All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 2631 - Chapter 2640
2759 Chapters
Chapter 2631
We first brought Shannon to Marius' apartment. He then carried her into the guest room and lay her down.I looked at her drunken appearance before covering her with a blanket."Don't worry. She’ll be with me. I’ll take good care of her," Marius said gently beside me.I frowned and sighed. "Something must have happened. I can’t get in touch with Jordan either. They probably got into an argument.”"It's normal for couples to quarrel. They’ll eventually make up. I'll ask Shannon about it when she wakes up tomorrow. Don't worry," Marius comforted me."I'll stay with her tonight. Go and rest."I could not leave Shannon alone considering the state she was in.Marius did not try to persuade me, but my phone rang the next second. "Theo, I’ll be—""Are you coming back soon? The children have been crying. They’re probably looking for you.”Theo's words threw a wrench in my plan. I glanced at Marius and then at Shannon, feeling troubled. "But I...""What's wrong?" Theo's voice sounded i
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Chapter 2632
Early the next morning, I went to Marius' place unrelentingly.The smell of beer greeted me the moment I entered the room. I knew then that Shannon had not woken up.Marius leaned against the door. He looked at me while brushing his teeth. "I called you before you came. There's nothing I can do."He bit his toothbrush and spread his hands wide. His helpless appearance was rather amusing.Seeing that Shannon was still sleeping soundly, I could not bear to wake her up. I decided to let her sleep for a while more."I've put breakfast on the table. You can eat after you wash up. We’ll let Shannon sleep a little more.”She must definitely be suffering after drinking so much.Marius washed up and got changed before coming out of the bedroom. He pulled the chair opposite me out and sat down. "Shannon, drunk as she was, kept cursing Jordan last night. That's her husband, right?"Cursing Jordan?I frowned. "That’s not right. They’re such a loving couple. Even if they did argue, Shannon
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Chapter 2633
Shannon stopped smiling when she noticed that I had gotten mad and said to me seriously, "Okay, Wanda. I was wrong. I promise there’ll be no next time, alright?”She grabbed my hand and shook it.I lost to her. I was becoming more and more like a child.I looked at her and asked, "Are you and Jordan really okay?""It's nothing." Shannon shook her head.Turning my gaze to Marius, I said calmly, "Tell her what she said last night."Marius hesitated a little when he heard this. "That… isn't such a good idea, right? What if it was just a dream?" "Say it." I was getting mad."Alright then." Marius directed his gaze to Shannon. "You mentioned an affair last night. You said something about cheating."But I wasn’t able to catch the specifics clearly.”He tacked on at the end.My eyes were fixed on Shannon's expression. As I observed her, I noticed that she was calm and indifferent."Jordan’s just been traveling often for business recently. I’m just not very happy with him,”Shanno
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Chapter 2634
I heard quite a number of people talking about something with Nibel the moment I entered the company.“Did you see the news? Nibel brought a woman back to his place yesterday night.”“Doesn’t this mean the rumors about him and President Grant back then were false, then?”“Yes, it’s fake. President Grant and President Lane are so in love. Seriously, what’s with the press?”This was what Nibel meant by the rumors would clear up.I shook my head and smiled lightly. He sure was savvy.When I got to the office, I arranged my documents and went to Theo’s office.The door of his office was not closed, and I noted that Nibel was already inside. Theo immediately noticed me. "You’re here. Mr. Nibel happened to come over with a sample. Try it."After entering with the documents in hand, I handed them over to Theo and then looked down at the Golden-O Face Cream on the table. I picked it up and applied it on my hands to try it out. "Yes, it feels good and moisturizing. But I have to take it
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Chapter 2635
Theo raised his head to look at me, a bright smile on his lips. "What’s wrong? Does the madam wish to act like a good wife and mother in front of others?”"Aren't I?" I smacked his shoulder.Theo let out a wince of pain, frowning. "Is this your show of it?""Are you complaining about your wife now?"I stopped and stood aside with my arms wrapped around me as I pretended to be angry.Almost instantly, Theo hug me from behind and said softly, "Whether or not you’re a good wife or mother, you’re the best in my opinion."His words of affection were endless and intoxicating.My anger dissipated as I turned around. "Enough. By the way, I’m getting off work early in the afternoon to go to Susan’s apartment. There are still some things I need to bring back.”"Alright. Do you want me to go with you?""It's so close. There’s no need for that. Also, it’s only a few items. You should head home earlier and wait for me." I straightened his shirt under his suit jacket.Theo responded to me
