All Chapters of The Love Of Alpha Werewolf: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
246 Chapters
chapter 149
Logan was trying hard to talk to Sia but she was still pretending that she was angry with him.Logan was being serious about it and said with wet eyes, “Sia, please ! Don't do this, I am not liking it,please talk to me.”Sia saw his situation and was worried that why he was becoming so serious with her anger and why he was caring for her anger so much? Sia said, “Ok, okn! I am not angry with you, I was joking with you, don't be so serious.” Logan said, “I don't like this kind of joke, please never do it again with me I have become serious about it.”Jenny said, “Why are you so much about Sia’s anger, you don't give anyone that much attention than you give to sia.”Logan didn't like Jenny’s word and said to her, “what is your problem ?Why are you interfering with us?”Jenny asked him, “What do you mean by between us, there is nothing between you and Sia.”Logan was getting angry with her from inside but he didn't say anything because she was Sia’s best friend but Logan didn't fin
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Chapter 150
Braylone sent Sia to her room and told her to not worry about all this, no one is doubting her.Lara took her to the room and felt little relaxed about itLara said to her,”Braylone has come now everything will go alright, he will handle everything.”Sia went in the kitchen and cooking the food but today Lara and Braylon also came with her and helped her in the kitchen in cooking food. Sia was stopping both of them to cook food but they were enjoying cooking with her. Lara said, “I don't know that cooking is so interesting that's why you cooked for us, Am I right?”Sia was about to reply while Braylone said, “But for me, it is not interesting, it is a horrible dream for me, I can eat but can't cook, so, you guys carry on !“I am going because I am bored of this cooking,this is for only you guys.” And Braylon went from there.Daina came into the kitchen and saw Lara cooking with Sia. She asked Lara, “Are you mad? But Lara didn’t reply to her.“I don't know what you did to my sister !
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Chapter 151
Sia got ready to help Ronin because she could not refuse to help him because of a feeling which was hidden inside her heart.Sia said to Logan, “Ok ! I am ready to help him but how would I face him after all that?”Logan asked Sia, “What is your problem ? Why can't you face him? Even he was also saying the same thing that he can’t not face you !”When Sia heard that Ronin was also thinking the same about her, her heartbeat increased even more. Sia said to Logan, “Then how would he face me if he was also feeling the same thing for me?”Logan said to her, “I don't think much about it, everything will be normal soon if you both will try to make it normal.”Sia didn't say anything, she was just ready to help Ronin and was waiting to go and read the book for him.—------------------Ronin went to Jennyy and asked her for help, “Hello Jenny ! Will you help me?”“Help? What kind of help ?”Jenny asked Ronin.“You have to help me in reading books.” Ronin told her.Jenny didn't understand any
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Chapter 152
Ronin took that book and kept it in its place and they both were going to their previous place.As they walked some steps that book again fell from that section.Ronin and Sia got goosebumps when they heard the noise of the book falling.They both ran to the book and saw here and there that there was a small animal who was playing in the library but they found nothing and the book was again very far from that section. It was just a second that a book went very far from that section which was not possible and was weird for them.Ronin got scared and Sia was shivering in fear.Ronin took again to that book and put it at its place and ensured that there was no one which was making them scared again and again.Sia asked Ronin, “What was happening here ? Please ! Let's go from here. I can't live here. this place is very horrible for me.”“Don't worry ! I will do something.” Ronin said to Sia.They both held each other's hand and went to the main gate of the library and knocked on the gate
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Chapter 153
Sia felt very warm in his arms and she couldn't control herself and hugged him back.They were tightly holding each other in their arms. Ronin said to Sia, “I never felt like that before ! Whenever I see you, it makes me feel very pleasant and it gives me a very different feeling which I never got from anyone.”Ronin removed all the hair from her face and took her face in his hand and said, “You are very beautiful !” And put his finger on her lips.There were butterflies in Sia's stomach . She wanted to stop all this but she was totally into him that she could not stop and let the situation go on.Sia was feeling his hand on her face and found it very familiar. They both were together as they knew each other from many years, they were not feeling stranger even a little.Sia said to Ronin, “I also get different feelings whenever I come around you.”They both were drowned in love with each other and didn't know what they were saying and doing.They were just in that moment and never wan
