All Chapters of The Carrero Contract (series book 3): Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
190 Chapters
My heart sinks as that age-old knowing fear takes a grip of my throat and I know my apartment will see a second break in before sunrise. I am too tired for this.This city is full of people with no scruples, and I am an easy target, especially in this state. I don’t have the energy to fight off two teens, even with my baseball bat and mace, not while I’m sick and messed up and close to falling down with fatigue. I have no one around here that would intervene in any way and the sad fact is … I have nothing worthy of protecting except myself.I don’t hesitate. I shove everything I own into my two holdalls, not that I have much to pack, then pull on some sweatpants and trainers and a hoody over my lighter pyjamas. I’m not waiting around for a second assault in my own home, and as the place already looks like Armageddon swept through, it’s not going to make much difference to me. They can come see for themselves it’s all gone and
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I shake my head, stomach turning over as I put it back in my bag and hesitate, even though my heart is saying to leave it well alone. Something inside of me is fighting it and I’m not letting it go as I tilt my head back to let out an exaggerated sigh into the eerie surroundings. My inner stubborn is grabbing at my soul and begging me to end my own agony and reach out to someone I know will help me.‘Just do it! … It can’t be worse than this.’ I say it out loud to myself, telling myself off, shaking some sense into me. I know before I pull that card out that I have already made my mind up. I’m weakening, my health, my heart, my fight. It’s all been shaky since the day I left that hospital and I have barely been holding on for months. I am so tired of struggling to fight every day, and the thought of someone else taking control for just five little minutes is like a life savour in the stormy sea. Just five minutes of not
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‘Did I ask for the great fucking Alexi Carrero to come on down here and start acting like the prize wanker you can be? NO, no I fucking did not! I asked Mico, MY FRIEND, for help! Someone who actually gives a crap about me, and in no part of that conversation did I say … bring that prick of a cousin of yours as I miss being treated like shit!’  I throw sarcastically, standing taller and lifting that defiant chin while I am the one who steps forward to him ungracefully. I am in the full throes of Diva mode as she finds her feet and blows the cobwebs off.The distance between us shortens and two very pissed and buzzing people get their rage on, face-to-face while the atmosphere turns to static around us and sizzles with the effect.Alexi seems to grow about five feet instantly, but I care not. This bastard will never make me cower at his feet again. I have learned one thing in his absence—I am the one who gave him the power to wound me and I
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 ‘You don’t look well and this place is hardly the Hilton.’ He nudges my shoulder with his and I smile softly, fully aware of how things are. Amazed by how quickly my insides are returning to normal and the effects of one smouldering Carrero in the corner are wearing off now I am over the worst of the shock. I’m still not repentant over throwing things at him; I’m just sorry I only hit him once. I’m still smarting, but it’s hard to stay enraged and high octane when your body is giving up on you.I think I am in dazed shock at his presence though, it doesn’t really feel like he is here. This is a weird dream after months of sleeping.‘You don’t have to tell me that,’ I respond quietly, fully aware that this is barely better than sleeping under a bridge right now and freeze when I catch Alexi’s feet moving towards me across the floor. I won’t show him that his proximity gets to me, so even
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Mico sighs heavily.‘He’s not going to do anything to you, I swear. Trust me. I wouldn’t have brought him if I thought he was going to hurt you in any way, and he knows that if he scares you, I will break his face.’ There is something in Mico’s tone that says he isn’t lying to me and I silence my insta-response of no and sit for a moment trying to calm myself down.‘Why can’t he just leave me alone?’ I sulk weakly, sounding fragile and quiet. Sighing and hating how tired all of this is making me. The hours ticking away and I still have to try and sleep before I need to get up for work. At this rate that’s not going to happen and I cannot even face the thought of a ten-hour shift on little sleep and a raging fever.‘Because he spent four months trying to find you and he wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip by.’That shuts me up and I blink up at the door, disbelieving what I
