with only a mattress as Wynn didn’t bring any bed sheets. Not th
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Chapter 199
Prince Deacon stood by his window looking over at Emily’s house, wondering when she was going to make her way over to princess Bently’s house. “I wonder if Princess Bently will be introducing Emily to us as Princess Freda or not?” “I bet you she was going to introduce Emily to us,” Wynn said, sipping on a cup of coffee. “Finally,” Prince Deacon said when he saw Eliot leave Emily’s house, catching a glimpse of her beautiful face. Emily looked over at Prince Deacon, noticing someone at the window. ‘I wonder what he is like?’ “Guess I have to get ready to be Princess Freda,” Emily said out loud, talking to herself. “You are prettier than Princess Freda,” one of Emily’s younger sisters complimented her. Emily bent down to her younger sister’s level. “It is not about what is on the outside, but more about what is on the inside,” she said, pointing at her chest. “So, if the gentlemen across the street were ugly, would you have smiled so sweetly, peeking through the window?” her sister
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Chapter 200
“The money must have gone to your daughter's head, Alfred. Don’t think I did not see you encouraging her to steal Lord Deacon away from my Freda,” Princess Bently said before taking a sip of her tea. Alfred wanted to walk Emily over to their mansion next door, but before he could leave, Princess Bently stopped him. “Alfred, my tea is cold.” “I will get hot water and a fresh cup,” Alfred said, walking over and taking the delegate floral print teacup and saucer off the table. “Princess Freda, a fresh cup for you?” Alfred asked, walking around. “Please,” Princess Freda said, putting her cup down. “You will talk to Emily and tell her to stand down? Eliot is such a nice man. Surely he will make a fine son-in-law,” Prince Bently advised. “He did not even know she exist until I received the money for Emily’s hand,” Alfred objected. “True, but even after getting a large sum the day before yesterday, he still called on her this morning,” Princess Freda said. ‘I will be damn if I am goin
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