All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
300 Chapters
Chapter 121
“Are you ok?” Wynn asked and walked into Ami’s room at the higher council.Ami was crying into her pillow when she heard Wynn’s voice.“Hey, hey, hey. What is the matter? Is it so awful that I am your fated mate that you have to cry about it? We can just un-mate. No problem,” Wynn said and placed his hand on her shoulder. “I know you grew up knowing me as an uncle, I guess. I don’t know why I keep on ending up with you young ones,” Wynn explained, confused about it all himself.“You don’t understand,” Ami sobbed.“Then explain to me,” Wynn said.“I want to be mated to you, but you are so quick to cast the idea aside and un-mate. I always dreamt of my fated mate and not in a million years did I even think I will get a fated mate because we are the last royals of our species and the lycan’s basically took all the human royals for themselves,” Ami cried, sitting up.“I want to be your mate, but what about Eero?” Wynn questioned.“Eero left without a second thought,” Ami sobbed.Wynn wrap
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Chapter 122
“Am I not allowed to have a good day?” Ami chuckled and hooked her arm in with Ann.“Just find it hard to believe that you are over Eero so quick,” Jessica stated.“Just because I am happy does not mean I am over him,” Ami said.“You met someone, didn’t you?” Ann accused.“Maybe,” Ami teased as they walked into the building.“Good for you,” Jessica said, making Ami feel bad.‘Will she be ok with me and Wynn?’ Ami wondered.“Not again,” Jessica sighed when she saw Deacon with a bunch of blue flowers.“Good morning, beautiful,” Deacon said and held out the blue flowers, the bunch twice the size of the day before. Deacon has been trying to give her flowers every day, and every day ends the same; Jessica takes the flowers and dumps them in the nearest dustbin.“Please don’t dump them. They will look so pretty in our room,” Katelina pleaded.“Michael could learn a thing or two from Deacon,” Ann chuckled.“You can say that again,” Ann laughed.Jessica took the flowers and pushed them into K
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Chapter 123
Ami opened her bedroom door, out of breath. “Hi.”“Where did you disappear to?” Wynn asked, walking into her room as if it was his own.Ami shut her bedroom door. “I thought you were having a night with the boys?”“You naked is enough to make any man change their mind,” Wynn said and pulled her against his body. His lips found hers, his hand found the hem of her shift and pulled it over her head, separating their lips for a split second. With her shirt off, Wynn’s hands slipped up her bare back to remove her bra, but found that she was not wearing one. A chuckle escaped Wynn’s throat as he picked Ami up and slammed her to her bed. Wynn bit his lip, admiring her breast. ‘The perfect size,’ he thought and got onto the bed on his knees with his knees on either side of her legs, un-doing the button and zipper of her skinny jeans before pulling them off. “No underwear,” Wynn said.“I left in a hurry,” Ami said, and for some reason, she didn’t even feel shy being naked under his eyes.Wynn
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Chapter 124
Katelina was relieved that Michael didn’t put up much of a fight and slipped away to the dungeons after dressing.Without speaking, Katelina offered her palm to Paris when she arrived at the dungeons.“What now?” Paris frowned.“Just drink,” Katelina urged him.‘Will you run away with me?’ Paris saw in Katelina’s mind while drinking her blood and let go of her palm.Paris looked at her in shock and considered it for a moment. Katelina shoved her palm towards his mouth, and he took her palm again. ‘Ann moved on and for the rest of her life, she will always belong to Michael,’ Katelina told him while showing Paris just how easily Ann moved on.Paris let go of her and looked over at Torvald and back at Katelina.“What is it going to be? I am leaving with or without you,” Katelina said, no longer caring if Torvald hears or not.“How do I get out of here?” Paris questioned, wondering what Katelina’s plan was.Katelina took the key to Paris cell out of her pocket with a smile and unlocked
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Chapter 125
Deacon rested his head against the same door that Mr. Lestat was pinning Jessica to from the other side, tears running down his at the betrayal.Jessica felt strange in her heart while Mr. Lestat was thrusting into her. No matter how hard she tried to focus on the moment and forget Deacon, she couldn’t. Mr. Lestat exploded inside of her, breathing heavily, with his forehead pressed against her. “Are you on contraception?”“Will get on that right away,” Jessica said and turned to leave the classroom when Mr. Lestat pinned her to the door, his front against her back, her front against the door. Jessica could sense Deacon on the other side and guilt swept over her.“I am not done with you, not by a long shot,” Mr. Letat said, and sucked her ear before opening the door and giving her some room to leave. Mr. Lestat did not care too much about the fact that Deacon was standing right there and positioned his clothes before grabbing his boho briefcase bag and leaving, a satisfying smile on hi