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I know fine well she’s called Joanne, but I’ll be damned if he thinks I give a shit about his woman in any way, shape or form. He chose that rancid slut as his bedfellow and hostess, so he can choke on it. He chose her over me. I hope she gave him STDs.‘She hasn’t been the best choice and now the club is losing money.’ Again, he looks at the floor, and if it wasn’t Alexi the tosser Carrero he would seem defeated and a little submissive. I know better. He’s trying to manipulate me into doing what he wants.‘Boo hoo. Should have thought about that before you kicked me to the curb then, shouldn’t you?’ I turn away from him and walk to the kitchen with a satisfied smirk, not falling for his BS, to retrieve a drink of water to soothe my parched and raspy throat. Also needing a little head space as his ever-looming presence fills my room like a black cloud. I hate that no matter what; he just pulls all the air out
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It sounds like a reasonable offer. Sweetening the deal, removing himself from the scenario, sounding like he means it, but he can’t take out the one thing which leaves it sour no matter how many bonus points he adds on—that it will still be a connection to him. And as long as he is involved, there will always be that black cloud of doubt that he will leave me alone.I get up slowly and clumsily, and move away from the corner I have put myself in giving him a wide berth, and head for the couch to sit down. Trying to look more confident than I feel, and praying Mico comes back soon. The carpenter has shut us in and seems to be silent now, oblivious to what’s going on or in fact deliberately got out of here and is staying away.‘This is no life for you, Cam.’ Alexi is trying to appeal to me in other ways and I just roll my eyes even though I am facing away.‘Well, it’s pretty much how I started out, so I can’t say it
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I guess Alexi is sensitive to head injuries given what happened with Gino, and this isn’t really about me at all. He just happens to get panicky over people dying from brain injury, I guess.‘I’m fine. I just need you to leave,’ I call out softly. I don’t think I have the energy anymore to even get up.‘I told you. I’m not going anywhere without you. I’m not leaving you here.’ He sounds determined and I just get agitated once more—our roundabout of emotions and moods that never ends.‘Jesus Christ Alexi!’ I get up, despite the effort it takes, yank the chair away from the door and pull it open with force, to be faced with him standing, leaning both hands against the frame, so I walk right into his space as he stands bracing himself. It’s a bit like getting slapped in the face being suddenly assaulted with him in such an up-front manner. I practically bang my nose on his chest but I don
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I push through the door of the diner exactly three and a half minutes late due to the fact my train was delayed, and I then had to run to get here in half the time. I’m out of breath, lungs on fire and sweating like crazy, not just from exertion, but that damn flu has overtaken with a vengeance. My emotional state is fragile to say the least and I am running on empty.I can’t stop sneezing, my nose is pouring and I have a throat like razor blades, walking around with that awful cotton wool head. On top of that I have a killer headache from my face and I just feel like death warmed up.I got maybe an hour and forty minutes of sleep before my alarm went off and I had to drag my sorry arse back up. Judging by the still hot, half-drunk takeaway coffee sat on my counter, Mico and Alexi must have left not long before I woke.It was a surreal feeling to get up to an organised room and new shiny locks and bolts on every possible avenue into the apartment. I
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I walk until I feel like I can’t anymore, not that I have got very far, and sit on a bench to try and regain some of my energy. Tired, fed up and drumming my brain on what I should do. My body is in no fit state for a hike, and I am so breathless and faint that walking all the way home looks like it’s going to take hours. I am moving at a snail’s pace.I still have to pick up a paper and start scanning the ads for a new job, figure out how the hell to keep my landlord at bay without resorting to oral pleasure and get home before it gets dark and too dodgy to be out and about my own neighbourhood.I am so stressed out already that the thought of curling up on this bench and going to sleep seems like a much better option. I have already lost all the excess heat from being in a steam room all morning, and I am starting to shiver as my body adjusts to being outside—which only serves to make me feel worse in general.I pull out my phone to see
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