All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 2601 - Chapter 2610
2759 Chapters
Chapter 2601
We finally got what we wanted. I successfully signed a contract with Earl and sold North Courts’ development rights for 250 million. He handed me the check."Miss Wanda, I hope to have the opportunity to work with you again in the future.""It would be my honor. I think we might have a chance."Earl needed to go back to make his report after signing the contract. Nibel and I sent him to the airport. The two of them were reluctant to leave each other as if they were a couple. It made me feel like a third-wheeler.After watching Earl go in, Nibel turned around and notes the ambiguity in my eyes. He immediately explained, "Don't misunderstand. Earl and I are very good friends.""I understand, but it surprises me that you two are good friends despite the age difference.""Capable people are sympathetic to one another."A foreigner like him actually said something like this.A smile appeared on the corners of my mouth as I walked up to his side. "Theo is also a capable person. Why d
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Chapter 2602
"Wanda, something happened at Astral Garden."Shannon informed me the moment I stepped into the office.Having expected this, I was very calm and looked up at her. "Tell me about it."I sat down in my seat while Shannon forwarded me the news on the page. She then took a seat in front of me. "As it turns out, there are many behind-the-scenes bosses for Astral Garden. But since there's some conflict of interest, some even want to take back this land. They're gathering at Yard Group to make a scene."Swiping the news on the page, the corners of my mouth curled up. "Astral Garden is a good piece of meat. What a pity.""That's what you say, but you're actually beaming inside." Shannon saw through my facade and pointed to my crafty smile. "Yard Group has spent so much money to get Astral Garden. They’ve even started development. Even if they manage to hold onto the land, it'll be a real headache. Or they might lose a lot because of this. One must know that every day work is stopped is a
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Chapter 2603
The next day.I brought Shannon to Grant Corporation. My feelings were vastly different coming here this time.Everyone who passed by me smiled and greeted me politely only because I was the former Madam Grant. In the elevator, Shannon took one step closer to me. "Isn't it a bad idea for the both of us to appear here?" I did not expect Shannon, who had always been the most confident, to speak to me with such a tone of guilt.I turned to look at her with a smile on my lips. "Aren't you worth ten whole persons? How could Delia go up against you?"Shannon seemed to regain her confidence after I said that and raised her head. "That's right. How could Delia, that rambunctious hoof, be an opponent of ours? Let's go."The elevator door opened, and Shannon and I walked out side by side.We arrived at the largest conference room in Grant Corporation. The board meeting today was being held here. "Are you ready, President Collins?" I smiled and looked at Shannon who was beside me.
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Chapter 2604
I looked up and met her eyes with a similar piercing gaze, the corners of my eyes raising slightly. "I should be asking you this, Miss Owens. What exactly do you want to do by sneaking into Grant Corporation?"It was obvious that my aura compelled Delia as she immediately turned around to look for Theo. She held his hand and whined, "Theo, look. Wanda is bullying me again. You have to seek justice for me!”She looked at me as if I was the mistress. The phrase ‘dove occupying the magpie's nest’ described her perfectly.I smiled coldly, not paying attention to her antics.However, I wanted to see what Theo would do.I looked at Theo with great interest and noted how gloomy he looked. He loosened Delia's hand that was wrapped around his arm. Exerting a little force through his foot, he turned the rotating chair 90 degrees and distanced himself from Delia."Theo, what’s the meaning of this?" Delia looked at Theo once again in disbelief.She had obviously believed during this time th
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Chapter 2605
Hearing me call her that, Delia’s expression instantly morphed. “What are you saying? I don’t get you.”She looked away like she was deliberately avoiding my gaze.Don stood where he was, his eyes fixed on me. “Why did you call me here?”Such innocent eyes.I smirked and glanced at Don who was calm and collected before looking back at Delia. “To reunite the husband and wife, of course.”Just one sentence delivered a shock through Don and Delia.Shannon covered her mouth with her hands, her big eyes wide open. "Oh God, what did I just hear?"Don and Delia are a couple. Wanda, are you sure?"Just like how Shannon was finding this unfathomable, I also had my doubts when I first found out about this.However, it was indeed the truth.Delia was trying her best to hide her panic. I caught her trembling fingertips clutching the corner of her clothes as she still tried to maintain her calm. "Isn't Don one of yours? Why are you pinning him on me? Didn't you send him to Grant Corporati