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Chapter 126
“Forget what you heard, Ann just said. Actually, forget that you saw me on the phone,” Katelina was quick to compel Paris and slipped her phone out of sight.“Where were we?” Paris asked and walked over to Katelina, wrapping his arms around her, and pulling her in for a kiss.***‘Can’t believe I am all alone on a Friday night,’ Ann thought and got up from her bed, wondering where Jessica was at.Ann decided to dress up and go party. ‘There must be some frat party somewhere,’ Ann thought while painting her lips red.Ann didn’t have to go far to find a party. “Just my luck,” she thought when she noticed Shysie at the same party. ‘Should I leave? I don’t want Michael to think I am stalking him,’ Ann thought and looked around for him. ‘Maybe I should make friends with her?’ Ann wondered and made her way over to where Shysie was standing, lazy against a wall with a drink in her hand that she was not drinking. Shysie recently found out that not only can she eat and drink food, but she can
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Chapter 127
Merch, an excellent tracker, studied Michael in silence for a second. “Who did you lose to be willing to pay with Soroya? I know you took an interest in her.”“One of my wives ran off with Paris,” Michael started.A chuckle escaped Merch, as he already knew where Paris was and with whom. “Let me guess, you want your wife back? What happened to Ann?”“Ann and I are dating, and she is ok with me having multiple partners,” Michael explained.“Is she allowed to have multiple partners?” Merch questioned.“Of course not,” Michael choked.“I take it you want me to find this wife and return her to you?” Merch questioned.“Her and Paris, alive,” Michael added.“Promise,” Merch said.“I promise that if you return Paris and Katelina to me in one piece and alive that you can have Soroya,” Michael promised.“I will have them at the higher council in the vampire throne room next week this time,” Merch said with a smile on his face.Without another word, Michael sped off back to the higher council t
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Chapter 128
Wynn picked Deacon up and sped over to the higher council to get a shaman to put Deacon under a sleeping spell but when they arrived Deacon objected, insisting he deserves to die, heartbroken for losing Emily and Jessica in one go. Deacon left the higher council without telling anyone where he was going.***Monday morning Ann woke up and saw Jessica sleeping in her bed. Ann got up and got ready for the day.“Hey, you better get up if you don’t want to be late for class,” Ann woke Jessica up.“Let me be,” Jessica said and pulled her bedsheet over her head.“No problem. The top of her class will definitely go to me then. Thanks for making it so easy for me,” Ann chuckled and left the room in hope of running into Michael before class, finding herself missing him.“Michael?” Ann said, a smile creeping up her face when she opened her bedroom door to find Michael there with a Starbucks in his hand.“Good morning, beautiful,” Michael said and kissed her.“I take it that is for me?” Ann smil
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Chapter 129
“Where have you been all morning?” Ami asked Wynn when he sat down next to her in class, after the break.“Deacon is gone,” Wynn whispered as his eyes fell on Ann and the dark head, looking like Jessica. “Is that Jessica?” Wynn asked.“What does it look like?” Ami chuckled.Wynn got up without a word and walked over to where Jessica was sitting and without warning grabbed her arm and pulled her up from her chair.“What the hell?” Jessica exclaimed. “Wynn?” Jessica questioned, confused.“Come with me,” Wynn said, and half-forced walked her out of the class.“What the hell?” Ann asked.“It’s fine,” Jessica said over her shoulder to Ann, not wanting Ann to follow her as she had a few questions herself.Some of the students whispered under their breath at the scene in front of them. Ami wondered if she should follow them or not but then instead decided to join Ann.“What is going on?” Ann asked Ami.“Something to do with Deacon, I guess,” Ami chose her words carefully.“They broke up,” An
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Chapter 130
Ami didn’t need to move into the dorm room, but she didn’t want to offend Ann and besides that, she wanted to work on her friendship with Jessica.“Thanks for letting me stay here for a bit,” Ami said to Jessica when they were alone in the room.“Why don’t you just stay with Wynn at the higher council or share your house with him?” Jessica questioned, flopping down on her bed.“I was hoping to keep Wynn and me a secret until we were sure about it all. How did you find out?” Ami questioned, hesitant to unpack her bag.“Why?” Jessica questioned, casually taking a book she was busy reading off her bedside table.Ami took too long to answer, not knowing how to word it.“Oh, my word. Please tell me it is not because of me?” Jessica chuckled, pretending she didn’t care.“Well, yes, and your shift of attitude earlier this week towards me tells me that you are not happy about it,” Ami stated flatly, not wanting to bend around the bush.“Wynn is all yours. I have a new fated mate that I plan t
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