All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
300 Chapters
Chapter 171
Wynn sped over to Prince Edward and there he found Paris working the bar just as Michael told him, unaware that Michael was stalking him.“Last rounds,” Paris called out, and started to wipe down the bar. Wynn left the bar and thought he will wait outside of the pup for Paris to get to the bottom of things.An hour later Wynn watched as Paris locked up with a young woman with him.“Paris got himself a pub?” Wynn asked himself out loud, confused. ‘Why would he do that? He is like filthy rich,’ Wynn wondered and watch the two of them make out before they continued on their way.MONTHS AGO, WHEN PARIS SAVED A WOMAN AND GOT SHOT IN THE HEAD.Paris woke up in hospital and saw a young woman sitting at his side, reading a book. Choking on his ventilator got the woman’s attention.“You are awake!” she stated, clearly shocked. “I will go get the doctor,” she said and rushed out of the room.It was clear that the doctor was as shocked as the woman that Paris woke up.After removing the ventilat
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Chatper 172
Jenna won’t admit it but she was glad that John (Paris) did not remember anything because she knew that it will most likely mean the end of him in her life.“The doctor said not to try to force it,” Jenna said, putting her hand on his arm. “Come, let me show you my pub.”Paris followed her into her pub that looked like your average hangout spot with dark stained wood finishes.While Jenna was catching up on paperwork, Paris kept Conrad busy by asking him all about beer and alcohol and different cocktails and how to mix them. By nightfall, Paris was serving customers like a pro bartender.“You must be a barman of some sort. I have never seen anyone learn everything so fast,” Conrad said when they locked up with Jenna.“Good night, Conrad,” Jenna said, and together with Paris, they went into the building to go to her apartment.They spent the rest of the week going around town to random parks and popular hangouts during the day in the hope to trigger John’s (Paris) memory and spent the
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Chapter 173
“Paris,” Katelina answered before Michael could.“He looks like a ‘Paris’,” Jenna said, looking over to where Paris was standing.“He sure does,” Katelina added, making Michael give her a warning look.Paris opened a beer for Jenna and walked over to the side of the bar where she was talking with their returned customer.Paris reached between Katelina and Michael to hand Jenna her beer, making both of them part away from his hand. Paris looked at them, thinking they were behaving strangely.“Thank you,” Jenna said. “These two know you. You are in varsity with them,” Jenna said.“Really?” Paris asked, excited to get more info.“Your name is Paris,” Jenna smiled.“Paris?” he questioned, looking at the two of them. “That is going to take some time to get used to.”“It suits you. It is better than John,” Jenna chuckled.“How did you end up with the name John?” Michael chuckled.“John Doe. Memory loss after a gunshot to the temple.” Paris turned his head to show them the scar.“I didn’t kn
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Chapter 174
Paris and Jenna spoke to a few students, but all had the same story; they didn’t really know Paris as he was hardly at the varsity.“We should see if you have an online profile, now that we know your name and last,” Jenna suggested on their way home.They got home and after spending a great amount of time online searching for any social media page; they came up empty, but all was not lost. They did find a few deeds that were in Paris’ name and contacted the broker.The broker visited Paris at Jenna’s apartment.“I never thought I will meet up with you in such an area,” Mr. Sanders chuckled after a cup of coffee.Paris explained to him what had happened and both Paris and Jenna were shocked when Mr. Sanders told them that Paris was filthy rich. What Paris does not remember is that every few years, he compelled the broker to believe that Paris was the next generation to inherit his family's fortunes.“So, you mean to tell us that Paris has no family?” Jenna asked after Mr. Sanders told
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Chapter 175
Despite the fact that Paris was a wealthy man, Jenna insisted on running her little pub herself. Once Paris got over the fact that he was a wealthy man, he realized that being nothing more than a bartender and near the woman he loved was all that he wanted. Over the next few months, they took short holidays to visit Paris’s properties while falling deeper in love and planning their wedding.One evening after closing the pub, the two of them were oblivious to an old friend of Paris that was watching them. Neither one of them noticed Wynn lurking in the dark while they locked up.Back in her apartment, Jenna excitedly walked over to the fridge to tick off the calendar day. “Can’t believe our wedding is only two weeks away.”“I can. These past few months have been dragging. I don’t know why you had to choose a date so far into the future,” Paris complained, opening the fridge to take a few things out to start dinner.“I told you; my father’s sisters are only on holiday then and since the
