All Chapters of The Love Of Alpha Werewolf: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
246 Chapters
Chapter 169
Logan was fine with it.Ronin stood up and went from there by leaving all of them.Logan sat next to Sia, but Sia's eyes were stuck on the Ronin who was going to sit on the other bench.Sia asked Logan, “Why did he go when you came? Do you both have any kind of fight?”Logan said, “No ! I think he wanted to sit alone because he used to be alone most of the time.”Sia said to herself, “I don’t think he was feeling fine alone.” But she didn’t say anything to Logan.Logan started talking to Sia and wanted her attention.Ronin was seeing all this and was feeling very bad to see Sia with someone else, but he could not do anything as Logan was his friend and he couldn’t betray him.Ronin couldn’t see them together,so he went from the canteen to the classroom and started studying so that he wouldn’t think about Sia and Logan.—---------------------------The school ended, everyone was going home.Today Ronin didn’t go home by car and he was going with Sia, Jenny and Logan.Logan asked Ronin,
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Chapter 170
Since Ronin was a guest and the son of Mr. Whitlock, her Aunty went to the kitchen to get some snacks and juice for him while she waited for him to go while Ronin was sitting with Sia on the couch.“Why is Ronin still in the room with her? It appeared that Sia had cast some sort of evil spell on Ronin.” She said to herself.She intended to teach poor Sia a lesson, therefore she didn't want Ronin to stay there with her.Ronin made the decision to call his father at Sia's house so that he could stay with her for more time as he wondered how he could protect Sia from her Aunty's wrath.Sia's Aunty visited Ronin and gave him snacks to eat, but she didn't want to see him because of his red scary eyes. She did nothing more than sit silently by his side."I'm not feeling well. Can I contact my Dad to pick me up because I don't think that I can go home alone," Ronin asked her aunt.Because he was the son of his husband's boss, her aunt couldn't stop him.“Of course you can," she answered with
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Chapter 171
When Ronin knocked on the door, his mother opened it and was horrified to discover how poorly he was doing."What happened to all this to my son?" she questioned in an agitated manner while observing Mr. Whitlock in the process.After taking a big breath, Mr. Whitlock commanded, "Ask your son yourself."His mother once more questioned him, "What happened to you, how did you obtain all these injuries?"Ronin: "Mom! Allow me to go in first.”With the warning, "Now tell me," his mother took him and made him sit on the couch."I fell into a large pit and sustained all of these injuries there." Ronin gave a self-description to his Mom.His mother didn't care how he got hurt; she started treating his wound with medication and provided him another garment to wear because the school dress had been completely destroyed in the struggle.Ronin simply went to his room and got into bed to rest; despite how much his body was hurting, he was not paying attention to it.He walked to the mirror to see
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Chapter 172
Mr. Whitlock was asked about the condition of the Ronin, and Jenny's father gave him all the details of the fight's incidence.Ronin was fine, Mr. Whitlock assured him, and he ended the call.Ronin was unable to make eye contact with his father when Mr. Whitlock placed the call and noticed his angry eyes on him.When Ronin's mother saw Mr. Whitlock asking him, "What happened?," she was perplexed. Why do you keep looking at Ronin?"Ask your son, he started lying to us," Mr. Whitlock retorted in response.What had you done, Ronin? Ronin's mother inquired upon spotting him.What he will say, let me tell you, Mr. Whitlock."He struggled with some bodybuilder to save Sia and hurt himself for her," Mr. Whitlock added.“What? Are you kidding me? His mom enquired.Ronin was mute and unable to speak.“Ronin, I am asking something to you?Did you set your terms for Sia, that pathetic girl?In rage, his Mom yelled at him"It is good to help someone in need, but lying to your parents is not the c
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Chapter 173
It was late at night, and Ronin's mother was reflecting on his son's nasty behaviour.She reasoned that Ronin had not always been this way, which is what had driven him crazy over this girl.Because she saw her son as being extremely innocent and Sia as a cunning girl who made her son angry out of love, his mother assumed Sia must have done something with Ronin to explain herself why he was acting in that way.However, she was still unsure of what was going on in Ronin's mind, so she chose to ignore it because, to her, they were still a child.Sia was excited to get to school because she was eager to see Ronin and wanted to look her best for him because he is already incredibly handsome.Sia was en route to class.She wished she could run across Ronin on the road and was thinking about Ronin.All of a sudden," Sia! halt for me."Logan was shouting from a short distance when Sia turned and stopped for him."You are extremely fast, I have been following you for a long time and calling
