All Chapters of The Love Of Alpha Werewolf: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
246 Chapters
Chapter 159
Ronin was curious to investigate his dreams but he didn't know how to start? The book was the last hope from which he could find anything but the library was also destroyed by an unknown power but Ronin didn't know that he was the destroyer of the library. He himself destroyed the library because of his big and dangerous body at night, he was attacking the shadow again and again and destroying everything unknowingly.He chased the shadow and came outside of the library by breaking the main gate of the library and the walls too.The sections of the library were also destroyed but he was still in wonder about what had happened in the library and Sia also couldn't see anything because she fell unconscious in fear of seeing the giant and dangerous Werewolf.Ronin was thinking of another way to find the mystery of his dreams.The police were investigating in the library and searching for some clues to know what had happened in the library but didn't find anything. The police came to Si
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Chapter 160
Logan also had the same feeling like Jenny but he was not angry with Ronin because he understood him as he was his best friend and true friend too.Ronin made her calm and took her with him to the canteen and bought snacks for her.She was refusing to have it but Ronin requested her to eat it and said, “Eat it, otherwise I will get hurt.”Sia ate for him !Logan asked her, “What had happened in the last night between you and Ronin?”As Logon asked her, all the moments started playing into her eyes like a movie. She lost in those moments and there was a smile on her face which Logan noticed and didn't feel well.He again asked Sia, “Sia ! Tell me, what had happened in the last night and why are you smiling?”Sia came to her senses and said, “Nothing ! What did you ask?”Logan, “Where is your mind, I am asking something to you.”Sia didn’t understand what to tell him, but she said, “We just stuck in the library but after sometime, I feel faint and don’t remember anything.Logan asked he
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Chapter 161
As Logan heard that she had a feeling of bitterness in her mouth, she instantly stood up and went into the class and took his water bottle and came again in the canteen and gave it to her. Logan ensured that she had drunk the water and felt well. Sia, “Now, I am feeling well !” “Ok ! Then tell me, why were you crying in class?” Logan again asked the same question to her.Sia got frustrated and finally she told him, “Jenny said something to me and I got hurt that's why I was crying. Now, you are happy?” Sia said in anger. Logan got angry and said, “Why did you listen to her and why didn't you give her reply back ? you are crying for that Jenny?” Logan said in anger. Sia said to him, “She is my friend and she can shout at me !”“Oh ! She shouted at you too?” Logan said in anger to her. Sia was trying to calm him and said, “It was not her fault I am very emotional that I took everything on my heart and stuck on it, so don't be angry with her.” Logan asked her, “Ok ! But, why sh
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Chapter 162
Sia, “Why did you go to Sharlette?”Jenny told her, “I didn’t go to her, she called me to talk to her,so I thought she had some important work with me, so I went to her to listen her”“But, you don’t have to know, what is she saying?” Sia said to her in anger.Jenny said to her, “You know what? She was trying to make me against you and I scolded her.”“What ?But why is she doing it? What is her problem with me?” Sia said to herself.Jenny said, “She was trying to take advantage of our fight and trying to manipulate me against you.”“Look ! That's why I am telling you that don't fight in front of everyone because people like Sharlette, they always try to interfere in between others and want to take advantage of others' situation.” Sia said to Jenny. “I know! I was just frustrated because of Ronin, you know,my mood swings sometimes it make me a villain but I am not.” Jenny said to Sia and hugged her. Sia hugged her back and said, “Promise me that you will never fight again with me l
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Chapter 163
Jenny took the glass of a juice and she started drinking but there was nothing to talk between them, they were still silent and Ronin was waiting to get her out of his room. Jenny finished the juice and sat there on the couch and was still waiting for Ronin to say something. But it seemed that Ronin was not going to say anything. Jenny asked him, “What happened yesterday night ? How did you get stuck in the library ?” Although Jenney knew all that, but she still asked him because she didn't have to say anything and she wanted a conversation with him.Ronin told her., “I went in the library and someone locked the door from outside of the library because school was over and I was stuck in the library.”“So, something happened between you and Sia?” Jenny asked Ronin. Ronin didn't like her question and he stared at her with angry eyes,said, “What do you mean by saying?”Jenny was shut, she didn't understand why he got angry with her.“Why are you getting angry?” Did I ask something w
