All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 2641 - Chapter 2650
2759 Chapters
Chapter 2641
The push promotion, sample release, and customer feedback were all proceeding in an orderly manner.While I was checking the feedback cards in the office, Theo came in at some point and said, "I see you’re busy."He put his hands on the table and looked at me closely. Looking up to see him all of a sudden, I was startled. "Yes, but feedback is good. They’re saying that Golden-O feels good to use and are asking when it’ll hit the market.”"You’ve worked hard.” Theo was looking at me with a gaze like he was feeling sorry for me.I reached out to wrap my arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his thin lips. Grinning, I replied, "You’re still the one having the harder time.”Straightening his back, he fixed his suit and tie. "There’s a reception tonight. Come with me?""Okay. It feels like I haven’t accompanied you for a long time. Nicky was your companion the last time," I said casually as I sorted out the documents on the table."Yes. Your participation this time with rectify
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Chapter 2642
The Prime Star Global Investment Conference was being held at Paradise Restaurant. When Theo and I arrived, quite a few people were already there.There was a very ostentatious display board on the door.We entered with me wrapped around Theo’s arm. Leaning into his ear, I whispered, "I heard Prime Star has always been high-profile. I’ll be learning a lot from this today. Thanks.”Not only the display board at the entrance, but the banners outside the building were also very ostentatious.Hearing this, Theo just smiled before whispering back, "This is something that everyone in the industry knows. Prime Star is powerful, though, so there’s nothing wrong with them showing it.”"I think you’re quite capable too, but aren't you being too low-key?" I asked with a smile while a gleam of light flashed through my eyes.Theo heard what I said and casually grabbed a glass of red wine before handing it to me. He then grabbed another glass for himself. "If Madam wants me to show off, I can
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Chapter 2643
Looking up at him, I noted a limpid smile on his old face. I endured my discomfort. He was still the person in charge of Prime Star in this public space, so I would show him deference.Smiling slightly, I took a step back. "I really have something to do. My husband is also present, so please don't stop me, Mr. Waters.""You're married!" Walter sounded like he was in disbelief. His scrutinizing eyes began roaming all over me, and that disgusted me even more. “You don’t look like a married woman, Miss Lane, so don't lie to me. Those who take part in this investment conference want nothing more than to gain a partnership with Prime Star. You’re a smart person, Miss Lane. You know what to do. I’m willing to cooperate with you.”He approached me as he spoke, and I quickly stepped back.People were coming and going around us, but he seemed hardly worried. It seemed that Walter was a habitual offender. These people probably knew what kind of person he was, which would explain why none of
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Chapter 2644
Even though he was smiling now, there was a sharpness to it when he was facing Walter previously. Now, it was only soft.Neil was an ever-changing man. His appearance just now reminded me of Theo.It was not a thought I should be having. The moment it appeared, I would start to accept him as the same.I looked at Neil. His features were somewhat similar to Theo's. I got distracted at that.I only came back to my senses when Neil stretched out his hand and shook it in front of me. "Wanda, are you in shock?""No, I'm fine. Thank you." I did not say what I was thinking just now. I just shook my head to express that I was fine.Hearing this, Neil breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good. Walter has always been like this, so almost no young woman participates in this.”I realized this to be true when he said this. Even if there were women here, they all had male companions."I heard what the others were saying just now. But I heard the way you spoke to him just now. Wouldn’t that hav
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Chapter 2645
I could vaguely sense that something was not right when I noticed Theo’s hastened footsteps. Come to think of it, things had been unusual ever since he met Neil for the first time. Although I suspected he was being jealous, his behavior was not the same as when he was jealous.When I turned to look back at where I was just now, I realized Neil had already walked away as well.I stopped and looked at Theo's back before calling out to him, "Theo."Theo’s steps halted as well when he heard me.I approached him and stood before him, stating, "He left.""Yes,” Theo replied apathetically as he looked at me calmly with one hand in his pocket.I lowered my eyes slightly and questioned in a soft voice, "Why?""Let's go back." Theo did not answer my question."Alright."He led me toward the exit as soon as I agreed to his suggestion.However, even after getting in the car, he did not start it for a long time."Why not let me drive this time?”Although Theo's expression appeared com