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Chapter 174
Reggie was a playboy who frequently abused the emotions of girls before abandoning them.He gave Logan a false account of his love for a beautiful girl, but the truth was that he didn't care about the girls' appearance; all he wanted was their body to satisfy his demands.Reggie has ruined the lives of several girls who genuinely loved him. Reggie had no feelings of affection for anyone, and now his aim was Sia, whom he planned to use to fulfill his desires. Logan served as his stepping stone to Sia."I had told him a very tragic narrative about my sad ugly love, which made Logan impressed and he started to trust me," Reggie said to his friend, who was still laughing at Logan."Perhaps his love was also ugly like your love of your false story."one of my friends retorted."“Who cares, girls are girls whether they are gorgeous or not, and they can all help me satisfy my thirst."Reggie stated while chuckling."Please let me meet his love too, I too want to quench my desire with her," a f
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Chapter 175
Reggie awaited Logan's phone number with much anticipation.Reggie was overjoyed to finally have Logan's phone number from Sharlette and was now prepared to play with Sia, Logan, and Sharlette and their love triangle.Reggie, "I'm extremely grateful because I can now save three lives—mine, yours, and my Sia.""Hmm, bye," murmured Sharlette. She ended the phone call.———————————————Logan had conflicting emotions; while he trusted Reggie, he also struggled with allowing Sia to meet with him.He was still having trouble making a choice, was still thinking about Reggie, and wanted to express his thoughts to Sia since he was concerned that Sia might be showing Ronin affection."Before Sia and Ronin make a decision, I need to make a decision." Logan told himself.Finally, he made the decision to allow Reggie to meet Sia so that he could explain his feelings her and ensure that she understood.Logan's phone rang unexpectedly, but he didn't answer it because he didn't recognise the caller's
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chapter 176
“I was concerned about you and your current state.” Reggie remarked.Although Logan was impressed by Reggie's concern for him, he was still curious about how Reggie obtained his phone number and asked him once again, "But how do you get my number?”Reggie informed him, "I asked Sharlette for your phone number and she gave it to me."“Oh"Logan responded, and he was content with it.“What do you think about Sia?" Reggie questioned him in regards to Sia.Reggie's question was predetermined, and he responded, "Yes! I have made a choice.”"Whatever your choice, please make it wisely!” Reggie warns him with malice in his heart.What is it then? Reggie questioned Logan.Logan informed him of his choice, saying, "I have decided that you will help me by talking to her and telling her my sentiments.As soon as Reggie heard his choice, he was ecstatic since it was what he had been striving for and had finally achieved."Good choice, Logan! You are finally prepared for your first step, Reggie exc
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Chapter 177
Next morning, All students reached school.Reggie was waiting for Logan outside of the school at the main gate.Logan was also on his way to meet Reggie and his heartbeat was very fast because it was the day of the biggest decision of his life.Logan reached in front of the school building and saw Reggie at the gate already waiting for him.Logan was feeling very grateful towards Reggie because he was doing more effort than him for his love.Logan went to him and said, “Thank you so much!”“For what?” Reggie asked him.“I don’t know but, I wanted to say thanks to you!” Logan replied to him with a smile on his face.Reggie, “But you don’t need to mention, I am doing this because I want to help you and I understand how it feels when you don't get your love.”Logan’s eyes got a little teary when he heard Reggie’s words.Reggie, "Don't get emotional. Everything will be alright with you."Logan replied, "Yes, I trust in God and you too."Reggie asked, "Where is Sia? I wanted to meet her ri
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Chapter 178
He was still focusing on Sia and wanted to know what she wanted to say to him but Sia was still trying to tell him that the whole class were seeing us but Ronin didn't understand anything.The teacher came to Ronin and stood next to him but Ronin didn't understand anything. He stood up on his seat when he saw his teacher and gave a little smile because he felt awkward in that situation.“Ronin! Where are you busy and what is going on in your mind?” His teacher asked HIM.“Nothing! I am focused on my studies.” Ronin excused himself. “Really, then why did you focus on Sia?” The teacher asked him. Ronin felt very awkward, Because of him, Sia also felt disgrace which made Ronin disappointed.“I have to talk to your parents because I don't think you are on the right path.”The teacher scolded Ronin.Ronin got scared because he already created a matter before some days ago about Sia. If his parents again got to know about Sia, they would be going to be mad at him very badly.“Sorry sir! Pl
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