All Chapters of Chasing Broken Destinies: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
55 Chapters
The Face Of A Ghost
…Tyler POV…The moment he stepped through the door, there was a fear that consumed my eyes and spread like wildfire to the rest of my body. I have not seen him in so many years, but he looks exactly like his brother. In fact, they are twins, and for the life of me, I could never tell them apart.He left town years ago; he was the same type of evil his brother was. Wherever he set his foot, there was bound to be trouble, and the way he played with the woman around town was rather the same way that his brother…God, I do not even want to think of it.All I know is that I need to get out of this room; it has grown rather small and suffocating. And I want to take Jenna out before she turns around and sees him, for it will set the fear of horror into her body.So I only nod to Sandra as she speaks from underneath her breath, “I will get the Deputy to sort him out.”With that, Jenna wants to turn and see who it is that we
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Something Is Not As It Seems
I have never felt so much fear at on single moment in my life. The mere thought of having to see someone that looks like Luke terrifies the shit out of me. So, needless to say, what was a joyful day is now sadly gone sour. However, I am yet to understand this.“Are they that similar then?”Then he goes all hesitant and quiet again, and as he sees the frustration in my eyes, he lays his hand gently on mine, “They are twins.”Well, that there is just the end of me, but still, “What is he doing in town?”Tyler seems to grow some bit angry, not by my questions, but by the presence of this man, “I will find that out tomorrow. I cannot understand why nobody has told me about this.” Then he squeezes an inch harder on my hand, “Don’t worry; I will sort it out. I just want you to be happy, so please, do not worry about any of this.”And with that, I fall into the comfort of his arms, then und
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Back From The Dead
I have never been able to control my temper; it is just one of those things that Tyler Moore cannot do. Now, I find myself furious and pissed off that nobody told me that Ethan has been running around town. Now the man is a complete spitting image of Luke, which has put the fear and horror into half of the town. But the man, apart from his brother being a monster, has done nothing wrong, and I truly cannot throw him out.But Alex has just phoned me and given me some crazy theory that he and Brooke have in mind. Now, I have it on good information that Ethan is currently at the tavern in town. So, I think it is about time that someone approaches him and gives him some friendly advice.Am I being reckless? Yes, of course, there is no reasoning with me when I find myself when I am boiling over from anger.So it is with great confidence but a nagging voice in the back of my head that I find myself driving to town.As I look at myself in the rearview mirror, I
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A Casual Threat Amongst Gentleman
They say a man’s life flashes before his eyes when he is staring death in the face; well, I say it is bullshit. All that is staring me in the face are the barrels of a Ruger. Now, did I foresee this happening? Well, of course, I did not come here to have a goddamn tea party. What was a casual exchange of threats has now only stepped up one level to where I am about to have my head blown off. Yet, Luke underestimates my determination.I have come too far and too long to have Jenna by my side; there shall be no one that comes between us. Now, if Luke does not want to listen, then I shall kindly remind him again.“You can go right ahead and blow my brains out as much as you like, but you will not go near my wife, Luke.”Well, now if I thought that he would listen, it only makes him more furious. With somewhat of a slight tremble, his voice reaches a pitch higher and echoes to every corner of the room, “Oh, believe me, I am going to blow your
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The Haunting Of A Man Scorned
…Jenna POV…I find myself staring at a ghost, yet that is what it seems to be. So as I close my eyes and squeeze them real tight, slowly I flutter them open again…“Luke?”Then from deep within in this man’s chest comes a rumble, “Why is she the only one who seems to know who I really am?”With that, Tyler steps in front of me, shielding me from a man that is supposed to be dead. Though my question is, “How? How can you be alive?”He only but smirks at me, “Oh, my dear Jenna, my brother grew obsessed, and he was the one that holds you captive in that barn.”From underneath Tyler’s breath, there is anger that only starts growing, “Bullshit, Luke. You were fucking behind it from the start.”“Tyler,” Luke only snaps at him, “Why would I hurt the woman that I love?”And yes, that Luke should not have said, for next T
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His Or Mine?