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Chapter 164
His Dad said to her, “Yes ! Mr. Whitlock is a very good and kind person, everyone praises him in the industry.”Jenny said yes!They both finished their lunch and went to their room. His Dad also felt bad from inside that Ronin hurt her daughter whom he treated like a princess and never let her hurt from anything. Her Dad called to Mr. Whitlock! Mr. Whitlock picked up his cell phone which was ringing and picked up the call and said, “Hi, How are you?” Jenny’s Dad said to him, “I am fine ! Today my daughter came to your home.” Mr. Whitlock said, “Yes ! Your princess came to my home and I welcomed her.” Her Dad said, “ But she was looking very sad from when she came from your home, I never saw her sad like this.” Mr. Whitkock asked Jenny’s Dad. “What? But why? She should have told me right then, I must solve her problem and throw away her sadness from her.” Her Dad said, “No ! She is very shy but I think Ronin didn't treat her well.” Mr. Whitlock said to him, “Ok ! If there
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Chapter 165
Ronin laughed and said, “I don’t know, Maybe they were my wives in past life but why would I do a double marriage?’“Maybe! You were a really perverted person, who spoiled two women's lives because you are very unromantic, so if any girl will marry you, she will be very unlucky in case of romance and love.”Logan again asked, “Leave all that, just tell me, What did you think?”“About What?” Ronin asked.Logan, “About girlfriend.”Ronin, “I will not make any girlfriend, they are very demanding and annoying and as you said I am unromantic so don’t want to spoil someone’s life.”Logan, “It was a joke, Don’t take it on your heart!”Logan again said, “Oh ! If you were one of those two girls who often used to appear in your dream, then?’Ronin said, “Then, I will definitely make her, I can spend my life with her and I will give her all the happiness of life.”“Why? Will she not be annoying and demanding?” Logan asked.Ronin said, “I will bear her demands and her irritating nature.”Logan, “
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Chapter 166
Her Aunty came outside of the room, and took out the plate of her room.She locked Sia in the room, and herself went into the kitchen and took some food for her and went to her room.Her Aunty sat on the table and started eating food and said to herself, “Sia! You have to be hungry for the whole night, not me.” And she smirked.Sia was feeling very weak, and her hunger was making trouble for her but she couldn’t do anything because the door was locked and if she tried to call Braylone or Lara, her Aunty would not spare her.She just went on her bed and was trying to sleep, but her hunger couldn’t let her sleep and tears came out of her eyes to see her condition, but she was controlling her tears because she already had a headache because of her hunger and weakness.Sia couldn't sleep for the whole night,she was just trying to suppress her hunger but it couldn't help her. After some hours, the sun rose but there was no sleep in her eyes. She went into the kitchen and started cooking
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Chapter 167
Jenny stood up and went away from him, and again she felt insulted by Ronin. She didn’t understand how God made this person, because she found him really weird.Sia and Ronin were very close to each other, Ronin wanted to hug her with care, and Sia also wanted to hug him with her love.They were lost in each other and didn’t care for other people who were seeing them.Logan was seeing Sia, who was staring at Ronin.It was the first time, when Logan felt insecure, it didn't matter to Logan who saw her but when she saw anyone, he was getting jealous.He wanted Sia to look only at him but he couldn’t force her and thought, when she knew about his feelings, she would also start to love him.’And Logan handled his heart by calming himself.The teacher said to Ronin, “Ronin ! Now she is ok ! Don’t worry about her!”But Sia’s stomach was still in pain because of hunger but she didn’t say it, because everyone was present there.Slowly,everyone went from there,But Logan, Ronin and Jenny were s
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Chapter 168
Reggie after listening to him, “I think,you should propose to her and try to know what she wants, maybe she also loves you but there was some reason that’s why she was ignoring you and controlling her feelings, because they are girls, they often suppress their happiness for their family and society.”Logan said, “No ! I will not propose to her, it will be very hurried! This time is not right to tell her, right now, I just wanted a good friendship with her.”Reggie said, “Ok! As you want, but you are going to the dark!”“I don’t care now, If my love is true she will definitely understand my feelings for her.” Logan said with confidence.Reggie said, “Hmm ! Hoping good for you.”Logan smiled at him!They talk for a while on different topics, after that Reggie went from there but Ronin was still there in the canteen sitting on the bench.Ronin entered the cantina and there was Sia with Ronin and Jenny also came with Sia.Ronin asked Jenny to sit on the bench and he took Sia with him to t
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