All Chapters of Forgive and Let Go: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
51 Chapters
Why (8 years ago)
It has been almost a month since JP and I had sex. To go ahead and answer your question that I know you are thinking, No I did not get pregnant. Thank god. JP freaked out that night and he hasn't touched me since. It's hard to even get him to stay in the same room as me for more than 5 minutes. Even though we were both caught up in the moment, he blames me. He blames me for calling him into the bathroom and the two of us ending up in my bedroom. I wish I could go back in time and just erase everything that happened that night. Mainly the part where I lost my virginity. Becca was beyond disappointed in me, but we are ok now.So that leads to now. I am currently sitting on the couch drinking a beer and watching transformers. JP had yet to get home. Which was nothing new lately. He would stay out as late as possible just so we wouldn't have to see each other. Little did he know I was up and
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Will (5 years ago)
It has been 3 years since I moved back home. I never went back. I did finish my nursing degree though. That was one thing I wasn't going to give up. I guess you're wondering what happened with JP, Maggie, and their daughter. I can't go into full details because I honestly have no idea what all happened, I can only tell you what Becca and Nick told me. Speaking of Becca, she was pissed when she found out I moved back home and didn't bother telling her. It took her almost a year to forgive me. Anyways back to JP. He ended up getting full custody of McKayla. That was great to hear. I know he wanted that so badly, so I'm glad that he got his daughter. Becca sent me a picture of her not too long ago. She is the most beautiful little girl I've ever laid eyes on. It almost makes me wish I had a child of my own. Keyword, almost."Hey, babe. You ready?" My boyfriend, of a year and a half, Will as
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The proposal (5 years ago)
The next morning I am woke by a phone ringing. I didn't know if it was mine or Will's. I finally rolled out of bed to see that it was my phone."Make it stop" Will groaned."I'm sorry baby. I'm going to walk downstairs and take this call. Go back to sleep." I say silencing my phone.I wasn't sure who's number that was but I do know it's way too early for someone to be calling me. It's only 6:30.I make my way to the kitchen and my phone begins ringing again."Hello?"Silence."Hello?" I say again."Liv?" I could feel my heartbeat speeding up."JP? Why are you calling me this early?""I miss you" He mumbles but I hear what he says."Are you drunk right now?""Yes, but I still miss you.""JP, where is your daughter?""Maggie has her for the weekend. It's so hard taking care of McKayla. Can you help me?" His words were slurring as he spoke.I sighed. I don't have the
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The engagement (5 years ago)
I stood there completely speechless with tears running down my face. I wasn't sad. I was just shocked. Do I want to marry Will? I think back to all of the times where I couldn't do anything but daydream about getting married. Now that I have a man kneeling in front of me I can't even speak."Olivia?" He was waiting patiently for my answer.Finally, I was able to form the words that I had wanted to say, "Yes! Yes, I will marry you."Will stood up taking the ring out of the box and sliding it onto my ring finger. I held my hand up admiring the ring before throwing my arms around Will's neck to pull him down to me. I smashed my lips into his. He was laughing through out the kiss."I thought for a minute there that you were going to tell
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JP's POV (5 years ago)
I was hoping anyone but Liv would open the door but it was her. She stood in front of me and took my breath away like she always has."Daddy, who's that" my daughter, McKayla, pulled at my hand.I was speechless. I don't know what was wrong with me but I couldn't seem to form any words."I'm Liv. Are you McKayla?" Liv bends down to my daughter's height.Mckayla giggles. "Yes. You are vewy pwetty.""Awe, thank you. You are very pretty yourself. Would you like to come inside my home?""Yes, pwease." McKayla says as Liv gets back up and moves to the side to let us in."I think Nick and Becca are in the living room. Just keep going straight down this hallway, you'll run into it." Liv smiled.Her smile took my breath away. I was stupid to let her go last time. There is no getting that back now.I stop and turn back around towards her, "By the way, I'm sorry about that drunken phone call."She s
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Peeping JP (5 years ago)
