All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 2581 - Chapter 2590
2759 Chapters
Chapter 2581
His every word was so heavily laced with emotion that it moved people.In that instant, faint ripples of fear flowed through my heart.Yet the pain when I thought of the night before my mother died was even more incredible.Closing my eyes, her hateful eyes and helpless demeanor filled my mind.When I opened them again, I regained my footing.I looked at Sylvester and smiled. “President Yard, your words are moving, but do you think I’d believe them?” My smile grew wider after I said that.Sylvester’s body faltered when he heard that. He obviously had not expected that answer from me. After a moment, he came back to his senses and asked, “You don’t?”“Of course not.” There was doubt in my eyes as I immediately resumed, "Every time I close my eyes now, I’d think of how Silas had allowed outsiders to break into our mother’s room the night before she died. They humiliated her and forced her to her death. Why would I trust such a ruthless person?!"Sylvester's expression froze, an
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Chapter 2582
As my mood was ruined after meeting Sylvester, I stood outside my apartment for a long time without opening the door. I wiped my face, trying to keep myself awake, but my mind was in a haze. I did not know what was going on either. "Wanda?" A familiar voice sounded behind me, and I turned around to look. "Neil?" It seemed like it had been a long time since I saw him. He came up to me, a warm smile on his face. "What's wrong? I saw you standing outside your apartment for a long time without going in." "I feel a little weak." I leaned against the door, pursing my dry lips.Neil looked at me, anxiety flashing across his face. "You don't look too good. Are you ill?" He felt my forehead as he said that. His hand was cool, and it felt good. In the next second, however, my gaze went dark. I lost consciousness after hearing Neil call my name.When I woke up again, I found myself on the bed in the room with a towel on my forehead.I quickly sat up and looked around. It was wi
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Chapter 2583
The next day, I went out since I felt better. Before going to the company, I first went to a coffee shop near Grant Corporation to meet with Don. I decided on a seat closer to the corner, and since it was early, there would not be a lot of people coming this way. Sitting in front of him, I asked lightly, "Did anything happen?" Don shook his head. "Nothing big. President Grant is just meeting guests every day. Delia would visit occasionally but would leave just as quickly.""Why does she go to the company?" "I heard it has something to do with shares, but I didn't hear much about it," Don touched his chin and answered slowly. It seemed that Delia still had not given up on becoming a shareholder of Grant Corporation. It made sense. If she wanted to join the shareholder group, it would be easiest now for her with her pregnancy. She might not have such a good opportunity in the future. It was no wonder why she was so antsy.I did not ask any more questions about this and chan
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Chapter 2584
Nibel sounded leisurely when he spoke, "How could that be? I did it to help you."I started the car and slowly replied, "Don't tell me you sold so many shares and companies in order to accumulate cash for me to have the capital to fight against the Yards."I only heard a snap of his fingers over the phone before Nibel's smug laughter followed. "That's right. How very smart of you. Shouldn't you be thanking me, President Lane?"I just smiled. "I don't believe you threw away so many shares just because of me.""My dear Miss Wanda, I think you underestimate the Yard family's might. You small businesses can't afford to go up against their family alone. What's more, they have Grant Corporation's partnership now. You have to prepare for far more than what you imagined. I announced the news today to let the Yards know how much capital we have!" I seemed to come to an understanding after listening to what he said. Nibel was forcing the Yards. Even if the Yard family did not plan to bet
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Chapter 2585
The night before the bid, I received the bidding prices from our partners, and they were not that much different from what I had guessed.We now had 230 million in our hands. It was way above the market price of North Courts.200 million was Yard Group's baseline. If Silas really wanted that land, he would definitely give chase till the end. Even though the odds were solid, I was still terrified.Marius looked at me, expression heavy before coming toward me. "Wanda, have you ever considered that if the Yard family doesn't want this land, you'll end up getting the development rights to North Courts?"I did not know why he asked me that all of a sudden, and for a moment, I was out of ideas.I looked up at him. "Did you hear something?"Marius immediately shook his head when I asked him this. "No. I just wanted to analyze the situation with you. I want you to be more vigilant instead of being so sure.""I've actually thought about it before you brought it up, but Nibel's action
