All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 2621 - Chapter 2630
2759 Chapters
Chapter 2621
A smile flickered across my lips when I saw Theo make his appearance.When the main character made their appearance, all eyes would naturally be on them.Step by step, Theo made his way toward me. The smile on his lips was bright like fireworks, and the tenderness in his eyes warmed my heart.He walked up to me and said to me in the gentlest voice, "I'm back.""You’re on time," I also responded to him with a smile.Theo turned around to face the press and replied to the questions they raised just now, "It's not that my wife wasn’t worried but that she knew that I was fine. In addition, we’ve also clarified the matter regarding Delia Owens, and she’s receiving due attention. I don’t think there’s any need to bring this up again. Today is a good day for Grant Corporation, and we’d like to invite our fellow friends from the press to witness the signing of the contract between Grant Corporation and Mr. Nibel.”He turned his gaze toward Nibel. Nibel took a step forward. "That's right.
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Chapter 2622
I pretended to be calm and met Nibel's eyes."Now that we’ve signed the contract, our next step is to develop Golden-O. Let's make a sample first. We’ll then try it out next time. I'll be leaving for today now."Nibel nodded slightly. Keith then sent him off downstairs.Theo turned his gaze to me after he left. "Wanda, you shouldn't be distracted.""I know. I'm just worried..." I frowned. It did not seem right to say it out now since Theo had just signed the contract with Nibel.Perhaps I was unable to let my guard down all at once after so many things had happened in the past. Seeing through my thoughts, Theo covered the back of my cold hand with his own large one. "I told you I’d pay attention to Nibel. If anything goes wrong with him, it’ll be within my control. Don't worry."This was not the first time Theo had told me this. I ought to believe him.I nodded and smiled. “Alright. I trust you’ll be able to handle this properly.”“It’s definitely because you’re exhausted. Yo
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Chapter 2623
We took in many sights along the way. We spent quite a long time walking, and I was a little hungry. Theo noticed that there were some snacks not far away and ran to get me some after asking me to wait for him some distance away.I had not felt this way for a long time.Sitting on a small stool by the side of the road, I waited for Theo to return. I was looking down at my phone for a bit when a shadow fell into my vision. Thinking Theo had returned, I looked up and was stunned to see the person who had arrived."Mr. Nibel, why are you here?"It puzzled me greatly to bump into Mr. Nibel in this old town.Hands in his pockets, there was amusement in his eyes. "I heard this place is very special, and since it's not far from Whaldorf, I was suggested to come and take a look. I didn’t expect to meet you here, Miss Wanda.”I frowned. This somehow felt like it was not a coincidence. However, I could not say anything about it and could only smile slightly. "It's not bad here. I came out
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Chapter 2624
Early the next morning, Theo and I went downstairs to have breakfast. Who would have expected us to run into Nibel again in the restaurant?He looked a little excited when he saw us. "Miss Wanda, President Grant, I didn't expect you two to be staying here too."We had parted ways at the scenic spot last night, but Nibel was also staying in this hotel?There was a shift in my expression, but considering who he was, I could only smile along with him. "Indeed. What a coincidence.""Let's have breakfast together," Nibel said.Theo responded before I could say anything, "Alright."This place was serving a breakfast buffet, so we grabbed some food and found a place to sit.The conversation between Nibel and Theo was all about the economic situation in the country and abroad, so I was not able to join in. "You two go ahead and eat first. I’m going to the bathroom."I wanted to escape for a bit before continuing with that.Entering the bathroom, I turned on the tap and washed my hands
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Chapter 2625
Fortunately, the weekend getaway ended with a stroll with just Theo, and that improved my mood somewhat.When we got home that night, Caroline already had a table of delicious food ready."Sir, Madam, welcome back."I glanced at Caroline before looking inside the house but did not see Munchkin. "Where’s Munchkin?”"President Klein came over to accompany him. They’re putting together a puzzle in the room. I'll inform them of your return right away,” said Caroline as she made her way upstairs.I hung up my coat. Theo then passed me his own before asking, "Why did Marius come over?"Not paying the question any heed, I responded lightly, "I was afraid Munchkin would be bored at home, so I told Marius to come over and accompany him for a bit. I didn't expect him to actually do it.”"Is that so…" Theo whispered softly."Yeah, he got along very well with Munchkin when he was living in Drover’s place during that time. I think they’ve become friends," I said immediately, not thinking th
