All Chapters of The Love Of Alpha Werewolf: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
246 Chapters
Chapter 179
Logan went to Sia who was talking with Ronin and telling him about her new phone which Braylon bought for her yesterday. She got that phone with her in the school and was showing it to Ronin and was looking very happy to get that phone but still didn't know how to use the phone and was asking the functions of the phone to Ronin and he was explaining it to her with full excitement.Logan went to her and asked for her phone number and also congrats for a new phone, Sia accepted her congratulation for her new phone and showed the phone to him also with happiness.Logan was also very happy for her new phone and was seeing her smile which came because of her phone. Logan wanted to be the reason for her smile but he didn't become even for once. Logan again asked for her phone number, “Sia! I want your phone number now you have your phone, so you can give it to me easily.”Sia didn't have any problem sharing her phone number with Logan so, she gave her phone number to Logan, Ronin and
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Chapter 180
Jenny said to Logan, “How dare you say this to me no one had ever talked to me like this you have to pay for this.”“Shut up! You did wrong, that's why you are listening.” Logan shouted at her. “What I did wrong and who are you to tell me I am wrong or right.” Jenny said to him in anger.” Logan also came under a rage, he shouted at her again, “Jenny you shut up, You are a fake person who took advantage of Sia’s friendship.”“Who are you to tell me, shut your bloody mouth.” Jenny said to Logan in anger, her mind was getting burst into anger. Sia and Ronin were just listening to them but not interfering. Jenny was seeing Sia but she was shut up and Jenny was expecting from Sia to defend her but she didn't say anything in favour of her because she was also very upset from her behavior that day.She also got to know her real nature, that she was very selfish. Logan said to Jenny, “You are the selfish person I have seen ever in my life, Sia did everything for you but what you did with
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Chapter 181
Sia was feeling very bad for her, she can't see her like that. That's why she ran behind her to see if she was ok or not and to talk to her. Jenny went into the canteen and sat on the bench and was looking very upset which was clearly visible by her face. Sia went to her and sat next to her and said, “Don't be upset! You know how Logan is, So don't mind him! Let him say what he was saying. “You know what you are and don't let anyone ruin your mind.” Jenny was not ready to listen to Sia because she was very angry with her as she didn't take her favor when Ronin and Logan were shouting at her. Jenny said to Sia, “Don't behave like my friend, now we are not friends anymore.”Sia also didn't want to approach her anymore because she also got to know her true face but she didn't want to hurt her, that's why she was still talking with her and trying to make her understand the condition. Sia said to her, “Look, you also offended me with your deeds, you didn't behave like a friend that
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Chapter 182
Ronin didn't want to say anything, he stood up and went from there leaving Logan in the field.Ronin went to the canteen in search of Sia and saw her with a boy, he could see the uncomfortability on her face.He instantly went to him and asked her, “What happened Sia? Are you ok?”Sia felt very relaxed when she saw Ronin near her. She said, “I am fine Ronin! But what are you doing here?”“I came here to see if you are ok or not.” Ronin replied to Sia’s question. Reggie saw Ronin and said inside himself, “So, this is Ronin, he looks smart then why is he stuck on her?”He was staring at Ronin and Ronin's gaze also went to Reggie, he saw Reggie staring at him and asked, “Who are you bro?”“He is my friend, Reggie! “Logan said to Ronin who came behind him to the canteen to see Sia and Jenny. Ronin didn't notice him much, he said to Sia., “Let's go from here.”Sia stood up and went with Ronin as he said to go from there because she was already very uncomfortable in the presence of
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Chapter 183
Sia understood his condition and didn't ask any question and replied, “I don't know exactly where he is but I think he might be in the washroom or in the canteen.” As Logan heard her words, he instantly ran from the class and went for the washroom to check for Ronin. He shouted outside of the washroom and called him, “Ronin!”Ronin was inside the washroom, he heard that Logan was calling for him, he instantly came out of the washroom.Ronin went to Logan and asked, “What happened? Why are you so tense?”Logan was looking very worried which was clearly visible from his face.Logan said, “Here is a big problem which is going to happen to me.”“But tell me first what is your problem?” Ronin asked and he was also in tense seeing his fear.“Jenny is going to complain about me to the principal and he will suspend me.” Logan told Ronin his problem.“But why? What are you doing now with her?” Ronin asked Logan.“I didn't do anything even she raised her hand on me but I prevent myself from