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Chapter 2636
Theo was already at the restaurant when Neil and I arrived.He was still dressed the same as he had been during the day, but his temperament seemed to have changed.He was very different when he was resting compared to when he was at work.He seemed much softer now, but the words ‘no strangers allowed’ were still written on his face."Theo, let me introduce you to Neil Hendersohn. We met when I was living in Susan’s apartment.”I wonder if it had been my hallucination, but it felt like Theo's expression changed when he saw Neil. However, it disappeared in an instant.Theo stood up, the corners of his mouth curling upward. "Hello, I'm Theo Grant.""Hello, President Grant. I’ve admired you for a long time." Neil had been nervous since the start. He grasped Theo's hand in his own for a long time, not letting go.I let out a few coughs to pull him back to the present. Why was the atmosphere so weird? I asked them to take their seats and then sat down next to Theo. "Neil often comfo
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Chapter 2637
It had been obvious to me that Neil was much more excited than before. However, based on how that meeting went just now, he should not be feeling this good.At the red light of the intersection, I stopped the car.I looked at the man beside me and asked, “You seem happy?"Neil pursed his lips when he heard that, looking a little embarrassed. "Is it very obvious?"I nodded and pointed the mirror at him. "Quite. Is it because you saw your idol?""Yes. I’ve always seen President Grant as a role model. I’m very happy to have met him," Neil said, the corners of his mouth pulling unconsciously into a grin.He seemed really happy, yet I should apologize for Theo's attitude toward him just now.I pursed my lips and smiled apologetically. "About that... Theo didn’t treat you very nicely just now. I apologize on his behalf."Neil waved his hands. "It's really fine, I don't mind. I'm just very happy to have been able to meet President Grant.”Why did it sound like he was harboring some s
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Chapter 2638
There was a huge shift in Theo’s expression when Neil was brought up. I could clearly see his Adam's apple bob slightly as he swallowed. He seemed nervous.I did not ask any more questions and just waited for Theo to answer.A moment passed before Theo slowly answered me, "Maybe. He’s been keeping you company the entire time when you were at Susan’s apartment.""So, you're jealous?" I asked him with a tilt of my head.Theo nodded slowly. "Yes. My wife was alone with a stranger. Of course, I’m jealous."Despite his saying so, he was behaving completely differently than how one would if they were jealous.He probably had his reasons for keeping the truth from me, but I believed Theo would tell me about it one day. Thus, I did not press him with more questions. Instead, I just smiled and said, "We can’t just keep all our friends at the door after getting married. Come now, I wouldn’t be jealous if you had friends of the opposite sex.”"Is that so?" Theo asked me back with a smile.
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Chapter 2639
That evening, recalling the incident in the mountains made Nina sad, and she ended up drinking a lot. I could not stop her and could only call Jason and ask him to come over to take her home.After I was done talking to Jason, I looked back at Nina who was lying on the sofa while shaking my head slowly.Shannon came back from dancing and saw Nina who was now drunk. "How much did she drink?""Not much. It doesn’t look like she holds her alcohol well." I smiled.Her mood took a dive when she mentioned the mountains, and so did mine.Despite it having been a long time, I still feel terrified when I thought about it.If it had not been for the honest Frank Fulmer, it would have been a while before Theo found us.We took Nina out of the bar. Jason arrived just in time, and when he saw Nina drunk, he frowned slightly. "Why did you drink so much?"Handing Nina to him, I said, “She ended up drinking a bit more when she recalled some sad things. Hurry up and take her home."“Thank you.
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Chapter 2640
After that came a long week of work.In all honesty, I never thought one year could feel so long. It was probably due to how troublesome work was every day.I was talking to Theo about the project procedure in the office when I heard a knock on the door."Come in."Keith entered slowly. He looked at me, signaling me mildly before fixing his eyes on Theo. "President Grant, Mr. Nibel is here."His timing was immaculate."Invite him in."He must have come to ask me how the face cream was after using it. My ears registered Nibel’s voice a little while later. "President Grant, President Lane, you’re all here.”We ceased our discussion and looked toward the arriving person simultaneously.I continued before Nibel could say anything else, "Mr. Nibel, you’re just in time. This is my report from using the Golden-O Face Cream."I handed him the document on the table which had been for Theo’s eyes previously.Nibel accepted it with a smile. He then took a seat and read through it. "You
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