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Chapter 2626
“Marius did tell me about it, yes, but I also made it clear to him that I only see him as a brother now." I could still recall the scene back when Marius had confessed to me. I felt a bit embarrassed thinking about it now.Theo looked at me, his eyes seemingly wavering. "But I don't think his feelings towards you are just of siblingly love. There’ll never be a pure friendship between opposite sexes."I was very aware of what he was saying and did not refute him."I know, but he understands what I’ve told him. He’s given me so much help. Of course, I understand his intentions. I’ve already explained everything to him. I think we should give him some time. He’ll figure it out. Perhaps his feelings will fade away once he meets someone right for him. “I could not just reject Marius’ friendship. I let out a breath and looked up at Theo. "You say we're an old couple, yet you're still worried that I'll run away with someone?""How can I not worry with how charming you are?""Aren’t you
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Chapter 2627
Theo and I arrived at the entrance of the company, only to see a bunch of reporters rush up to us.I looked at him. "Did something happen?”Theo was also puzzled as he shook his head. "No."In the past two days, the partnership between Grant Corporation and Pristine had taken up a large section of the financial channel. Due to this, Golden-O had become a hot topic before it had even been released to the market. Not only that, Nibel announcing me as the spokesperson had also increased the public’s anticipation for it. It was a good start.Other than that, however, we did not seem to have any other large-scale news.Why were the reporters here?Several microphones were shoved up in front of us. I smiled in the face of the reporters’ enthusiastic faces.“President Lane, what’s your opinion on the news that was released today?”The news today? What news?I frowned, not understanding what they were saying.Another reporter to the side hurriedly asked, “President Grant, did you mar
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Chapter 2628
"Don’t make contact with him?”Nibel's voice sounded from outside the door.He walked in, gaze shining before coming to a stop before me. “Are you worried about me, President Lane?”Keith, who was at the side, was tactful and gave a slight bow before leaving the office.Theo put down the document in his hand and stood up. "You misunderstand, Mr. Nibel. My wife is just disturbed by the news, so she's a little mindful about everything." He stood next to me and motioned me to stop talking.Nibel smiled lightly before choosing a seat and settling down. "I saw the news. I didn't expect to become a hot topic just for visiting a heritage town. News sure does spread rather quickly in Hatton."Judging from his tone, it sounded like he knew that such a thing would happen.Having figured out something, I asked, "How could it be such a coincidence that the paparazzi followed us to the heritage town? Did you arrange them, Mr. Nibel?" Hearing this, Nibel looked up at me and let out a ligh
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Chapter 2629
Theo and Keith informed me that they were going to visit a client and left me at the office.While I was working halfway, Shannon called me.“My dear friend, are you still busy? Do you have time to keep me company tonight?”Thinking about it, it had been a long time since I met up with Shannon.I agreed. “Yes. I’ll see you tonight.”“I’ll send you the address.”Not long after I ended the call, I received a message from Shannon.Twilight Bar?Shannon rarely patronized bars after giving birth to her child. Why did she want to go there today all of a sudden?Something did not feel right.I quickly finished the work at hand so that I could meet Shannon on time. I reached the bar at roughly seven o’clock.Shannon informed me through text that she was at seat 25. I asked the server about it and arrived smoothly.She was listening to the music, swaying.“Shannon.”Seeing me, Shannon pulled me. “Wanda, you’re here. Come dance with me.”“Does Jordan know you’re here?”"He doesn‘
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Chapter 2630
After making the call, I went back to our seats only to realize that Shannon had disappeared.I looked around the bar but did not see her."Where did she go?" I hurried to the bar and asked the waiter, "Hello, did you see this woman?"I showed him Shannon's photo that I had on my phone, but the waiter shook his head. "It's dark inside. I can't see anyone’s face clearly, I’m sorry.""Did you see a woman in a beige coat leave, then? She was a little drunk.""Now that you mentioned it, I think I might have. She seemed to have been led out by her friend.”Her friend?Could she have bumped into an unsavory character?"Thank you."Anxious, I ran out of the bar and just so happened to bump into Marius outside. Seeing how flustered I looked, he asked, “What’s wrong?”"Shannon’s gone. I asked the waiter and he said someone took her away. I'm going to look for her.""How are you going to look for her like this? Wait a minute."Marius grabbed me and then entered the bar. "I know the o
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