I could feel JP's eyes on me. Every time I moved, I knew that his eyes were following me. I tried doing everything that I could to stay away from him. When I did look at him, all of the memories we shared would fill my mind. I love Will. I don't have feelings for JP. At least I don't think I felt anything like that towards him. I think the pull I feel for him is all linked to him being the one that took my virginity. I still regret that moment to this day."Liv, come pway" McKayla was pulling on my hand."Let me go say hello to some of my friends and I will come back and play, ok?" I told her.McKayla frowned. "I go with you.""Come on, McKayla. Let Liv go see her friends for a little bit." JP grabbed his daughter's hand.Mckayla pulled away from him, "Pweeeeaaaasssseeee!" she grabbed my hand again.JP looked over at me and I nodded. "Ok, you can come with me. I'll let you meet my friends.""Yayyy!" She
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I'm in love with you (5 years ago)
After getting ourselves cleaned up and fully dressed we head back downstairs. As we enter the hallway we realize the house is quiet."Where is everyone?" I look at Will who shrugs."We had everyone go outside. You two were not holding back." Becca comes up behind up laughing. Nick following behind her.I could feel my face getting hot from embarrassment. "I told you, we were being a little too loud.""Come on, let's go outside with all of our guests. It'll be ok." Will laces his hand with mine and pulls me behind me.As we are passing the kitchen, I catch JP and McKayla from the corner of my eye."I'll be out in a few minutes. I need to go check on McKayla. I promised I'd play with her.""Ok. See you out there." Will releases my hand.Becca gives me a look that I can't quite read before she and Nick follow behind will."You know, it's not nice to peep in on people when they are having sex." I w
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I don't understand
"I am so glad we have the entire weekend to ourselves." I grab Will's hand as we are leaving the hospital after our shift. We have worked the last 15 days and finally have two days off again."Me too" Will smiles but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.I pull him to a stop. "Ok, what's wrong?"He shrugs and pulls his hand away from me. He then continues to walk towards the truck.I don't move from my spot. I stand there watching him walk away from me. When he reaches the truck, that's when he looks back at me to realize that I'm not with him."Olivia, please, let's just go home." He shouts across the parking lot to me."No, not until you tell me what's wrong." I stand my ground. Will has never acted like this, that's how I know something is, for certain, wrong with him."Damn it, Olivia, I just want to go home. If you don't bring your ass on, right now, I will leave you standing right here in the parking lo
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4 months later (5 years ago)
As I sit here looking at this little positive sign in front of my face, I feel like I'm going to puke.I'm pregnant.I am fucking pregnant. I thought I would be more excited, but hell maybe I would have been if it wasn't for the fact that Will hadn't dumped me 4 months ago.After he dumped me, Becca came into town and helped me go pack up all of my things and moved me back to Columbia with her and Nick. I got transferred to a different hospital so that I would still be working. The only good thing that came out of me transferring was that I was put on the morning shift. I had to be at work at 5 but I was off by 2:30 sometimes 3.A knock at the bathroom door startles me."Liv, are you ok in there? You have been in there for a while." Becca says from the other side.I leave the stick laying on the bathroom counter and open the door for her to come in."What's going...." she stops talking as she looks at th
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I'm pregnant (5 years ago)
The next day, JP is back at the house to pick me up at 9. That way we are back in our hometown by 12 at the latest. He had to pick up McKayla at 4. We figured that would give me plenty of time to talk to my parents and Will."Do you want to go to your parent's or Will's first?" JP looks over at me as we began to enter our hometown.I thought about going to Will's last, but the more I thought about it I figured I might as well go to him first and get it over with. Hopefully, he was home and awake."Let's go ahead and go to Will's house." I sigh. I began to feel the nerves working throughout my body once again. JP notices. He reaches over, grabbing my hand, and gives it a squeeze."No matter what happens, it will be ok. I promise everything will be just fine.""This isn't how I planned all of this. I mean I didn't even have sex for the first time until.. well you know what I mean. I thought I would be married and st
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