All Chapters of Chasing Broken Destinies: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
55 Chapters
Today I Am You
Sometimes you the moments that you are the most frightened of are the moments that feel right.And this brings me to this moment; as I watch the Doctor come through that door, it is as if my very own life starts flashing in front of my eyes, and all I can think of is Tyler.The man that I have and will give my life up for.It feels like just yesterday that we met each other. He, Tyler, you, you were and still are my one and only love.From the moment we first met to this day, if there is one thing that has always been constant is love, care and excitement, and the fear of the unknown. I was single and likely to stay single until I didn't meet you. Going back in time, from the day I saw you first, stared into your eyes, and dived deep into your soul, and everything appears to me as a fairy tale. Time has never passed so fast. This is, by all means, the best time of my life. It's like I have got everything I ever asked for. A partner for life, a best friend
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Fear Filled Love
Two feelings come to mind as the Doctor gently lays his hand on my shoulder. Strangely the very first to come to mind is love.Yet, then there is the place that is created for a great monster that can take hold of your heart and twist it in directions that the mind will be tormented at. This, my dear friend, is none other than fear.A good man once said, expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, the fear shrinks, and vanishes and you are free.There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create.The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our he
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A Journey Has Ended
…Tyler POV...Over the past few weeks, I have learned a lot about myself. I thought that being a Sheriff means that you are the strongest man that there can be. Yet, learning about hope and faith, having the will to see that there is always going to be a tomorrow, is a far greater strength than what a man in uniform can bring.This has by far been the greatest learning experience for me, and even though we might have come through it this far, it does not mean that the battle is not over. I think that only now the true healing will begin. And that I can with almost all certainty say as I am now staring Jenna in eyes that are very much wide open.And as she nearly leaps in my arms, the flood of emotions, the fear of losing her comes flooding like a raging river from eyes that have grown far puffier than they should be.With only but a gentle squeeze of my hand instead, she softly whispers to me, “It is good you finally joining us.”
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Having Second Thoughts
…Tyler POV…It takes a near-death experience to give you the perspective that you need in life. It shows you the mistakes that you have made, and yet, it shows you what you can do not to make them again. It gives you the opportunity to change your life.Now Jenna and I have been through some changes already, and I can, and I will be dead honest, I think that they were for the wrong. I think that my hastily desire to run away made me make a choice that I am not happy with.And if you look at it this way, it has lead to events that could have been avoided. So yes, I am set to make things right before they can turn out to be even more wrong than before. Now, I am in no way saying that the decisions that I am about to make are the right ones, but I guess you just need to go on your gut.So it is with a very eager Jenna waiting for me, perhaps now, just having come out of theatre is the right time, but I guess there is no right time as the presen
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At A Crossroads
Fate is what takes you down that road you ever so often avoid taking. Take, for instance, driving down a deserted road and finding a woman that was stuck and helpless pulled off on the side. At the time, I had no idea that it was where I was supposed to be with whom I am meant to be, doing what I should be doing...falling in love.I wish I could have blamed gravity, but the truth was I fell in love. I fell deeper and deeper until I reached the deepest point. In the middle of all my chaos, there she was. You can call it destiny, or you can call it fate; the point is you will fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.Now that unexpected love has brought us to this point where both our lives, our love, and our future depend on what will happen next.I know that this is a crossroad that we are finding ourselves. We know how we got here, but we are not sure where it is headed.And it’s confusing. One way seems smooth and e
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Leaving The Old Behind
…Tyler POV…A week has gone by faster than I anticipated; last night, after what seems like an endless stay in the hospital, Jenna could finally bring me home. Well, it does not quite feel like it, for I have not been here for much of the time that we have been staying out here. That is why I can say with the utmost confidence that I am delighted that in a little less than an hour, we will be on our way to our real home.I am beyond excited to be back where my roots are; I am more relieved that we will have a life that will return back to normal again. The past month, I can even go as far as say that about seven weeks of our lives were nothing but heartache and pain. I do not think our relationship would survive anything else bad happen to us.And as I watch her trying to get out of those godawful pajamas that she wears, I know that I will do anything to protect my wife and my children, but this body can only take so much there is, and that is one
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The Old Familiar
They say that happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know that you left open.Should this be said about fear?I wish I knew. All that I know is that changes are often very scary, especially if you do not know where you are heading.Though we are heading back to where it all started…well, that is for me, and perhaps for this chapter in Tyler’s life. But the only thing that I can say is that I have not seen him so happy in a while. The happiness that is radiating from his face brings a warmth to my heart.I just wished that he had told me this sooner then none of this would have happened. But as we have come to known is that if there is a monster out there that is waiting for you, he will come; no matter what, he will find you.Well, I can, with all honesty, say that there will be no more monsters coming my way. So in a way, we are getting a clean start but only back where we truly wanted to be, or should I say where w
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Made Up By Naughty
…Jenna POV… We are finding ourselves stopped on the side of the road, well, not because we have broken down, but to relive the moments of old memories. I can remember those days as if it was only yesterday; if it was not me, then it was Tyler that could not keep our hands off each other. A simple three-hour ride would normally have taken us almost five. But it seems that memory is not going to happen today, for there is a car that is pulling up from behind us. Now I have a dress shoved over my breasts, and Tyler has his pants almost down to his knees. And if we thought we were fast to compose ourselves, we are totally wrong, for next, there is a voice from behind scaring the shit out of me. “Whoa, for one second there, I thought you needed some help, but this is something that I cannot help you with.” As Tyler has his pants on in mere seconds, he spins around to face the person that has only but ruined our fun for today. “What the fuck are you doing h
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The Miracle Of Life
…Jenna POV…I am fourteen weeks pregnant now.The morning sickness has mostly passed, and I am starting to feel the best parts of being an expecting mother. I have stopped counting how many times Tyler rubs my belly a day. He has, in the times that I really get sick, he has started reading to our baby. We decided that we do not want to know what the sex of the baby is, even though I still firmly believe it is a boy. We need something to look forward to, not only the pregnancy but the joy of a surprise.So it is with great difficulty that I am finding something to wear. Even though I do not keep much in these days, I have grown rather bigger than what Tyler likes to refer to as a bus. This rules out the option of trying to fit into one of my favorite skinny jeans completely out. With much frustration, I slip on my very favorite dress and meet up with Tyler that is patiently jumping out of his skin."I have always love that dress," he says as
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Accidental Slip
…Jenna POV…Tyler has just gone and called the Doctor back now; to say that I am not beyond scared would be an understatement. What has he seen that has got him so alarmed? The anticipation is nearly killing me as he finally arrives with the Doctor dragged by the arm."Okay,” Tyler starts. “Am I seeing right?"The Doctor studies the monitor for only but a second; then, he nods at Tyler. “Yes, Mr. Moore, you are right.” The Doctor pauses for a while. “This is rather the wrong way around for this to happen. Now, do you want to tell your wife?”Tyler looks at me rather shocked and not knowing what to say, yet after a few moments in silence, he finally mumbles underneath his breath, “Do you want to know the gender of the babies?”I only but shake my head at him, “I told you I don’t want to know until the day.” There is a slight irritation that is building inside, I told him
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