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Chapter 176
"So, my sister has been missing all this time?" Wynn confirmed."No one has seen her or heard from her," Michael told him."What about Torvald?" Wynn questioned."Only Ondrink knows where he is and even Ondrink disappeared along with Soroya, Juno, Jovita, and Jessica," Michael informed Wynn when he realized that Wynn does not have a clue what went down these past few months."They disappeared by choice?" Wynn asked, concerned."Yes," Michael said."Leave the Island. There is nothing here for you," Wynn said with his eyes on Ann that was sitting on the beach wanting to be with her but at the same time, he felt the need to make sure his sister was ok and knew that he won’t be able to focus on finding Shysie if he has to worry about Michael stealing his girl."Of course, there is something for me," Michael chuckled, his eyes also on Ann."If you wish to die, then go ahead," Wynn challenged.Instead of accepting Wynn's challenge, Michael sped off. 'I will grab Ann when his guard is down,'
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Chapter 177
Wynn got back to the restaurant and walked straight over to the table where Paris was sitting with his future in-laws. “Paris, good morning.”“Um, hi. Do we know each other?” Paris questioned, confused, the entire table looking at Wynn.“You don’t know who I am? Your best friend dude,” Wynn chuckled, even though he felt he was betraying their friendship a little for chasing after Ann.“He got shot a few months ago and has memory loss,” Jenna chipped in.“Well, what a coincidence. Now I have a best man for tomorrow,” Paris chuckled and stood up to shake Wynn’s hand.“A best man?” Wynn asked confused, stepping out of Paris’s reach realizing that Paris must really have memory loss for thinking he could touch a hybrid without wanting to kill them.“I am getting married tomorrow,” Paris said proudly and introduced Jenna and her family to Wynn.“You are getting married?” Wynn choked and wondered if he should inform Paris that he had a girlfriend. ‘I should. It is the right thing to do. I wi
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Chapter 178
“Stop,” Ann said to Wynn as soon as her compelling was lifted.Wynn came to a halt.“I can’t believe you have been taking me for a fool these past few months,” Ann said, followed by a slap.Michael caught up with them, but Wynn was not going to give him the opportunity to speak with Ann, so he part-shifted and grabbed Ann before taking flight to the nearest next island, Ann screaming and holding on for dear life.Out of energy from being in a part-shifted state, that was all for nothing because Michael swam using vampire speed to their location.“I want to go home,” Ann said, crying. “No, wait. Paris?”“He is back on the Island,” Wynn told her.“Paris is back there?” Michael asked, not believing his ears.“You are never to come near me or Paris ever again!” Ann demanded, remembering that she held power over Michael with a promise he made her to always obey her.“Ah, common!” Michael said, and felt his skin starting to boil. “Fuck,” Michael exclaimed before speeding off. Not able to do
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Chapter 179
“If he loved me, he would have been married to me now instead of dumping me on an island,” Ann said.“Michael must have something to do with it,” her mother insisted.‘Why was Michael on the island?’ Ann wondered. ‘How did Wynn know I was on the island? He also knew I didn’t have memory of the supernatural world,’ Ann realized.“I have to go,” Ann said, making her way to the front door.“I will come with,” her father said.“I don’t need you to babysit me,” Ann declined.“Actually, you do,” her father said and followed her out of the house. “Come, I will drive you.”“Urg,” Ann exclaimed, rolling her eyes but got into her father’s car.Arriving at the higher council, Ann went straight to the lycan throne room to say hello to Jessica, her best friend first, wondering if Jessica knew and agreed to her being compelled. ‘She must have,’ Ann told herself.“Good afternoon,” Deacon greeted Ann and her father. Deacon looked at Eljo, wondering what Ann was doing back in New York.“Where is Jessi
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Chapter 180 (A CENTURY AGO)
On her way to her room, Emily thought back to how her life started with the Supernatural world and how, not so long ago, she didn't think she will love anyone else ever again but Deacon. Emily thought about how Deacon's life has always been a mess. 1915 It was courting season in England and Princess Bently; cousin of the British King was ready to present her daughter to the bachelors of the town. A gentleman introduced himself as Lord Dario, not giving his last name. Princess Bently sends in her daughter’s best friend Emily to meet a gentleman every time she does not like the looks of a man. Now it was not that she did not like the looks of Lord Dario, ‘but who calls on a lady this late in the evening?’ Lord Dario inspected Emily without even asking for a name. Dark luscious locks of hair, smooth clear skin, tall with blue eyes, and a dashing white smile. “She will do.” “Excuse me?” Princess Bently wanted to know. “One million euros if she leaves with me tonight for America,” L
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