…Jenna POV…It is a very nervous Jenna that is staring into my eyes and looking at me with pure horror. I have not seen her so terrified of anything since that day she left Luke on the steps of the Sheriff’s Office. Now she has this terrifying expression on her face.It immediately makes my heart drop, the room grows suffocating and I feel that I cannot breath or move, least of all say a single word.So after taking a few rather deep breath, I look back into those eyes, "Jenna, what is wrong?""Tyler there's something I need to tell you.""What has happened? What is wrong?"“Tyler, I am further alone than I told you.”I only but shake my head at head, confused, not making sense of her words, “What are you talking about?”“The babies, they are,” she starts to hesitate and I feel that I am near to damn dying, but as she continues, I wish that she never spoke, “I am a w
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The Final Betrayal
…Tyler POV…I would hope that Jenna and my life has gone back to normal again. But with this fake smile on my lips, I have not yet been able to let go of the fact that if the babies in her belly are mine. I have not been able to build up that courage that I need to ask her; I keep on stuttering like a fool, then I end up leaving it.So today, we are going to the Doctor, and he's going to put that ungodly probe against her body and twirl it around to show us what is going to probably be the size of a tiny little person depending on how far along pregnant she really is. Now, this is terrifying the shit out of me because I know the further along she is, the more possible it is not my child, but in fact, it is Luke's.Now I still have not raised this concern with her even though she can see in my eyes that I am fearing the worst she knows that I want to ask it, but she knows that I will not ask it for she is scared to confirm it to me, she is scared th
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Fear And Regret
…Tyler POV…Watching Jenna, there is a crippling fear that is settling over every bone in my body. Yes, I want to know, in fact, I have the right to know.So, I have put tension between us again on what is supposed to be a happy day, but happiness is not what is filling me...There is only one thing that is consuming me now…and that is…FEAR.Why? Why must such an emotion come to bring you down in moments when you should feel happy.Well, guess what?I have known fear for a very long time. My whole life, to be precise. We've been together through everything, the good times and, yup, definitely the bad. Looking back, I wonder why it was there when I've been happy, why it questioned my happiness, but I guess it just didn't want to feel left out of the party. It just wanted to keep reminding me that it was there, like a security blanket, promising to never leave my side.So as I have to sit and endure t
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Bliss In The Morning Sun
…Jenna POV…It is early morning and the rays of the sun are lying hot on Tyler's body.Walking out of the Doctor's rooms was the hardest thing that I had to do yesterday. Tyler did not come in when the Doctor did the examination, so he does not yet know the results. I know that it is killing him and that he wants to know but there is a part of him that wishes he did not.How do I even start this conversation? All I know is I know what it is that I am destined to do. So as he starts to stir from his rest, I take his face between my hands, "Hey.""Have you been staring at me while I was resting my eyes?""Perhaps…"Taking Tyler's hand, I slide it up my thigh, slipping his fingers under the seams of my shirt…He only but smiles, "Now this is a way that I wish to be disturbed."His hand grips tight onto my waist. My hand is moving up his leg, my fingers gently grazing his hard length. His body is trembli
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Your Fallback Plan
...Tyler POV...As I lay here next to Jenna, things have gone oddly quiet. It is one of those uncomfortable silences that we have grown so used to. I do not think I can face the fact that these are not my babies. In fact, I do not even want to know. All I know is this is going to break us again. I don't know how many more times do we need to go down this road, so as I am getting ready to get dressed and get the fuck out of here, I think of the one thing that I would want to say to her now.Well, I guess it would go something like this..."Dear JennaFrom the first moment we met, I knew there was something different about you. Maybe you were the first person to treat me kindly. But, no. It was more than that. There was an aura about you that I could never quite get around. A wave of self-sufficiency, a wall of independence that no one would ever break down. It haunts me to this day. I could never compete with that, I'm a big enough person to admit it. I re
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