All Chapters of Chasing Broken Destinies: Chapter 51 - Chapter 55
55 Chapters
Faith Is About Believing
Faith is about believing. You don't know how it will happen, but it will happen.Sebastian is sitting next to me, holding my hand so tight that it is becoming numb. He has dozed off and looks so peaceful as he is sleeping. I do not want to wake him up; he has not had a decent night's rest in what seems to be ages. He stays up every night, every day; he is awake almost every waking moment looking after me. He needs these few moments.I am writing this letter as a token of my love to him, as a keepsake for him to treasure, and as a reminder of my commitment to us and to our life together."To my dear love,I want you to know that I love you, ALL OF YOU, and I always will. I am committed to our marriage until death does us part. At times, in moments of deep frustration, I may have questioned otherwise, but that was my immature way of seeking love from you when I should have been looking for you to fill the void in my temporarily wandering heart.Belov
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Prisoner Of Destiny
...Tyler POV...It breaks my heart that everything is again falling apart slowly. I always thought that we would get out of this stronger. But there was always this fear that I will lose her in more ways than one.So I am left here with nothing but my thoughts; if Jenna won't talk, then I hope that she will listen.What is the worst that she can do? Throw me out of the room?I can see there is a slight irritation in her eyes, but she allows me to take her hand. Once she is settled, I softly whisper. In the days before, I used to tell our babies stories. Now, now I am left with...well, it is just her and me again. So I need for her to listen."Jenna.""Yes, Tyler?""I don't want to lose you.""I don't want to talk about this, Tyler.""Then please just listen."She sits up straight and looks me into the eye, waiting rather impatient."Please, Tyler. Can this not wait until later?"With that, I sit back
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The Love Of My Life
...Tyler POV...I have just brought Jenna back home after her first session of chemotherapy. She does seem somewhat surprisingly fine at the moment, but I know that it is only but a matter of time before the fatigue and nausea will hit her.Does this Cancer not scare me? It scares the hell out of me. But I love her. And love will outnumber, overshadow and overcome all obstacles and odds that are thrown in our way.She is the love of my life. She is my wife. And there is no other place I would rather be.Thinking of her brings me warmth, it fills me up and threatens to consume me in every possible way. I would simply die if I could not be with her."Can I kiss you?""You are so polite in asking.""I cannot go…"I place my fingers against his soft lips and wrap his face in my hands. I pull his face closer until there is nothing but a mere breath between our lips. Then I softly whisper. "I thought you would never ask."
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All I Need Is The Air I Breathe
…Tyler POV…Jenna, when I think about you, I understand what the Hollies meant when they sang, "Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you."Our love life can be rivaled to the 4th of July fireworks.I still love you and I always will.I have spent my life believing in Love. My heart has been beaten, my heart has been ripped, it has been stamped on, and more than once as you know. But I kept on believing. Because I love Love because I consider life not worth living if you don’t allow your heart to pound.And it is pounding and it is being pounded on, and you turned it all upside down. My schedule, my emotional comfort zone, my whole life. I couldn’t understand what was going on, and really I didn’t want to understand. I didn’t try to plan ahead, I didn’t want to build false hopes, for the very first time in my life I completely let go.I really fell in love…Lovin
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Love Will Never Be Enough
…Jenna POV… You can't have healing without sickness. Your body can stand almost anything; it is your mind that you need to convince. It is two weeks today. Two weeks. Fuck. Time is just gone. It is two weeks since the chemo has started, and I am getting really sick. I am still trying to convince myself that my body can win this. But each day, as I look in the mirror and I see something new that is slipping away, I am losing hope. The only one that is not losing hope is Tyler. It is you that are fighting for both of us. You have been there beyond what is even required. From the moment I met you, I knew I'd love you forever, that you were something precious, perfect. After four months of marriage, I still get butterflies when looking into your eyes. You've made me a better person, given me a more fulfilled life, and you've given me a happiness that I didn't know existed. Our lives have changed immensely since that frightening, confusing, life-ch
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