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Chapter 2586
The day of the bidding had come.As I was the representative, I was seated in the front, while Shannon and Tyler were behind me. Silas was just three seats away from me, and he looked confident as usual. Yet it was this confidence that annoyed me a little.Silas smiled at me like he was provoking me. "President Lane, you’re early today." In an attempt to gauge his thoughts, I asked back deliberately, "Aren’t you early too, Chairman Yard? From the looks of you, you look like you're determined to win the development rights to North Courts?" "Who knows? I resign myself to fate today." Silas sighed in response and shrugged his shoulders.I was confused when I heard that. He did not seem like someone who would say something like that, so there must be a deeper meaning behind it.I turned back to look at Shannon and Tyler who were behind me. Why was Marius not here yet?"Where's Marius?" I asked ShannonShe tapped on her cell phone and replied, "I tried calling him, but no one
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Chapter 2587
My eyes followed Marius’ every movement and every expression. I even keenly caught the curve of the brows on his face.I waited for him to answer, but he said nothing even after a long time.The crowd swarmed around us. Silas patted Marius on the shoulder before he left, his sharp gaze on me was as if he was looking at a clown.Only I knew how ridiculous I was at this moment.Hands wound tightly in fists, I kept my eyes on Marius while Shannon reprimanded him non-stop at the side. “Marius, do you know what you’ve done? You betrayed Wanda.“My God, just why did you do it? You betrayed our trust and you beat us up instead?"I did not heed Shannon’s words, but my gaze on Marius filled with disappointment. “Tell me, Marius. Answer me.”My voice choked a little. It was also slightly hoarse, but it was not trembling as much as it did before.Yet, my heart was gradually freezing over as if it had fallen into an ice cellar.The person immediately walking by us was Sylvester. He stoo
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Chapter 2588
Back at Green Orange, I still had not snapped out of what happened earlier and sat in my seat in a daze. Shannon's curses filled my ears. "Just what the hell did Marius do? It's much too contriving even for him to betray us temporarily to help the Yards."What do you think Marius was thinking? Could he be mad because of his one-sided love?" "Shannon." I could not really listen to any more of it and opened my mouth to stop her. Shannon looked at me. As if understanding what I was feeling, she just sighed and stopped.I could not figure out why Marius would do this either. "Let's put this matter aside for now. It's a foregone conclusion. Since we've now obtained the development rights to North Courts, we'll make the best use of it. The land is still very valuable despite it being higher than the market price. Fortunately, we stopped the loss in time since the Yards had no intention of continuing to raise the price."Tyler was right. If the Yards had continued to bid, the conse
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Chapter 2589
After sending Brian off, Shannon and Tyler returned to the office, but their expressions were off.I looked at them, my heart still. "What's wrong? Did something happen again?" "It's nothing. We just heard something just now." Shannon pulled out the chair in front of me and sat down, expression troubled. Tyler pulled over another chair and sat to the side, arms crossed. He looked as if the sky was falling. "Did something worse happen?"I did not only have to face Marius' betrayal now, but I also had to deal with Nibel in the future. Now, the development of the land in North Courts was also on the agenda. My biggest worry now was how to manage the funds, yet it looked like I had to face whatever they were about to tell me.Tilting her head, Shannon puffed her mouth. "It's actually nothing. We just found out that what the Yards have been looking at all along isn’t North Courts’ land but the land in Astral Garden. The bidding for that will start tomorrow. Now that he's taken you
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Chapter 2590
"shouldn't you apologize for barging in so suddenly, President Lane?" Silas looked at me with sharp eyes.That gaze of his was clearly mocking me.I gulped, my throat feeling itchy. I was unable to utter a word for a long time.The people present included Silas, Marius, Sylvester, and some others who I did not know.Wait, if they were celebrating here, how could Theo not be present?Just when I thought of this, Theo's voice came from behind me. "Apologies for my tardiness." I closed my eyes. What one feared would eventually make its appearance. His arrival had been quite coincidental. Theo walked past me and entered the room, taking a seat at his place. It was only then that I realized that their seats were particular to each other. Theo was able to locate his own without even looking for it. "How long do you plan to drag this out, President Lane?" Silas' voice sounded again. I pursed my dry lips. Beside me, Shannon tugged on my sleeve as if signaling me to leave immediate
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