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Chapter 2606
Nicky no longer pretended. Her eyes suddenly sharpened as she reached her hands out to push Don away. "So? What are you going to do now?""I let you go the first time because I didn’t want your talent to be buried. You’ll pay for what you did this time." I no longer chose to be a good person. Why should I waste an opportunity on her if she was not going to appreciate it?Hearing this, Nicky laughed out loud. "Don't talk as if you’re some generous person. What opportunity are you even referring to? If you’re really so generous, why don't you actually give Theo to me? Aren’t you so cheap yourself in the end? So what if you know the truth now? I still managed to play you. Didn’t you actually think that Cecilia was back at the start? I want to laugh when I recall your gaze and expression back then.”My throat bobbed slightly as a slight pain bloomed in my heart.She was right. When I first met Delia, I really thought God had taken pity on me and so gave me a girl who looked exactly lik
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Chapter 2607
Nibel stood at the door with his hands in his pockets as he smiled at me brightly.Theo got up and stood beside me when he saw him. "Why is he here?""He said he would come before this but only just arrived. He said he has something to discuss with you," I replied to him softly.Nibel approached us quietly, a natural and harmless smile upon his exquisite features. "I'm late."I nodded and smiled. "Yes, your former partner has already been taken away."Hearing this, the smile on Nibel’s lips deepened before he looked toward Theo. "President Grant, I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time." He extended his hand to express his friendliness.Theo looked at me, and I nodded at him. Only then did he reach out to grip Nibel's outstretched hand. "You’re the one who’s of renowned repute, Mr. Nibel. I didn't expect you to be so good at Hattonese.""I’d naturally have to be able to speak the language well if I want to develop in Hatton," Nibel implied.I smiled. “I have to
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Chapter 2608
"Alright, I'm done watching this show. I'll let you two have some time alone. I won't bother you for now. You have to tell me everything when you come to the company tomorrow. I'm leaving now." Shannon left in a huff after she said that. She was even considerate enough to close the door for us.After she left, Theo let down his guard completely and pulled me into his arms. "It's been a long time since I hugged you like this."My hands on his broad chest, I said with a smile, "Nonsense. We hugged back then in the private room."I still recalled asking Theo to meet in the private room during the appreciation banquet back then. I would not have had to reapply my lipstick if he had not kissed me. We almost aroused Nicky's suspicion."Oh, I forgot. It’s probably because that moment didn’t last long enough. Why don't I make up for it now?"He lowered his head and raised my chin after he said that. His cold, thin lips pressed against mine. He went deeper and deeper each time, depriving
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Chapter 2609
Green Orange. I had just arrived at the company when Shannon came toward me. "My dear friend Wanda, don't you think you owe me a proper explanation?""Haha, didn't I already invite you to watch the show at Grant Corporation yesterday? What is it that you're still unsure of? It was the repeat of the old trick and catching Nicky off guard. Pretty cool, right?" I snickered. The entire situation was actually already very clear. I trusted Shannon could already guess the entire story. However, I also knew that she wanted to denounce someone. "It's a waste of me being your best friend. You're still keeping me in the dark and not telling me things. Were you worried I was going to reveal you?"Shannon looked at me with hurt, her expression as aggrieved as she could make it out to be. I was most worried about her becoming like this despite having already expected it. "Theo and I were worried about this and didn't want too many people to know about it. Ty and Marius didn’t know abou
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Chapter 2610
"Since when have the Yards ever spared affection? Don't compare me to you lot!" My loathing for the Yards deepened every time I thought about my mother. Seeing me agitated, Sylvester seemed to realize something. "Mother has been dead for so long. Why do you keep hanging on to her? Grandfather—""He's a cold and ruthless old blockhead who until now refuses to admit he did anything wrong. I don't respect him. I'm happy about whatever the Yards suffered this time. You guys must still be dealing with Astral Garden now, no? I won't stop. Not unless you leave Whaldorf City and get out of my sight. Perhaps then my hatred would subside." Sylvester frowned when he heard what I said. "Grandfather had already decided to stay and develop in Whaldorf City. He won't leave. Are you confident that you'll be able to beat him next time?" "Since I already won once, why won't it be possible to do it a second time? Silas was said to be invincible, but didn't he fail utterly with Astral Garden this
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