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Chapter 154
Suddenly, a voice came to their ears, “Ronin ! No one can save you and I will take Sia from you.” They both got scared.They both stood up in hurry, seeing here and there and trying to find where the voice had come from, but they didn't get any clue of it.Ronin said to Sia, “Don't worry ! Nothing would happen to you when I am with you. I will see everything.” Siya was feeling very protective of Ronin !—-------------------------------------Here,The family members of Ronin and Sia were searching for them when they saw that they still hadn't reached home.Mr. Whitlock took his car and came to school to see where Ronin was.Mr. Whitlock was regretted that why he he didn't come today to pick Ronin because Mr. Whitlock often used to come to school but that day he got some urgent work and he couldn't come to school.Mr. Whitlock saw there was a watchman on the main Gate of the school; he asked that watchman if he saw Ronin?Watchman said that he didn't see anyone here from when the scho
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Chapter 155
Braylone tried to contact to Mr. Whitlock so that he can get the information about Ronin and also reach Sia through Ronin.But there was no any way, from that, Braylone could contact to Mr. Whitlock. Lara suggested Braylone ask Dad about his boss and get his number from there. Braylon called his Dad.His dad was in the office and picked up the call, “What happened ? Why are you calling me at this time, when you know I am at work” “Dad ! Sia is missing and Ronin, who is the son of your boss, is also missing. Please ! Give me the number of your boss so that we can contact him and get any information about Ronin.”Braylon said to his dad. His dad asked in a sock, “What? Our boss’s son is missing.”Braylone replied, “Yes ! Our sia is also missing ! Can’t you think about her?” His dad said, “Boss’s son is more important than her. If I had him to find his son he may promote me to the highest post of the office because he loved his son very much.” Braylon said, “I will never understa
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chapter 156
Mr.Whitlock said, “Try to remember anything about him, where he can go at night and how that library was destroyed.Sia said, “I really don't know anything and there was no destruction when I was in my senses. I was also shocked to see the library in the morning like everyone else.Mr. Whitlock didn’t know what to say to her, he didn;t want to pressurize her because she was already sick and he went from there.Braylone said to her again, “You ! Don’t worry about anything, the police will find him soon.”But Sia came in tension about Ronin, she wanted to go and search him by herself but it was not possible for her because her protective brother was with her and he was not letting her moov.Lara brought her fruits for her and gave her to eat, but Sia didn’t want to eat anything because her brain and heart was in Ronin.The police were searching near the school, there was a forest near the school.A police team went in the forest and was searching for Ronin in the forest. They went into
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Chapter 157
Braylone saw and asked him, “Who are you?”Logan said, “I am her classmate.” And ignored Braylone and came to Sia.“Tell me ! How are you, how did it all happen?” Logan asked her.Sia was not replying to him in front of her Braylone because she was scared of him.Braylone said to Sia, “Sia ! Why are you not replying to him?”Sia replied to him, “I am fine ! But how do you come here?”Logan said, “I came here to see Ronin’s health and then I got to know that you are also here and you were missing from that previous night.”Sia said to him, “Yes ! I was stuck in the library.”Sia continued, “Is Ronin also in this hospital? Is he ok?”Logan replied, “Yes ! He is also in the ward and is fine.”“Where did the police find him?” Sia asked Logan.“The police found him in the forest which was located behind our school and you know that the forest is very dangerous, no one returns from there if you enter once.”Sia said to Braylone,” I wanted to see Ronin from my eyes whether he is fine or not?
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Chapter 158
Ronn remembered that, that shadow was saying that it would take Sia away from him. But Ronin decided that no one could touch Sia, he would not let anyone hurt Sia, if Ronin was present with Sia, no one could touch a single hair of her. Ronin promised to himself. Ronn was investigating all the situations in his mind,and suddenly he remembered some precious moments with Sia in the library at night. He remembered that he was hugging Sia tightly and she also hugged him back with the same feeling and he was about to kiss on her lips but she had stopped him and there was a smile spread on Ronin’s face when he was thinking about all those incidents. Ronin was thinking that it was a benefit to be stuck in the library that he got stuck with Sia and could feel her the way he wanted to feel and she was the first girl whom he got so close and felt good and very familiar with because he never felt easy around any girl.He always stay away from girls but Sia had the power which was attracting
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