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Chapter 184
Sir ordered everyone to go to their class for their studies.Everyone came outside of the class, there was a smile on Logan’s face, and Sharlette was seeing him, she was also very happy to see him.Logan’s gaze went on the Sharlette and he saw her that she was smiling at looking at her, he knew that what was going in her, he clearly ignored her because he didn’t want to hurt her by talking to her and by giving any kind of attention because he now he knew how it feels, and he didn’t want to give pain to her.Logan was searching for Sia but she was not there because the teacher didn't send her to the principal’s office.He sent only those students who were sitting back in the class and Sia always sat in front of the class so she was not there.And Sia didn't know anything about the incident and she was also in wonder where all those fifteen students were gone and why did the teacher send them. Logan entered the class and Sia, he directly went to her, Ronin was also with him. Logan sai
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Chapter 185
Ronin questioned, "Am I right?”“Yes, you're right!” Logan acknowledged, laughing internally. Ronan replied, "I know I am always right." and went back to his place.Everyone was leaving the school after school had ended while carrying their bags on their backs. On their way to their house today, Sia, Ronin, and Logan were all together. Logan and Ronin were gossiping with each other and also making Sia a part of it. Logan was describing Jenny and how he had disproved her in front of the class.“Give me some credit too,” Ronin said. "I also helped you; you can't take the credit alone."“Yes! You should take credit because you advised me on how to handle the situation and deal with her." Logan expressed his gratitude to him and said.“Ok ok! I was joking, don't be so grateful for me.” Ronin replied to Logan while laughing.They both were laughing and talking, but Sia was quiet because she was sad for Jenny.She had broken her friendship with Jenny but she never wanted to hurt her and
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Chapter 186
Sia said to the waiter, “Ok then, take his order and bring what he wants to eat.”Ronin ordered, “Brownies and burgers for everyone.”Sia was angry at Ronin and was not talking to him, and was sitting quietly with them.Logan asked Sia, “What happened? Why are you in a rage?”Sia stated, “I don’t know what kind of a person he is?”Logan laughed and said, “You are right, but Ronin is very moody.”Ronin and Logan both started laughing at her.Sia looked at Ronin, who was totally fine, now he was not feeling dizzy and weak.She said to him, “Now that you are not looking sick, how did you get well without eating anything?”Logan and Ronin saw each other and again laughed at her while seeing her.Sia understood that it was all drama, and they were both involved in it.She inquired, "What was it?”“Nothing!” Ronin replied with a naughty smile, which frustrated her even more.Sia asked him in a rage, “Tell me,what is going on; otherwise, I am leaving from here.”As Sia stood up to go, Ronin
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Chapter 187
Finally, Sia reached her home and went into her room, sitting there.She was still thinking about Ronin, and her anger toward him was not calm yet at him.But she was still grateful to have friends like Logan and Ronin, but she could see other feelings in Ronin that he was hiding from everyone.She took her phone and looked for Ronin's picture on a school website; she saw it and felt like she could stare at it for the rest of her life.She was not removing her gaze from his picture, as he was looking very dashing and smart in that picture.Suddenly, her phone rang; it was an unknown number, and she didn't pick it up.She cut the call off and went to the kitchen to eat something.She entered the kitchen where her aunty was standing, staring at her, and said to her, “I know that I can meet you only here in the kitchen because you always want to eat something but never want to do any work.”Sia got scared and knew that drama was going to be created by her aunty, and she would not spare h
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Chapter 188
Sia finished her cooking, and she served the food on the dining table. Everyone came to the table and enjoyed the dinner.Braylone, who came home on his holidays, praised her cooking skill, and Lara also praised the taste of her food.After everyone had dinner, Sia cleaned the table, and everyone went to the room. After that, Sia cleaned the kitchen.She was very excited to play a game with Lara. She went to her room, took her phone, and ran for Lara’s room, but she didn’t find Lara there.There was Daina, who stared at her and shouted, “Get out of my room.”Sia didn’t stay in the room, not even for a second, she came out and was about to go.“Stop Sia!” Lara said to Sia, who was in the washroom.Sia stopped and turned back, she saw Lara, standing in her room.“She will not go, I called her.” Lara told Daina in a firm tone.Sia didn't want them to start a cat fight because of her, and she didn't want to ruin Lara's mood.Sia said in between, “Lara! Don’t fight for me, we will play n
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