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Chapter 2646
"I..." I looked at Theo, my words eluding me for a long time.Theo pulled back when he saw me that way, his expression softening gradually. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk to you like this."His soothing tone eased me, and I shook my head. "It's okay. I understand where you’re coming from. I really don't know much about Neil, but to me, he’s just a normal friend. I only asked because I don’t know why you don’t like him.”My head was lowered, my red lips pursed.Theo's large, warm hand reached over and enveloped the back of mine. His expression was serious as he held my hands, his tone even more so. "Wanda, all you need to know is that I’m always thinking about what’s best for you. That would be enough.""Of course, I know that. I suppose you have your reasons for not liking Neil. You can tell me when you feel like it. I don’t usually see Neil anyway." I chose to compromise and smiled slightly as I looked at Theo.Theo must have his reasons. I was willing to believe him.He held me
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Chapter 2647
Grant Corporation.I was a little nervous today that I could not sit still in front of Theo.Theo had been reviewing a document, but when he noticed how restless I was, he looked up and said with a smile, “We’re only getting the sales statistics today. There’s no need to be so nervous.”Sitting before him, I supported myself against the table. “How can I not be? We did so much in terms of distribution. We’ll be at such a loss if sales aren’t good.”"It's okay. I trust our product." Theo was really way too steady about this.Waving my hand, I shook my head repeatedly. "I can't be as stable as a rock as you are.”Keith walked in at this moment, document in hand. I immediately shot up from my seat. "Is the sales report out?"Keith nodded. "Yes, here it is." He handed it to me.Looking at the document he handed over to me, I reached out and accepted it before pulling back. "Why don’t you tell me how the sales are?"Feeling an apprehension in my heart, I watched Keith open the docu
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Chapter 2648
There was a smile frozen at the corner of his lips as he looked at Nibel. Was Theo’s request too much?Nibel replied slowly after a moment, "I understand what you mean, President Grant. But it’s not that easy to get the EUR to work with the factory since they’re not at the same level."Theo seemed to have expected Nibel’s answer. Smiling lightly, he responded calmly, "Golden-O is a major success. The EUR alone can’t increase production. If you want to increase sales further, this is the only way."He exerted an imposing aura by shoving his hands into his pockets. Leaning against the corner of the table, Theo met Nibel's gaze confidently. "Golden-O is a product of Grant Corporation to begin with. It just relies on the EUR team’s high-quality technology. It won’t be a loss to you, and as far as I know, the EUR is already thinking of this. Taking in Theo’s words, a small smile gradually made its way to Nibel’s face. Yet, his gaze was wary. "How do you know that they are, President Gr
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Chapter 2649
Nibel chose to have Pristine’s celebration party at his own home. He probably thought nowhere else was more suited than his own home. I no longer felt a sense of foreboding coming to the resplendent villa again.Nibel might have been deceiving people at the start because he did not want people to know he existed.Thinking about it now, every step he took was also calculated.Did he also have a plan for this Golden-O project?Contemplating this, I was in a trance for a moment and only came back to my senses when Theo called my name.“What are you thinking about?”“I was thinking if Nibel had a plan since he agreed so quickly.” I hid nothing from Theo. He might be able to take preventive measures if I told him about it.Hearing this, the space between Theo’s brows was pinched, but it was only for an instant. Regaining his usual calm, he then smiled at me. “We’ll roll with the punches. It’ll be fine.”He was confident as usual, so I nodded. “Alright. Regardless, you should be
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Chapter 2650
They looked at each other for some time before a peal of soft laughter erupted from Nibel. "Neil returned from overseas. His capabilities are as good as mine after the profound training and study he went through. Of course, I believe in him. I also believe that his strength is no worse than yours, President Grant.”Theo's expression shifted slightly, but he still pulled a smile. "Since you’re willing to believe him, Mr. Nibel, then I have nothing to say. I’ll work with your general manager, Mr. Hendersohn, in the future."He had put a heavy emphasis on the words ‘general manager.’To ease the stiff atmosphere, I took over the conversation. "Let’s advise each other in the future, then," I looked at Neil and said.He nodded, smiling gently. "Yes, let’s do that.""I'll be introducing Neil to other people. You two can go ahead and have fun, President Grant, President Lane." Nibel tacked on a meaningful smile at the end and left with Neil.After they had taken their leave, I turned to
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